Greedy Cat`s Door

Shared Reading Plan
Year 1: Greedy Cat’s Door
Day 1
Day 2
Share cover and title
Think – pair – share: what do you think
this book is about and why? Katie
Reading strategies
Think, pair, share: what do we do if
we come to a tricky word?
Talk about the three strategies we
use to read tricky words (eyes, ears
and brain – does it look right? Does it
sound right? Does it make sense?)
Remember what we do when we
make a mistake (make sure this is
presented visually for the children).
Question: what do you think will
happen in this story?
•Think of one thing
•Share it with a partner
•Tell you partner why it might happen
Share tricky words:
Wriggle (silent letter, meow, stomped,
Christmas, gravy, potatoes, pudding,
hungry) you could include pictures to
help their decoding or tell chn word
and they find it., referring to alphabet
Talk about how we read these words
and what they mean.
Read the story to the children; notice
the ‘tricky’ words as you come to them.
Page 9: prediction what do you think
will happen if GC keeps eating?
Page 11: what do you think might
happen next?
Sentence starter:
I predict that....... Because.....
Cover 2 words on pages 2 and 5 with
post its (choose words that the
children could get stuck on: e.g. take,
Read up to these words and ask the
children what word would sound
right and make sense? List the words
– check they sound right and make
sense. Then talk about what they
would look like. Check the sounds by
uncovering the word. Then re-read
the sentence to check.
Finish reading the book.
Recap on how we read tricky words
(ask the children to explain it to their
Other skills to focus on: word
endings; blends; HFWs, refer to LLP)
Day 3
Word study
Tell the children that today we are going
to think about words with three sounds
and sentences.
Before reading – share with your
partner your favourite part of the story.
Read the story:
On one page – ask the children to clap
when they hear the full stop – check
they are correct.
On another page, ask the children to
make a capital A above their heads
when they see a capital and a punch
forward when they see a full stop.
Day 4
Retelling and Inference
Re-tell the story as a group
(could use picture cards to
sequence main ideas).
Re-read the story.
Use a thought bubble to
discuss how characters are
feeling at different points in
the story. Use the speech
bubble to predict what the
characters might say at
different points in the story.
Encourage the children to
give reasons for their ideas.
After reading: give out whiteboards one
between 2.
Right the word ‘hit’ on the board
Ask the children to read it (clap each
sound). Now ask them to write as many
words as they can that rhyme with HIT.
Share the words – look at the pattern.
Repeat with ‘get’