Becoming a Contagious Christian

Becoming a
Contagious Christian
Session One
Why Become a Contagious
 Describe
what Relational
Evangelism is not
 Identify the components of
Relational Evangelism
 Revisit the biblical basis of
 Begin an Impact List of
relationships to build
Perceptions are Powerful
 What
are some professions that
carry with them powerful
emotional perceptions?
 What perceptions are linked
with being an evangelist?
Perceptions are Powerful
One of the goals of this session is to
get you past our negative stereotypes
of evangelism
 But even more important is that this
course will also help us get pass a
less obvious obstacle, which is our
positive stereotypes of what it means
to do evangelism
What is Relational
Evangelism is
Authentic (John 15:15)
What is Relational
 Verbal (Romans 10:14)
 Process-Oriented
 Team Oriented (Luke 15:7,
 Puts Others First
Mission Trip Video
Write down how their trip to Jamaica tied
in with the mission of LLU/LLUMC.
 In what ways does our daily lives
resemble a mission trip?
 Are we going about our mission or just
on a trip? Elaborate.
Biblical Basis For
 According to Luke 15,
 Lost People Matter to God
 Our God seeks for the Lost
 Finding the Lost Results in
Biblical Basis For
We are commanded to seek the lost
Matthew 28:19-20
Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all
the nations, baptizing them into the name
of the Father and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit: teaching them to observe all
things whatsoever I commanded you: and
lo, I am with you always, even unto the end
of the world.
Developing An Impact List
An Impact List is a tool to help us get
beyond the generic person ‘out there’
who needs to be reached, to the specific
people we know and can possibly reach
for Christ.
 Look over the guidelines for praying for
people on your Impact List.
Evangelism Styles
your Evangelism
Styles Questionnaire.
This should take you 8-10
minutes to complete.