Unit 3 Section A Marriage Across the Nations I. Guess the Real Meaning of Husband , Wife and Family For example w-washing i- … f- … e- … Reference BOOK2 • • • • • • • • • • • Reference WIFE W —— washing I —— ironing F —— food E —— entertaining HUSBAND H —— housing 有房子 U —— understanding 有心灵相通 S —— sharing 有分享的喜悦 B —— buying 有钱买想要的东西 A —— and 还有 N —— never 绝对不 D —— demanding 要求太高的 BOOK2 • FAMILY • F —— father • A —— and • M —— mother • I —— I • L —— love • Y —— you Text Learning BOOK2 I. Summary of the Text Gail and I decided to get married out of ________ love, ____________________, mutual trust and respect but our wedding plans met with some _________. resistance BOOK2 II. Fill in the Blanks Why did we decide to get married? Gail and I had experienced _____and ______ ups downs in two years, now we come to ______, know ______________ understand and ________ respect each other. We confronted ___________ weakness and ________ strengths of each other’s character. We have learnt to be __________, tolerant compromising and ________ open ______________ . The source of our trust and _______. respect strength was our mutual _____ BOOK2 What did her mother think? When Gail’s mother heard the news, instead of ______________she _________ congratulations counseled Gail to reconsider our marriage. Though she regarded me as ________ charming and _________, intelligent she was afraid that Gail may be marrying me for wrong ______ reasons. BOOK2 What was her father’s response? When Gail’s father heard the news, he fatherapproached our decision with a_______ _________attitude. He doubted that I knows-best was marrying in order to ________ remain in the USA , for I had problems with the Citizenship department. So, they all suggested ________ t h a t G a i l b e s u r e t h a t _ _she _ _was ___ _doing _ __________________and sh e may the wrong thing ________________ change her mind . BOOK2 III. Speaking Tasks for Pair Work 1. What did Gail and Mark experience during their two years together? ups and downs understand and respect each other confront weaknesses and strengths BOOK2 2. What effect did racial and cultural differences have on them? racial issues racial hatred enhance the relationship be open with each other tolerance compromise BOOK2 3.What happened when Gail spread the news of their wedding plans to her family? instead of congratulations resistance supportive joke about counsel 4.Why did Gail’s mother, Deborah, counsel her to be sure she was doing the right thing? with every indication that date reservations a mixed marriage prejudices last forever BOOK2 Translation 1. During our two years together we had experienced the usual ups and downs of a couple learning to know, understand, and respect each other. (L1) 在一起相处的两年中,我们经历了一对情侣 在学着相互了解、理解、和尊重时常常出现 的磕磕碰碰。 BOOK2 2. Gail and I had no illusions about what the future held for us as a married, mixed couple in America. (L9) 作为一对居住在美国、 异族通婚的夫妻,我和 盖尔对未来不抱丝毫幻 想。 BOOK2 3. We wanted to avoid the mistake made by many couples of marrying for the wrong reasons, and only finding out ten, twenty, or 许多夫妻因为错误的理由结了婚,结果 thirty years later that they were incompatible, 在10年、20年或30年后才发觉他们原来 that they hardly took the time to know each 是合不来的。他们在婚前几乎没有花时 other, that they overlooked serious 间去了解彼此,他们忽视了严重的性格 personality conflicts in the expectation that 差异,指望婚姻会自然而然地解决各种 marriage was an automatic way to make 问题。我们希望避免重蹈覆辙。 everything work out right. (L11) BOOK2 4.To start with I must admit that at first I harbored reservations about a mixed marriage, prejudices you might even call them. (L28) 首先我必须承认,刚开始时 我对异族通婚是有保留的, 也许你甚至可以把这称为偏 见。 BOOK2 5.Gail’s father, David, whom I had not yet met personally, approached our decision with a father-knows-best attitude. (L43) 盖尔的父亲戴维—我还未见过他的面— 以知女莫若父的态度来对付我们的决定。 BOOK2 New Words trust compromise support mutual benefits understanding tolerance BOOK2 accident danger opposition meet with death approval disapproval BOOK2 2. tolerance (L6) n. willingness or ability to accept sth. Translation 在南方住了几年后,我耐热的能力增强了许多。 Key My tolerance of heat is greater after having lived in the south for a couple of years. BOOK2 3. overlook (L13) v. pretend not to notice Translation 她没有计较他的无礼,并尽量装作没事的样子。 Key She overlooked his offensiveness and tried to pretend nothing had happened. BOOK2 4. go through (L17) experience Translation 执行这一计划时我们遇到了许多困难。 Key We went through difficulties while working on this project. BOOK2 5. prejudice (L29) n. unreasonable dislike and distrust of people Use it — What kind of prejudice is common in the world? — Women have to face a great deal of prejudice in the workplace. — Prejudice against black people is common in many parts of America. BOOK2 6. confirm (L40) v. show that sth. is true Translation 你刚才所说的一切向我们证实了一个观点: 谁都不能信任。 Key Everything you have just said confirms the view that nobody can be trusted. BOOK2 7. proceed (L54) v.start to do sth., often after doing sth. else Translation 会见是在极其友好的气氛中进行的。 Key The interview proceeded in a most friendly environment. BOOK2 8. resolve (L63) v.find a solution ( to a problem, crisis, etc.) Translation 他们希望这场危机能和平解决。 Key They hoped the crisis could be resolved peacefully. After - class task I • What benefits and differences may a couple from different cultures have in your opinion? (e.g.: in terms of language, food, family pressure, social pressure , etc. ) Tip After- class task II • Compare love sayings and poems in Chinese and English. Try to collect some of them and write them down. • Finish post-reading exercises. I love thee, I love but thee With a love that shall not die Till the sun grows cold And the stars grow old. — William Shakespeare 上邪! 我欲与君相知,长命无绝衰。 山无陵,江水为竭, 冬雷震震,夏雨雪,天地合, 乃敢与君绝! — 汉乐府