ACERA Projects and progress Outlook 2011 Mark Burgman Who we are UCRIVERSIDE Past topics • • • • • • • • Spatial analysis Expert judgement Disease freedom When to declare eradication Where should we search? Stakeholder mapping Consequences Effective inspection County South Jutland 9.13 Other county 90.9 Bayes nets Herd status Infected 1.00 Uninfected 99.0 (Tony Martin, Greg Hood) Age_class Adult 20.2 Grower 79.8 Animal status Infected .050 Uninfected 99.9 Serology Positive .048 Negative 100 Sampling scheme Targeted 0 Representative 100 Herd type Breeder 48.7 Slaughter 51.3 Maxent (Jane Elith, Michael Kearney, John Leathwick) Cost-effectiveness analysis (Cindy Hauser, Mick McCarthy, Hugh Possingham, Tracy Rout, Susie Hester, Oscar Cacho) What’s next? ACERA II 1. ACERA 1001 Effective inspection (risk-return) 2. ACERA 1002 Estimating consequences 3. ACERA 1003 Biosecurity intelligence 4. ACERA 1004 Post-border surveillance and decisionmaking 5. ACERA 1005 Training 6. ACERA 1006 Pathway analysis Biosecurity Intelligence Mike Nunn, Mark Burgman, Aidan Lyon, Geoff Grossel Peter Black, Michael Cole, Stephen Dempsey, Ingo Ernst, Brett Evans, Mark Gibbs, Neil Grant, Mikael Hirsch, Claire Murray, Paul Pheloung, Belinda Wright 1. Intelligence Software 2. Professional Networks 3. Foresight Biosecurity Intelligence 1. Intelligence Software Google Flu Trends GPHIN ProMED HealthMap EpiSPIDER WDIN BioCaster NAPIS Geographic bias, taxonomic bias, original language, first reports, delays, unique reports, sources (including use of social media), user input BioCaster Work Flow Yahoo Pipes, Python, Marine pests and diseases (Grossel, Lyon) Biosecurity Intelligence 2. Professional networks • • • • EMPLAN AI List Plant list Marine list Pip Pattison, Eric Quintane Biosecurity Intelligence 3. Foresight