Pearl - Rose Hill Church of Christ

IKON Student Ministry
Summer 2012 Events
Hashtag Series Begins
May 30
Church house
End of School Lock-IN
June 1
Church Bldg
Church on the Beach Trip
June 2
Panama City Bch
June 4-8
Church Bldg
Gulf Coast Bible Camp
June 10-15 Lucedale, MS
July 11-16 Floral, AR
VIP Mission Project
July 22-29 Church Bldg
Boat Outing on the River
Chattahoochee R
IKON Student Ministry
Summer 2012 Events
VBS Work Week
May 28-June 1
Lock-In and Beach Trip
June 1-2
Lock-In starts @ 8 pm June 1
Food, Drinks, Movies, Games, Devos
Lock-In ends @ 6 am June 2
We will leave for the beach @ 6 am
We will get back at 11 pm
Kingdom Appraiser
Matthew 13:44-46
Kingdom Appraiser
-In Matthew 13, we get a professional
opinion on the worth and value of the
kingdom of God.
-Jesus offers an appraisal of God’s kingdom using a pair of parables.
The Parable of the Hidden Treasure (13:44)
The Parable of the Pearl (13:45-46)
Kingdom Appraiser
“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure
hidden in a field, which a man found and
covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells
all that he has and buys that field.
Matthew 13:44
“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine
pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all
that he had and bought it.
Matthew 13:45-46
Kingdom Appraiser
The Parable of the Hidden Treasure
-Burying to protect one’s hard cash and
valuables in the ground was a common occurrence in a world that
had no banks.
-The Example of Achan in Joshua 7:20-21
“And Achan answered Joshua, “Truly I have sinned against the
LORD God of Israel, and this is what I did: when I saw among the spoil
a beautiful cloak from Shinar, and 200 shekels of silver, and a bar of
gold weighing 50 shekels, then I coveted them and took them. And
see, they are hidden in the earth inside my tent, with the silver
Kingdom Appraiser
The Parable of the Hidden Treasure
-Modern Day Example
Kingdom Appraiser
The Parable of the Pearl
-Pearls are considered to be “the world’s first or oldest gem”
-Examples of Pearl jewelry
-Susa Necklace: 520 BC
Kingdom Appraiser
The Parable of the Pearl
-Pearls are considered to be “the world’s first or oldest gem”
-Examples of Pearl jewelry
-Gold, Emerald, and Pearl earring
- 2nd-4th century AD
Kingdom Appraiser
The Parable of the Pearl
-Old Testament References
“There were white cotton curtains and violet hangings fastened with
cords of fine linen and purple to silver rods and marble pillars, and
also couches of gold and silver on a mosaic pavement of porphyry,
marble, mother-of-pearl and precious stones.”
Esther 1:6
“…the price of wisdom is above pearls.”
Job 28:18
-New Testament References: Mt 7:6, 1 Tim 2:9, Rev 17:4, 18:12,16
- All of these verses communicate the great value and status of the
pearl in society.
Kingdom Appraiser
The Parable of the Pearl
-Modern Day Example
-9.45 inches in diameter
-14.1 pounds
Kingdom Appraiser
The Parable of the Pearl and Treasure
A man searches entire life
Finds something hidden
Realizes the great value
Sells everything
Purchases the pearl
A man stumbles across
Finds something hidden
Realizes the great value
Sells everything
Purchases the field
Kingdom Appraiser
The Parable of the Pearl and Treasure
-The appraisal of the kingdom = Priceless
“Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth
of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss
of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain
Philippians 3:8
-We appraise God’s kingdom in our daily lives through joyful
abandonment because we know it’s true value
Kingdom Appraiser
The Parable of the Pearl and Treasure
“Come, I will show you the Bride, the wife of the Lamb…coming
down out of heaven from God, having the glory of God, its radiance
like a most rare jewel…And the twelve gates were twelve pearls, each
of the gates made of a single pearl…”
Revelation 21:9-10, 21
-God appraises his people and places a great value on us
-How much is God and his kingdom worth to you?