Greenhouses - An Int.. - Montgomery County Public Schools

Types and Construction
Including framework and coverings
State Competencies
8002 Intro to Agriscience
– 042 Describe new Agricultural Engineering techniques
8003 Agriscience Explorations
– 045 Identify research in agricultural engineering technology
8012 Ag Production and Management
– 054 Plan and design a farm structure
– 063 Prepare a landuse plan
8017 Agricultural Structural Systems
– 034 Identify safety procedures and equipment necessary for AG structural
8035 Greenhouse Plant Production & Management
– 049 Explore Greenhouse and/or nursery facilities
– 050 Evaluate Greenhouse and/or nursery systems
The STEM Engineering firm has recently expanded their operation.
They have hired your team to represent their
Ag Engineering portions of their company.
Your first job is to work with the Montgomery County Public
Schools to design new, state-of-the-art greenhouses for their
agriculture programs. In order to complete this job, you will
need to master several tasks first.
Your first task is to gather some information about basic
types of greenhouses. Read through the Power Point
carefully in order to complete this task.
The basic function of a greenhouse
is to provide a protective
environment for crop production.
Types of Greenhouses
Even Span
Detached Greenhouse
• Most common style
for single houses.
Even Span
Detached Greenhouse
• Several houses may be attached together to
form one large structure
Even Span Houses
Even Span
greenhouses have
clear spans with
truss supports,
rather than
supporting columns.
• Built against other
greenhouses or buildings.
• Are small structures.
• Often used for bulb forcing
or seed starting.
Quonset Greenhouses
• Made with curved roof
• Inexpensive
• Covered with sheet film
plastic or fiberglass panels
Gothic Arch Greenhouses
• Not widely used
• Made from laminated
wooden trusses.
• Greater span is achieved
than with standard wood
• Used for spring flowering
Curvilinear and Curved Eave.
• Very Expensive
• Used in parks and
botanical gardens.
Lath Houses
• Made from wood or wood with a
metal frame.
• Used to provide shade to plants.
Advantages of Detached
• Easier to program and
maintain temperature.
• Easier to ventilate
• Light enters a detached
greenhouse more
• Easier to care for and
maintain than connected
Disadvantages of Single Unit
• Large Single unit
greenhouses have high
initial cost.
• Requires more land area.
• Greater loss of heat, do to
increases height of a
single unit greenhouse.
Advantages of Connected
• Require less land area than detached
• Fewer construction materials required.
• Less heat required.
Disadvantages of Connected
• Snow cannot be easily removed.
• There is a smaller volume of air above crops in
connected greenhouses.
• Same amount of Roof area required.
The covering of greenhouse is
known as the cladding or the skin.
• Two types of glazing
1. glass
2. plastic
• An outdoor, unheated growing structure covered with a
transparent glazing material
– Used to “harden” plants while protecting from frost
– Heat source: The sun
Now that you have read through
the presentation…
Follow the link to answer a few questions about the
Yes, you may “TOGGLE” back and forth between the questions
and the presentation. When you are finished, please submit
your findings and continue with this slideshow.
Now that you have completed some research…
You will be working closely with an architectural firm to
complete this task, however, the person that you are
working with has never worked with greenhouses before.
Use either Powerpoint or Smart Notebook Software to create
an activity that would help the architect learn about the
different styles of greenhouses.
Please return here when complete in order to move to the next
What does your client desire?
• Now that you are familiar with the components of a greenhouse AND other
structures, begin working on the following:
MCPS wants a state-of the-art greenhouse with the following specifications:
– A school greenhouse (Minimum dimensions: 20’ x 40’, Maximum: 30’ x 60’)
– Wide aisles to allow students to easily move around
• Remember that up to 20 students may be in here at any one time
– Tables that allow for easy clean up and drainage of water
– A non-slick floor material to prevent accidents
– A sink
– There will be awards for the most creative greenhouse that meets these
specifications AND for the greenhouse that is the most “green”
(environmentally friendly AND energy conservative)
Design and Build Your Own Greenhouse
• You are to DESIGN and BUILD a greenhouse to fit the needs and
desires of MCPS.
• The greenhouse must include a frame, coverings and a simulated
floor covering. You must also include:
– Mock tables
– Heating and cooling elements
– Irrigation system
• The greenhouse should be built on a model scale. You will
determine the scale, for example:
• 1 Foot = ½ inch
• Supplies that may be used include popsicle sticks, saran wrap, etc.
Use your imagination.
Following the Design & Build...
You will now present your model to the MCPS School Board.
You will have no more than 5 minutes to sell your idea. Make
sure that you explain how your greenhouse will meet their needs.
You will also need to explain the scale of the model
during your presentation.
Project Sequence:
Day #1: Project overview
Group brainstorming: What do plants need?
Types of Greenhouses
Day #2: Intro to “Google Sketch Up”
Students watched videos and started with the
basics of how to use the software.
Day #3: Google “SketchUp” with more specific directions….
* Make a “house” with a roof, doors, etc…
* Change the materials
Day #4: Components of a greenhouse activity
* Students will analyze what equipment/structures are important and necessary
in a greenhouse
* They will also identify necessary items vs. luxury items (i.e. watering system)