CCSS Writing Argument Across Content Areas Three Types of Writing 1. Write ARGUMENTS to support claims through analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence. 2. Write INFORMATIVE / EXPLANATORY texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content. 3. Write NARRATIVES to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences. Our Focus arguments While all three text types are important, the Standards put particular emphasis on students’ ability to write sound arguments on substantive topics and issues, as this ability is critical to college and career readiness. When teachers ask students to consider two or more perspectives on a topic or issue, something far beyond surface knowledge is required: students must think critically and deeply, assess the validity of their own thinking, and anticipate counterclaims in opposition to their own assertions. CCSS ELA Appendix A, p. 24 Argument vs. Persuasive Goals of Persuasive? Tools of Persuasive? ACT Persuasive? Argumentation is Deeper . . . Wading In: Argumentation is Deeper . . . Wading In: The value of effective argument extends well beyond the classroom or workplace, however. As Richard Fulkerson (1996) puts it in Teaching the Argument in Writing, the proper context for thinking about argument is one “in which the goal is not victory but a good decision, one in which all arguers are at risk of needing to alter their views, one in which a participant takes seriously and fairly the views different from his or her own” (pp. 16–17). Such capacities are broadly important for the literate, educated person living in the diverse, informationrich environment of the twenty-first century. ~Appendix A, p. 25 Objectives of Argumentation Argumentation as a writing format (as described in CCSS) goes beyond Opinion or Persuasive. It involves: • Research on both positions of a controversial content area related to issue • Arguments and counter arguments • Prioritization of arguments in order of importance • Writing Skills and process, as in any Writing to Demonstrate Knowledge performance • Formal Presentation of final product Critique of Written Argument Is their explanation sufficient and coherent? Did they use genuine evidence and did they use enough? Is their evidence high quality? Is their evidence valid and reliable? Is there any counter evidence that does not support their explanation? How well does fit with other theories and laws Is their rationale adequate and appropriate? Try It! Critique a Student Sample Writing Arguments Where to Start? Gateways to Writing Logical Arguments • Secondary students have a conception of the basic demands of logic, they draw on their understanding of certain demands made by teachers and parents to defend positions. HOWEVER, we have to scaffold the process or students will not make the transfer to writing. • Thus classroom dialogue is critical and needs to be a precursor to the writing process. GATEWAY Activities What are they? • A Gateway Activity is a Writing to Learn strategy that teachers employ throughout a lesson and/or at the end of a lesson to engage students and develop big ideas and concepts • Provides students practice and scaffolding with new writing skills such as Argumentation • Requires higher level thinking skills • Focuses on ideas rather than correctness Argumentation: Gateway Activities • Opinion statements (Kindergarten - 2nd Grade) • C-E-R (Claim – Evidence – Reasoning) • Classroom Debates / Roundtable Discussions • E-Forum Discussions • Lateral to Linear • Debate Games Mystery Pictures / Stories Gateway Activities: Opinion statements Kindergarten 2nd Grade, and good starting point for all levels Gateway Activities: C-E-R • CLAIM: A statement about the solution to a problem or answer to a question. • EVIDENCE: Scientific data that supports the claim. • REASONING: A logical scientific argument that explains why the data counts as evidence in support of the claim. Gateway Activities: C-E-R Example • C-E-R: can be used for experiments and labs Consider you just performed a lab experiment where you mixed yellow and blue food coloring and the result was green food coloring C-E-R Example • Claim: When yellow and blue are mixed together they make the color green • Evidence: 10 ml of yellow food coloring was measured and mixed with 10 ml of blue food coloring which resulted (you ended up with) 20 ml of green food coloring. Three identical tests were done and they all resulted in green • Reasoning: Observations were used to see that when yellow and blue were mixed together they made green. The fact that the experiment was done 3 times means that it is reproducible and accurate. Two different colors when mixed together do make a new color. Gateway Activities: Class Debates / Roundtable Gateway Activities: Lateral to Linear Example 1. Collaborative talking to the text and about the text: – Wordle clouds for each character, of language from the text that reveals traits and values associated with each character. – Informal reading journals and blog posts – Mindmapping, using Word or Mindmeister (or that old technology -- colored pencils and paper) to map and cluster ideas. Students seem to love this. They enjoy the exchange of ideas and seeing the variety of their peers' mapping styles. 2. Then it's time to go linear. I give them a format for a Two Reasons paper. I counsel that this is merely a working scaffold upon which to build their argument. Gateway Activities: Debate Games 1. Spot the Fallacy – Teach common fallacies, then watch C-SPAN or CNN. Student who finds the most wins a small prize. 2. Four Corners – Label four corners of room with Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree. Give class a claim and have them go to the corner that best fits their opinion. Corner groups discuss and write their reasons then share. Gateway Activities: Debate Games 3. Stakeholders Debate – Scaled down role-playing. Start with a topic. Students brainstorm possible stakeholders and work in groups to write a paragraph from their viewpoint. 4. Sweet Debate – Divide class into groups. Give each group one type of candy. Have each group make a list of reasons why their candy is the best one. Use the reasons to develop a claim and paragraph of support." \l "xzz1EiGPuc2b Gateway Activities: Mystery Pictures / Stories I ask students to become detectives. They work in small groups with handouts from a wonderful children's book by Lawrence Treat Crime and Puzzlement. There are a number of crime scene line drawings, with titles like "Slip or Trip," "Junior Prom," and "Dead Aim." A body lies on a bathroom floor. There is a shard of glass. A puddle. A footprint. Some of the scenes are hilarious. Students examine the picture, look for clues, develop a theory, and a logically sequenced possible order of events. They share ideas and have conversations and solve "the crime." They wrestle with a problem and seek a solution. From Linda Vasu and George Hillock Going Farther • After we've opened the “Gate” a crack what is next? • The following slides illustrate ideas and strategies to develop your own Gateway activities and begin to have students develop “true” argumentation. Start Grappling with a Problem Together • Start with a problem that resonates with students and immerse them in the process of drawing conclusions, supporting conclusions for a skeptical audience and assessing the merits of competing points of view. – Letters to the editor, magazine point / counterpoint articles are good sources. – Try George Hillocks, Jr. Teaching Argument: Critical Thinking for Reading and Writing How to Construct Gateway Activities • Identify the target outcome by envisioning what students will be able to do at the end of the process. • Complete a task analysis • Through informal assessment gauge the prior knowledge • Formulate an appropriate problem • Construct a supportive data set • Structure a small group task • Specify context and forum • Plan summarizing activities • Transition plan to independent practice • Build in self-reflection that included procedures Dr. McCann’s article “Gateways to Writing Logical Arguments is an excellent resource Planning & Drafting: Questions to Guide Students What position or claim will be developed? What grounds will convince the reader? What is the link (warrant) between grounds and claim? Is the backing reliable? What are other possible views on this issue? Is a qualification necessary? Have I adequately summed up the case? Kittle's Argument Organizer Resources C-E-R Write to Learn Strategy, Planning and Drafting Questions, L. VanDyke Writing to Read and Learn PDF Graphic Organizers and Planning Guides (Toulmin: 1958, S.Toulim, The Uses of Argument / Kittle: 2003, J. Burke, CCSS, Appendix C – Student Samples Hillcocks, George Jr. “Teaching Argument for Critical Thinking and Writing: An Introduction” English Journal 99.6 (2010): 24-32. McCann, Thomas. “Gateways to Writing Logical Arguments” English Journal 99.6 (2010): 33-39. Warren, James E. “Taming the Warrant in Toulmin’s Model of Argument” English Journal 99.6 (2010): 41-46 Crime and Puzzlement children's book by Lawrence Treat Debate Games:" \l "xzz1EiGPuc2b Vasu, Linda. “Teaching writing. Teaching argument. A process.” February 20, 2011, Debate and Roundtable: and Sentence frames for argument