Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

 1. Dare to do right! Dare to be true!
You have a work that no other can do;
Do it so bravely, so kindly, so well,
Angels will hasten the story to tell.
 Chorus
Dare, dare, dare to do right;
Dare, dare, dare to be true,
Dare to be true, dare to be true.
 2. Dare to do right! Dare to be true!
Other men’s failures can never save you.
Stand by your conscience, your honor, your faith;
Stand like a hero and battle till death.
Enrichment Activity #7
Words: George L. Taylor, b. 1835 Music: Arr. by A. C. Smyth, 1840–1909
Shadrach, Meshach
and Abednego
“Lesson 41: Shadrach, Meshach, and
Abednego,” Primary 6: Old
Testament, (1996),180
 Name people you admire from the
lessons we have had so far this
year in Primary.
 I’ll write the names on the
 What do these people have in
 All of these people were valiant in
their testimonies of Jesus Christ.
 In our lesson today, we are going to
learn about three young men who
had strong testimonies of the gospel
and were valiant in living the gospel.
 Our class will be divided into three groups
and each group will be given one of these
 As we read the story of these three men,
say the name of the person you have been
assigned when I point to your group.
 Let’s practice this a few times before we
begin the story!
Enrichment Activity #1
 The king of Babylon
made a gold idol. He
told the people to pray
to the idol. They would
be burned in a furnace
if they did not pray to it.
 Shadrach, Meshach, and
Abednego would not
pray to the idol. They
prayed to God.
 Someone told the
king. He was angry.
He sent for
Shadrach, Meshach,
and Abednego.
 The king told them they would be
burned in the furnace. Shadrach,
Meshach, and Abednego were not
afraid. They knew God would save
 The king’s servants built a fire in the
furnace. They tied Shadrach,
Meshach, and Abednego with ropes.
 The servants
threw them
into the
furnace. The
fire was so hot
the servants
 The king
looked into the
furnace. He
saw four men
walking in the
 One of the men was an angel of
God. God saved Shadrach,
Meshach, and Abednego.
 The king shouted
to Shadrach,
Meshach, and
Abednego. He
told them to
come out of the
 The fire had not hurt them at all. It
had not burned their hair or clothes.
They did not smell like smoke.
 The king of
Babylon made a
law. The law said
no one should
say bad things
about God. Only
God could save
men from fire.
 What words can you think of to
describe someone who is valiant?
 I’ll write your suggestions on the
 How were Shadrach, Meshach, and
Abednego valiant?
 Let’s leave these words on the board
for later in the lesson.
Enrichment Activity #2
 What did King
Nebuchadnezzar create
for everyone in his
kingdom to worship?
 Let’s read Daniel 3:1
 This was a huge image. It was as high
as fifteen men, each six feet (two
meters) tall, standing on top of each
other, and it was as wide as the height
of one and a half of these men.
 What was to be
the signal for
everyone to fall
down and worship
this idol?
 Let’s read Daniel 3:4–5
 What was to happen to anyone who
refused to do this?
 Let’s read Daniel 3:6
 Who did not fall
down and worship
the idol when the
music played?
 Let’s read Daniel
 Why do you think Shadrach,
Meshach, and Abednego refused to
worship the idol?
 When Daniel refused
to eat the king’s food,
three other Israelites
who also wanted to do
what was right were
Shadrach, Meshach,
and Abednego.
 They had been taken captive in
Jerusalem, brought to Babylon, and
trained to hold positions in the court.
 They had been
taught the gospel,
and they knew it was
wrong to worship
 What do the Ten
teach us about not
worshiping idols?
 Let’s read Exodus 20:3–5
 How did Nebuchadnezzar feel when
he heard that Shadrach, Meshach, and
Abednego would not worship his idol?
 Let’s read Daniel 3:13
 When Nebuchadnezzar said he would
give them another chance to fall down
and worship the image, how did the
three young men answer him?
 Let’s read Daniel 3:16–18
 Although Shadrach, Meshach, and
Abednego did not know for sure that
God would protect them, why were
they still able to do what they knew
was right?
 Their testimonies were so strong and
they were so valiant in their
testimonies that they were willing to
die rather than disobey God’s
 How can we develop such strong
 You are already
valiant in many
ways and I know
you can become
even more valiant.
 Let’s discover how many
valiant words can be made
a part of your name.
 Write your name vertically
down the center of the
 For example, let’s use
Shadrach’s name and see
how many of the words in Now do
the valiant list have a letter
that is also in his name.
Enrichment Activity #3
 I encourage each of you to make
these traits part of your life.
 Take your papers home and share
the ideas on being valiant with your
Enrichment Activity #3
 Why do you think the king ordered the
furnace to be heated seven times
hotter than usual and the soldiers to
bind up the three men before they
were cast into the fire?
 Let’s read Daniel 3:19–20
 What happened to the men who threw
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
into the furnace?
 Let’s read Daniel 3:22
 What did Nebuchadnezzar see when he
looked into the furnace?
 Let’s read Daniel 3:24–25
 Why were Shadrach,
Meshach, and Abednego
able to walk out of the
fire unharmed?
 Let’s read Daniel 3:28
 What did this prove to Nebuchadnezzar?
 Let’s read Daniel 3:29
 Although the Lord did protect Shadrach,
Meshach, and Abednego because they
were valiant, why doesn’t he always
protect righteous people?
 What would happen if all faithful people
were protected from hardships?
 We all have trials and problems during our
lives that teach us and help us grow.
 Choosing the right does not guarantee
that we will always be protected, but it
does guarantee us eternal blessings.
How can we strengthen our
testimonies of Jesus Christ and
his gospel?
Take turns choosing a wordstrip
and read it to the class.
How does that word or phrase
relate to strengthening our
Enrichment Activity #4
 When Shadrach,
Meshach, and
Abednego were
in the fiery
furnace, they
were protected
and not burned.
 When they walked out, their clothing
and hair did not even smell of smoke
or fire.
Enrichment Activity #5
 The fire in the
furnace could
be compared
to temptation.
 Imagine that we are the figures
surrounded by fire.
 How can we help protect ourselves
from temptation so it does not burn
us or harm us in any way?
Enrichment Activity #5
 We can be
protected from
temptation by
learning the
of the Lord and
being valiant in
obeying them.
 Then, even if we are surrounded by
temptations, we can resist them and be
Enrichment Activity #5
 We believe in God, the Eternal Father,
and in His Son,
Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.
 Words: Joseph Smith, 1805–1844 Music:Vanja Y. Watkins, b. 1938. © 1978 IRI
Enrichment Activity #6
 It is important that we gain a
strong testimony of each
member of the Godhead and of
their roles in our lives.
Enrichment Activity #6
 I bear my testimony that
Jesus Christ is our Savior
and that his gospel is
 We should all have a
desire to be valiant in
doing what we know is
 I encourage each of you to do what you
know is right even when it is hard or
 Images and clipart are from,, Microsoft Office, and other
websites indicating the images were in the public
domain. The hymn, lesson and scripture story are
 Please do not use this presentation for commercial
use. Feel free to alter the presentation for use in
church or home to suit personal preference.
 The presentation is intended to supplement, not
replace, the lesson manual and scriptures. Teachers
should refer to the manual, scriptures and other
resources when preparing and conducting the