What happened to the people of Easter Island? 1. Easter Island is 2000 miles (3200 kilometres) from the nearest land 2. The Island is 8 miles wide x 8 miles long. (13kmx13km) 3. The Island was a tropical paradise - until humans arrived 4. The population of the Island grew to 10,000 5. Fantastic statues had been carved by people 6. These statues are standing up to 6 miles away from where they were carved. 7. These people must have been clever, talented and organised 8. Great technical knowledge would have been needed to move the statues. 9. An explorer arrived in 1722 and found people fighting and starving. Year 8 Unit 2 Classwork/Homework: Date issued: ………......…. Target grade/level I scored last time Name……………………………...…… What I am aiming for this time 1. For many years tree roots helped the soil to stay together and not be eroded 4. The first boats used by the early people were made from wood and reeds 7. When food becomes scarce – people try to move to other places to find more food. 11. Roggeveen found a group of people living very basic lives in caves and huts 15. It would take at least 100 fit and healthy men to move each a small statue. 2. Before the first people arrived the island was covered in tropical forest 5. For many years trees and their leaves protected the soil from erosion by rain and water 8. Only 2000 - 3000 people were living the island when Admiral Roggeveen landed in 1722. 12. The first houses were made from wood and palm leaves 16. Some people think the statues were moved by being rolled along something 9. Before 1722 there were 10,000 people living on the Island 13. In 1722 Admiral Roggeveen found that many statues had been damaged 17. In the remains of fires they found human bones. 3. No trees could be found on the Island in 1722. 6. The volcanic soil was at first very fertile (good for growing food) 10. Later on, there might not be enough land for everyone 14. The first people to land there 1600 years ago - 400AD were experienced sailors Task 1 What was the island like before the first people arrived? What is the evidence that the first people were clever, creative and healthy? _________________________ Describe what the island was like when the Admiral and his crew arrived? _________________________ ____________________ Task 2: Timeline Using the boxes 1- 17 on the opposite page put what you think happened in the right order below. Add extras ideas too! Date _________________________ ____________________ _________________________ ____________________ 200AD _________________________ ____________________ _________________________ ____________________ 300AD _________________________ What was the soil like when the first people arrived? ____________________ _________________________ 400AD ____________________ _________________________ ____________________ _________________________ 500AD ____________________ _________________________ ____________________ _________________________ 600AD ____________________ _________________________ ____________________ 700AD _________________________ How long ago did the first people arrive? ____________________ _________________________ 800AD ____________________ _________________________ ____________________ 900AD ____________________ How big is this island? Where is the nearest other place (land)? What do people sometimes do if there’s not enough land or food to go around. ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ people get their food? 1100AD 1400AD ____________________ ____________________ How did the first 1000AD What did they use to build their houses and boats? 1700AD ____________________ ____________________ 1722AD ____________________ 1 1 ________________ 2 2 ________________ 3 4 ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ 3 ________________ 1800AD ____________________ ____________________ 1900AD 2012AD What happened Task 3 : Answer these questions on the lined paper provided. 1. What did humans do to Easter Island that altered its natural balance? 2. What could the Islanders have done to live sustainably? Write a simple plan. 3. If one Islander had worked out that it was dangerous to chop down all the trees what do you think the other people may have said to this Islander and why would they have said it? 4. Is what happened on the island similar to what is happening in the ‘global village’ called Earth? Examine your sources carefully. LEVELS Level 2 (E) You select information from the booklet to answer some of Task 1 You recognise that humans affected the environment of Easter Island in Task 2 You use geographical words correctly once . Level 3 (D) You select information from the booklet and answer most of Task 1. You simply describe what you think happened to Easter Island in both Task 2 and Task 3 answers You use some geographical words to explain what you mean Level 4 (C) - All of ‘Level 3’ plus: You simply explain how humans altered the natural balance of Easter Island and this could be the answer to the ‘mystery’ - Q1 You produce a simple plan for how the resources on Easter Island could have been used sustainably – Q2 You start to think about the way some people have different attitudes to the environment – Q3 You mention briefly links between Easter Island and what could happen globally – Q4 Level 5 (B) - All of ‘Level 4’ plus: You explain how humans altered the natural balance of Easter Island and this could be the answer to the ‘mystery’. - Q1 Your plan is detailed and looks at ALL the resources available - Q2 You start to explain why some Islanders had different opinions about the environment – Q3 You have compared and given a brief conclusion – Q4 Level 6 (A) – All of ‘Level 5’ plus: You understand that different cultures may have different attitudes to yours – Q3 You show you have researched extra evidence and you used it effectively (all questions) Level 7 (A*) – All of ‘Level 6’ plus: You appreciate we must plan and manage all environments (sustainable development) to make sure the world has a future You evaluate your sources and explain how this affects your conclusions. – Q4 Level 8 (exceptional performance) see PDS Overall level achieved (Student) What went well: Teacher comments (Student) What did not go well: