true colors

Teaching Style Models
I teach with:
 Firm discipline
 Organized routine
 Outlined lectures
 Expecting student accountability
 Strong use of text references
 Learning linked to past tradition
 Detailed lesson plans/syllabi
Emphasis on traditional content
Teaching Style Models
I teach with:
 Fair/democratic discipline
 Nurturing format
 Individualized cooperative learning
 Expecting student initiated learning
 Strong use of variety of materials
 Learning linked to individual needs
 Adjust lesson plans as students need
 Emphasis on application and ownership
Teaching Style Models
I teach with:
 Discipline expected due to interest
 Sharing of instructor research
 Lecture/discussion
 Expecting critical thinking
 Strong use of outside materials
 Learning linked answering questions
 Logical but changing lesson plans
 Emphasis on futuristic application
Teaching Style Models
I teach with:
 Unstructured discipline
 Spontaneous
 Hands on immediacy
 Expects student variety
 Strong use of innovative approaches
 Learning linked to “here and now”
 Variety of action experiences
 Emphasis on relevancy
Gold – “Responsible”
Best Teacher
Fair, structured & organized, content-oriented
Best Classroom Climate
Conservative, neat, traditional seating arrangement
Best Learning Content
Realistic facts, details, practical subjects
Best Teaching Strategies
Independent work, clear and predictable, routine
Student Strengths
Naturally practical likes to be of service, organized, works
well with details
Blue – “Authentic”
Best Teacher
Personal, nurturing, process-oriented
Best Classroom Climate
Warm, friendly, non-competitive, casual
Best Learning Content
Self-awareness, self-improvement, personal stories, communication,
inter-personal skills
Best Teaching Strategies
Group work, cooperative learning settings, creative expression,
discussions, sharing personal experiences
Student Strengths
Nurturing, creates harmony, cooperative, communicative, natural
empathy ability
Green - “Ingenious”
Best Teacher
Conceptual, abstract, subject-oriented, challenging, supportive of
Best Classroom Climate
High tech, scientific, challenging, flexible
Best Learning Content
Ideas, concepts, theories, future possibilities, systems design
Best Teaching Strategies
Independent work, problem solving, intellectual debate, exploration
Student Strengths
Naturally logical and curious, innovative, capable of futuristic vision
Orange – “Skillful”
Best Teacher
Action-oriented, spontaneous, diverse, and playful
Best Classroom Climate
Exciting, colorful, room to move around
Best Learning Content
Useful skills, adventurous, heroic acts, & exciting events
Best Teaching Strategies
“Hands-on” activities, competitive, & games with immediate results
Student Strengths
Natural skills for promotion, negotiation, immediate action, &
Tips on how others can relate to BLUES
1. Tell them what your personal feelings are about
any topic
2. Listen attentively and look at them while talking
to them
3. Physically touch them (appropriate hugs and
4. Accept their individuality and uniqueness
5. Allow them to express their feelings
6. Be honest and sincere
Tips on how others can relate to BLUES
1. Be abrupt or cut them off while they are talking
2. Discount their dreams
3. Expect them to be confrontational
4. Compare them to someone else
5. Deny their emotions or criticize their sensitivity
6. Ignore them
7. Take advantage of their kindness
Tips on how others can relate to GOLDS
1. Carry through with what you say you’re going to do
2. Show them the practicality in an idea or a product
3. Be on time
4. Say “thank you” and reciprocate when you receive gifts
from them
5. Remember their birthdays
6. Acknowledge them when they do something well
7. Give them time to plan things
Tips on how others can relate to GOLDS
1. Expect them to be spontaneous
2. Ask them to spend their money frivolously
3. Force them to take risks
4. Use profane language around them
5. Demand too much immediate change
6. Expect them to challenge the law or any established rules
7. Insist they make decisions without all the facts
Tips on how others can relate to GREENS
1. Give logical explanations
2. Allow them time to think about their decisions
3. Expect them to take a leadership role
4. Earn their respect
5. Acknowledge their intelligence
6. Present data to support ideas
7. Recognize their need to get to the point quickly
Tips on how others can relate to GREENS
1. Force them to talk about their feelings too much
2. Become too emotional when arguing with them
3. Be indecisive
4. Expect public display of emotions
5. Take everything they say personally
6. Force them to go to parties
7. Embarrass them in public
Tips on how others can relate to ORANGES
1. Be upbeat around them
2. Appreciate their jokes and playful nature
3. Allow them to be independent
4. Provide some structure for them yet be flexible
5. Respect their need to stay busy doing things
6. Understand their ability to do several things at the same time
7. Have fun with them
Tips on how others can relate to ORANGES
1. Be intimidated by their energy
2. Expect to stay depressed in their presence
3. Be surprised at their changeable nature
4. Force them to be too serious about life
5. Demand that they stick to a strict schedule
6. Write them off as flakes because of their lightheartedness
7. Start a fight with them unless you intend to fight