Internet Evangelism?

Internet Evangelism?
And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. For the old skins would
burst from the pressure, spilling the wine and ruining the skins. New wine
is stored in new wineskins so that both are preserved. Matthew 9:16-18
Internet Evangelism?
© 2012, R.J. Krejcir, Ph.D., Francis A. Schaeffer
Institute of Church Leadership Development
Is Internet Evangelism a proper
means of evangelistic outreach?
• Consider this, if you want your church, ministry, or
even your business to be effective and productive,
you must embrace properly the new and emerging
communication platforms.
• While it is rather unconventional, it need not be scary
or foreboding…
• This allows anyone to participate and can be an
opportune way to communicate your presence,
brand, vision and wares.
Internet Evangelism?
And, most importantly, social media—when used
responsibly and prayerfully—can relay and inform so
many of the Gospel and the precepts of God’s Word
while calling out to all!
What is Internet
What is Internet Evangelism?
Internet Evangelism is basically communicating the
most important Message one can ever give—that of
the Person, work, love and call of Jesus Christ as
LORD and Savior – online!
We must develop the skills for this to bring His
Message of New Life to as many people as possible.
The important question that can be asked for
social media and all of life is this: how will
you use this for God’s glory?
What is Internet Evangelism?
Yes, there are abuses; unfortunately, with every new
thing, there are abuses.
The same printing press can print smut that can print
a Bible.
It would be naïve to suppose that social media is not
rife with abuses; however, the important question that
can be asked for social media and all of life is this:
….how will your church or ministry use this for God’s
What is Internet Evangelism?
Internet Evangelism is
“effective evangelism” and
this is outreach…
This is essentially good
communication; good
communication in any
arena is comprised of a
conveyance of integrity,
respect, and truth with
others in a kind and active
listening manner that
reflects and glorifies
What is Internet Evangelism?
Effective evangelism is the foundation of a healthy
church, a great marriage, and in the ministry of
outreach by an affirmative friendship.
Without good communication, relationships
anywhere--in the church, the workplace, marriage-can never effectively work.
(Prov. 29:20; Matt. 21:22; Luke 8:18; Rom. 12:10;
Eph. 4:15, 25-29; Col. 3:5, 16, 4:6; 1 Tim. 4:12;
James 1:19; 1 Peter 3).
Imagine what you can do for Christ with Internet
Why you need to be
using Social Media
Why you need to be using Social
Social media is growing exponentially (Facebook
recently passed the 500 million member mark) and
marks a new outreach strategy of paramount.
Thinking about social media in a different way allows
you to see and use Facebook as a platform for your
evangelism, outreach, and also customer service and
public relations.
You can use social media like a kind friend sharing
the Gospel to your church or your business
‘receptionist’ and marketing manager to the world.
Why you need to be using Social
You can use social media like a kind friend sharing
the Gospel to your church or your business
‘receptionist’ and marketing manager to the world.
Why you need to be using
Social Media
A successfully maintained social media presence can
help your ministry or business greatly by:
• Increasing overall web presence and potential people
and customer access to you.
Why you need to be using
Social Media
A successfully maintained social media presence can
help your ministry or business greatly by:
• Connecting and engaging more successfully with
current church members or clients.
• Creating a community around your message,
programs, people and brand awareness.
Why you need to be using
Social Media
A successfully maintained social media presence can
help your ministry or business greatly by:
Promoting and expanding the Kingdom by your
people’s expertise and character.
Generating leads and presence to your church or
business including search engine ranking so people
can find you.
Why you need to be using
Social Media
Social media is what your ministry or business needs
to stay relevant to enhance its
• awareness
• relationships
• marketing prowess
• overall web presence
…to expand the Kingdom and give glory to our Lord.
How to do Internet
How to do Internet Evangelism
Basically you want to engage in our area of expertise
or hobby in online formats and social media like
Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to share your
knowledge and skills..
listen to others
help others
model the principles of the Gospel and faith
It is all about how you treat people, how you talk to
people, how you help will paint a picture of our Lord.
How to do Internet Evangelism
Such as you are a lawyer, you can engage in free law
clinics online.
You are a teenager and your only expertise is an
online game, this can be great too. You play that
game with integrity, and engage the forums and help,
teach, encourage and be a friend.
How to do Internet Evangelism
Then when someone has a problem or need they
seek you out. Then as opportunities arise, share the
Word. See our evangelism page for tips on how to do
How to do Internet Evangelism
Your goal is to represent the Gospel clearly, so
people can understand and make an authentic
decision for Christ. Here are some more tips:
Pray! Where and how can God use me? Wisdom,
discernment, opportunities and contacts, for God to
use you and for them to respond.
Keep your conversations simple and short. Write in
the theme of the ‘Fruit of the Spirit’ especially with
kindness, with what and how you say things.
How to do Internet Evangelism
Be straightforward and simple, never condescend or
get mad. If they insult you, stay cool and kind… Do
not use derogatory or slang terms.
Stay away from using Christian ‘jargon’ like ‘are you
saved’ or big theological words like ‘sanctification.’
These terms are loaded with misunderstandings and
How to do Internet Evangelism
When someone responds to you, try to respond back
within a day. And try not to be a know it all, if you
can’t answer, let them know you will try to find out
and get back to them. Use our sites like or
How to do Internet Evangelism
Ask them questions too, like form this list, “Twenty
Questions” and more helps on our Outreach page.
Always be encouraging, plug them into a local church
in kindness and timing….
Ask them to take a step of faith like salvation.
Point them to Discipleship sites like ours at
How to do Internet Evangelism
Good evangelistic outreach and internet evangelism
in love is a must!
Love and kindness is essential to the understanding
of one another and to communicate the Love of our
Remember the results are the Lords the obedience is
We must seek to do this well in love. It is not a
numbers game it is a Gospel proclamation.
How to do Internet Evangelism
Engage in social media. Facebook and LinkedIn are
primary. Twitter be necessary in drawing
conventional, while Facebook is your prime tool,
‘friend’ people, talk to them, ‘like’ pages and talk to
people on them.
How to do Internet Evangelism
Use LinkedIn if you are a professional and get
involved in a group there with your expertise.
Have one or more of your church members become
experts for their niche on and Yahoo
Answers; develop a small curriculum and a few
Q&A’s with relevant web links.
How to do Internet Evangelism
Engage in social media! Share the Lord! Be His
The goal is creating and maintaining connections.
Carefully dispensing information in a kind manner is
Additional social marketing media can be engaged,
too—think Yelp and Digg where you share your
interests and like and dislikes of business, services
and products.
How to do Internet Evangelism
Engage in Forums.
Seek out chat rooms and forums that have your
interests and where you can contribute positively.
Never be negative, argumentative, or hurtful
Do not slam Scripture down at people,
Be a friend, listen and encourage and offer help. If it
is too much, seek help.
How to do Internet Evangelism
Social Media Strategy – promoting your ministry.
Develop a comprehensive social media strategy
creation to promote your church or ministry.
Have a program, like a parents-night-out, movie
night, seminar on budgeting, résumé writing, or
marriage help; find a need and fill it.
How to do Internet Evangelism
Social Media Strategy – promoting your ministry.
Remember be careful what you say and how you say
it! Never spam, give bad information, give personal
or cyber attacks and unwanted content. Also, make
sure peoples needs are responded too.
Internet Evangelism!
Why should we embrace internet evangelism?
Because, it is evangelism. Because, He Lives!
Because, the Holy Spirit lives and works in us as an
enabler to help, guide, and empower us so we can
receive, know, and obey God and His decrees!
(1 Cor. 3:16-17; 6:19; 2 Cor. 6:16; Eph. 2:21)
Internet Evangelism!
The principle of love, which is the essence of the
Christ, must impact us so we are influenced by His
love, that we ponder upon it, … So, become
energized by it, and it flows no matter what.
We can reach out in His Name for His glory!
Internet Evangelism!
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© 2012, R.J. Krejcir, Ph.D., Francis A. Schaeffer
Institute of Church Leadership Development