Keeping happy and safe Remember me? Buddy knows a lot about keeping safe! 2 What do you think? If a child is feeling worried or scared they should tell an adult. 3 What do you think? It’s OK for parents and carers to hurt each other in front of their children. 4 What do you think? A child does not have enough food to eat or enough clothes to keep them warm. 5 What do you think? Children can talk to ChildLine about anything, however big or small. 6 What do you think? It is OK for children to call other children names, or do things that make them worried or scared. 7 What do you think? Is it OK for an adult to make a child touch them on the private parts of their body? 8 What do you think? Children have the right to be happy and safe. 9 Buddy says… All children have the right to be happy and safe. 10 Buddy says... Sexual abuse is when a child is being made to do anything with their body that frightens or worries them. It can involve touching, kissing, being made to show private parts of their body, or being made to do this to another person. Being made to look at rude films or pictures in books, magazines, on TV or the internet is also sexual abuse. 11 Buddy says… Sexual abuse is NOT OK. 12 13 14 15 Buddy says... Neglect is when a parent or carer does not look after a child properly. For example, they might not give them enough food and drink, or the right kind of clothing. It can also be when a child is left on their own for too long. 16 Buddy says… Neglect is NOT OK. 17 18 19 ChildLine is there for you Children and young people can contact ChildLine 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It’s free and confidential. Remember the number: 0800 1111 Remember the site: 20 Buddy says… All children have the right to be happy and safe. 21