Welcome to…
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The True North Principle
Discovering and actualizing your
Authentic leadership Style
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Why… True North?
The need for Authenticity…
Thirty years ago it was almost impossible to find any published material on
leadership outside of academic circles. Today there is lots of material on leadership
being published, taught and discussed – and that’s great!
The rub is that most of this material is focused around how a particular person does
it (e.g. Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, Attila the Hun, Jack Welch, etc.) and the
author encourages us to learn from their model and do it that way...
Other material on leadership gives us techniques (e.g. Situational Leadership, What
Leaders Really Do, etc.) and encourages us to use the techniques…
What is missing is an approach to leadership that helps us understand what drives
our leadership individually and uniquely and how to bring that out and operationalize
it authentically so people see us as real and genuine.
…This Workshop is about how to do just that!
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True North Fundamentals
Leadership Authenticity…
• Defines the purpose for your leadership
• Brings you back to your center as a focal point
• Builds trust among followers, partners,
colleagues and associates
• Calls for continual self awareness and feedback
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True North Fundamentals
“No one can be authentic by
trying to be like someone
- Bill George
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True North Fundamentals
LIFE Navigation
TN = Biblical/individual
values standard
True North
* Authenticity =
The least variation
between TN and
MN =Where societies
conventions, habits,
vices are pulling us
V = (Variation)
The distance
from TN we
are pulled.
Similar for all.
PN = Where
personal sin,
individual vices,
ignorance are
pulling us
D = (Declination) The
distance we are each
individually pulled from
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True North Fundamentals
The five dimensions of Authentic Leadership:
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True North Fundamentals
The five dimensions of Authentic Leadership:
Orienting the
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True North Fundamentals
The five dimensions of Authentic Leadership:
Orienting the
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by the
True North Fundamentals
The five dimensions of Authentic Leadership:
“For I know the plans that I
have for you,' declares the
LORD, 'plans for welfare and not
for calamity to give you a future
and a hope” (Jer 29:11)
“Do you not know that all the
runners in a stadium compete,
but only one receives the
prize? So run to win.”
(1 Cor 9:24)
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• Understanding
yourself/your passions
• Letting them
motivate you
True North Fundamentals
The five dimensions of Authentic Leadership:
“Whoever has my
commands and
obeys them, he is
the one who loves
me…and I to will
love him and show
myself to him”
• Deeply held beliefs
that guide actions
(John 14:21)
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• Not what you say but
what you do (under
True North Fundamentals
The five dimensions of Authentic Leadership:
“Guard your
heart with all
vigilance, for
from it are the
sources of life.”
(Prov 4:23)
• Passion for your work
• Compassion for
those you serve
• Empathy for those
you work with
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True North Fundamentals
The five dimensions of Authentic Leadership:
“And He gave some as
apostles, and some as
prophets, and some as
evangelists, and some as
pastors and teachers, for the
equipping of the saints for
the work of service, to the
building up of the body of
Christ;” (Eph 4:11-12)
“…that I may be encouraged
together with you while
among you, each of us by
the other's faith, both yours
and mine” (Rom 1:12)
• Enduring
• Provide feedback and
• Engender trust and
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True North Fundamentals
The five dimensions of Authentic Leadership:
“ … I subdue my body and
make it my slave, so that
after preaching to others I
myself will not be
disqualified (1 Cor 9:26-27)
“…discipline yourself for the
purpose of godliness;”
(1 Tim
• Sets high standards
for yourself/others
Self Discipline
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• Forms basis of
• Ensures continual
True North Fundamentals
The “Wisdom of Curly”
• The “One Thing” – a
personal focal point –
defined True North
• Passionate driver of
• Makes all else pale in
• Makes life worthwhile
– “secret of life”
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True North Fundamentals
What's Your Story – Individual/Group Activity
“Experience may be the best teacher – but it
is not necessarily always a kind or clear
- Winston Churchill
Take 5 minutes and answer the questions on
worksheet page 1 individually, Then…
In your group each person share their answers
to question # 4 (only).
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True North Fundamentals
Summary Points
• An Authentic leader is one who has a passion for
their purpose, practices their values, leads from
their heart, develops connected accountable
relationships and builds the self discipline to get
results. It is their “One Thing!”
• Authentic leadership is a journey (yours alone)
following your unique path
• Keeping your “Positional North” aligned closely
with your “True North” insures the journey is a
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Part 1: Leadership as a Journey
Part 2: Discovery of your
Authentic Self
Part 3: The Empowering of
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Leadership as a Journey
“There are no instant leaders…” – Peter Drucker
Moving forward in an
evolving journey
Years (teensyoung
Following a
“Career map”
Que Sera
Sera direction
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The Journey
Some Waypoints of Authentic Leadership
Giving back
the World
Phase 1- Preparing
for Leadership
Phase 2:
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Phase 3:
The Journey
Some Waypoints of Authentic Leadership
Giving back
the World
Phase 1- Preparing
for Leadership
Phase 2:
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Phase 3:
The Journey
Crucibles can help or hinder (we choose)
Toynbee’s Challenge-Response Theory
“Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or be dismayed, for
the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9)
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The Journey
The “Legacy of Bagger Vance”
• We all have a God given
“Authentic Swing” – this is our
life journey/our contribution
• Its unique to us
• Our leadership is a
manifestation of this journey
• We need to “swing the club”
and let the ball and where it
goes be directed by God
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The Journey
The Roots of Your Leadership – Individual/Group
“Leadership development is a journey through
challenging terrain, fraught with hazards of
every imaginable type…”
- Robert Kennedy
Take 5 minutes and answer the questions on
worksheet page 2 individually, Then…
In your group share some of your answers
(question # 4 only)
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The Journey
Summary Points
• We go through the journey in stages – some
planned – some unplanned- all intended for growth
• All of us have crucibles – whether they are positive
growth experiences or obstacles that hold us back is
dependent on our view of them
• People are always watching – whether we are
aware or not
* Bagger Vance Clip
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Losing the Way
During the Journey many leaders loose sight of their
True North and get derailed
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Losing the Way
During the Journey many leaders loose sight of their
True North and get derailed
Q: What causes leaders to lose their way?
A: When the “root goal” becomes gaining power,
maximizing personal wealth or becoming famous
(external gratification)
S: The “root goal” is a desire to serve something
greater than yourself (internal satisfaction)
But above all pursue his kingdom and righteousness, and all these things will
be given to you as well (Matt. 6:33)
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Losing the Way
During the Journey many leaders loose sight of their
True North and get derailed
Q: What causes leaders to lose their way?
A: When you lose touch and people can’t tell you
the truth
S: Stay grounded, seek feedback from trusted
sources (who tell you the truth) and engage in
dialogue, be willing to change (thinking, position,
When there is no guidance a nation falls, but there is success in
the abundance of counselors. (Prov 11:14)
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Losing the Way
During the Journey many leaders loose sight of their
True North and get derailed
Q: What causes leaders to lose their way?
A: When enough is never enough (the abnormal
craving for more and more success) or an entitlement
mentality (gravity doesn't apply) rooted in pride
S: Define your “circle”; Build personal support structures
(reference/accountability groups); find mentors;
welcome diverse opinions; see mistakes as learning
Instead of being motivated by selfish ambition or vanity, each of you
should, in humility, be moved to treat one another as more important
than yourself. (Phil 2:3)
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Losing the Way
During the Journey many leaders loose sight of their
True North and get derailed
Q: What causes leaders to lose their way?
A: When we are faced with loss, embarrassment
or fear our survival is at stake
S: Trust in God, belief in our ability to work “through” the
difficulty, remembrance of God’s history in our lives,
sharing with confidants
“… do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your
body, what you will wear…Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or
reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.
Are you not much more valuable than they?” (Matt 6:24-27)
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Derailment Archetypes
Along the leadership journey it is easy to develop
shortcomings that link directly to our failure to monitor
themselves relative to our “True North”
Imposters – unconsciously lack self awareness and self esteem
Rationalizers – consciously deviate from their values
Glory Seekers – motivated by seeking the world’s acclaim
Loners – Fail to build personal support structures (arrogance/insecurity)
Shooting Stars – lack the grounding of an integrated life
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Losing the Way
Keeping on Track – Individual/Group Activity
“In the middle of the road of my life, I awoke
in a dark wood, where the true way was
wholly lost…”
- Dante, The Devine Comedy
Take 5 minutes and answer questions 3 and 4
on worksheet page 3 individually, Then…
In your group share some of your answers
(question # 4 only)
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Losing the Way
Summary Points
• Many leaders start out well and then loose their
way – It can happen to us all – be vigilant!
• All leaders desire rewards and acceptance and
seek to avoid negative consequences – the five
hazards of leadership (imposter; rationalizer; glory
seeker; loner and shooting star spring are
aberrations from those desires
• Being able to accept feedback from credible
sources keeps us accountable – subordinating ego
keeps us humble
* Bagger Vance Clip
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Heroes – Myth Vs. Reality
One of the reasons behind the leadership journey is
the desire to be a hero in our own story.
Purposeful Hero:
Mythical (Accidental) Hero:
• Excels as a solo performer
• Excels as a team leader
• Gets others to follow them
• Empowers others to lead
• Elicits compliance from others
• Elicits the best from others
• Seeks personal glory
• Seeks team success
• Wins superficial praise
• Wins legitimized acclaim
• People follow conditionally
• People willingly follow
• Builds temporary success
• Builds long term success (legacy)
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The Hero’s Journey
Mythical Heroes from popular stories:
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The Hero’s Journey
All of us (as leaders) are on a hero’s journey and
will have our own story (epic) to tell someday
Joseph Campbell's mythical “Hero’s Journey” components:
The Hero:
• Typically comes from obscurity
• Has a compelling “Mission”
• Has a Mentor (wise counselor) for advice
• Feels inadequate (or reluctant) to accomplish the Mission
• Has a helper/helpers who enable/fortify and who without which
he would be unable to accomplish the mission Has a talisman,
sacred object or weapon to aid him
• Has setbacks, failures and great obstacles to overcome
• Is not guaranteed of success – but goes anyway
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Our Weapons and our
Mythical Heroes from popular stories:
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Our Hero’s Journey
As a part of our Heroic journey we are engaged in
an unseen battle with an unseen enemy using
unseen weapons
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh…
…for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the
destruction of fortresses…
…We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the
knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of
(2 Cor 10:3-5 NAS)
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Our Weapons
As a part of our Heroic journey we are engaged in
an unseen battle with an unseen enemy using
unseen weapons
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities,
against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly
…Therefore put on the full armor of God…Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled
around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted
with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace … take up the shield of faith, with
which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation…
… and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.
(Eph 6:12-18)
Consider your leadership a kind of prayer
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Our Comrades
From “I” to “We”
Giving back
the World
Phase 1- Preparing
for Leadership
Phase 2:
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Phase 3:
Johari Window
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Reducing Your Blind Spot
Receive Feedback From Others
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About Receiving Feedback
• Consider feedback as an opportunity to grow
(avoid being defensive)
• Others will receive it better if you take
feedback well
• All of us have room to grow and improve
(you too)
• All of us have blind spots and undiscovered
potential –feedback helps us “ID “ these
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Reducing Hidden Area
Receive Feedback From Others
Share Info & Feedback
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The Authentic You”
How you know yourself
How others
know you
Ideal Window – The “Authentic You”
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Johari Window Key Learnings
• The more I increase my public window:
– The less I am blind
– The less I have to worry about keeping things hidden
– The more I may discover parts of me that I like which are hidden.
• I can’t reduce my Blind area without help from others
• If I am to help others I must learn to give helpful feedback.
• In order to help me reduce my blind area, others must share
some of their hidden areas with me.
• This mutual feedback process builds trust and strengthens team
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True North Fundamentals
Making the Transition from “I” to ”We” –
Individual/Group Activity
Take 5 minutes and answer the questions on
worksheet page 4 individually, Then…
In your group share some of your answers
(question # 3 & 4 only)
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True North Fundamentals
Summary Points
• We are all heroes moving through life writing our
own “epic”
• We need help on the journey (and we need to
help others on theirs) - A servants attitude keeps us
having a “we” instead of “me” affliction
• We need to utilize our weapons and our comrades
• Keeping our “True North” focus allows us to
constantly “calibrate” our compass on the journey
* Bagger Vance Clip
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Are You up for the
“…We have not even to risk the adventure alone; for the heroes of all
time have gone before us; the labyrinth is thoroughly known. We have
only to follow the thread of the hero-path. And where we had thought
to find confusion, we shall find a God; where we had thought to slay
another, we shall slay ourselves; where we had thought to travel
outward, we shall come to the center of our own existence; where we
had thought to be alone, we shall be with all the world.”
- Joseph Campbell, The Hero with a Thousand Faces
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