Unit 2 Examination Wasteful World: Further revision

Unit 2 Examination
Wasteful World: Further revision
What’s for starters … ?
Yr11 Skills feedback
Types of waste & its production
What types of waste are there? (3)
Exam tips:
• DO NOT LIST the types – this
will limit your score to just 1
• Provide examples using
connectives like ‘such as …’
• What examples can we use
for each of these categories?
Describe the different types of waste produced by High
Income Countries.
2 marks
Why not 3?
3 marks
Describe the different types of waste
produced by High Income Countries.
What are the differences between
HIC & LIC waste production? (3)
Though not asked, what else could we include?
Describe the distribution of waste production (3)
What types of domestic waste are produced by
HICs? (3)
Compare the types of
domestic waste
produced by the USA
& Bangladesh (3)
Discuss / manipulate figures – plastic similar
HIC will also include electronic & white goods + packaging
Recycling & disposal of waste
Explain how waste is recycled and reused at a
local level. Use examples in your answer. (6)
Explain how waste
is recycled and
reused at a local
level. Use examples
in your answer. (6)
Choose a High Income Country (HIC) you have studied.
Explain how it disposes of different types of waste (6)
*(d) Choose a High Income Country (HIC) you have studied.
Explain how it disposes of different types of waste.
Does this answer explain?
Germany recycles over 60% of its waste annually. This is done
by having 160 landfill sites across the country which treat the
waste before it is disposed of. This stops harmful gases from the
waste being put into the atmosphere. Incineration removes over
212,000 tonnes of waste from the country per year this is done at
Damadsty. The excess heat from incineration is shipped to
European countries for example France and Great Britain. This
stops the heat from being wasted. Germany disposes of its
nuclear waste by paying companies in Armenia and Egypt to
store the waste. Most of Germanys waste is recycled and green
dot scheme makes sure local people and businesses are
following the recycling rules. Recycling is made easier by
having recycling points locally for the community to put their
into this encourages people to recycle as they don’t have to go
out of their way to help the environment.
Choose a High Income Country (HIC) you have studied.
Explain how it disposes of different types of waste (6)
Municipal waste
‘Other’ Toxic waste
Nuclear waste
Choose a High Income Country (HIC) you have studied.
Explain how it disposes of
domestic (municipal) waste (6)
Choose a High Income Country (HIC) you have studied.
Explain how it disposes of nuclear & other toxic waste (6)
Nuclear waste
Other’ Toxic waste
Sources & uses of energy
What is the difference between non-renewable
& renewable energy sources? (2)
Is this worth 2 marks?
The advantages & disadvantages of
renewable & non-renewable energy
Possible questions:
Choose one type of renewable fuel and one type of nonrenewable fuel. Explain their advantages. (4)
Choose one type of renewable fuel and one type of nonrenewable fuel. Explain their disadvantages. (4)
Choose one type of non-renewable fuel. Explain how it is
produced and give one advantage and one disadvantage
of its use (4)
Choose one type of renewable fuel. Explain how it is
produced and give one advantage and one disadvantage
of its use (4)
Identify the source of energy used. Explain how it is
produced and give one advantage and one disadvantage
of its use (4)
The production, advantages & disadvantages of
non-renewable & renewable energy
Energy budgets
Which countries usually have an energy surplus?
Which countries usually have an energy deficit?
Management of energy use & waste
Explain how energy
is being wasted in
industry (3)
Explain how energy is wasted domestically
& suggest how this can be reduced. (4)
Outline the solutions to energy wastage at a
national scale. (4)
Outline the ways that energy can be saved on a
local scale. Use examples in your answer. (4)
Explain how local
councils are
encouraging residents
to save energy.
Use examples in your
answer. (6)
Higher = 3 / Foundation = 1
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