Alcohol and Advertising - Spokane Public Schools

Alcohol and Advertising
What do you think...?
Does advertising
affect America’s
Does it influence
teen alcohol use?
Studies have shown…
Studies regarding teens and alcohol advertising
found teens are drawn to advertisements that
animal and people characters
stories and humor in alcohol advertising
Teens were more likely to state they wanted to
purchase the brand and products of the
advertisements they liked.
Alcohol Advertising is Relatable…
Alcohol Advertising
and Humor…
Increase in Alcohol Advertising…
Between 2001 and 2005, youth exposure to
alcohol advertising on television in the U.S.
increased by 41%.
Much of this increase resulted from the rise in
advertising on television from 1,973 ads in 2001
to 46,854 ads in 2005.
Alcohol and Sex…
Is this Sexy…
In 2005, alcohol advertisers spent $2 billion on
alcohol advertising in measured media
major newspapers
and Sunday supplements.
Would alcohol companies spend this amount of
money if they were not selling society an image?
Consequences of Under Aged
The cost of alcohol use by youth was $53 billion in 1996
$19 billion from traffic crashes
$29 billion from violent crime.
Consequences of underage drinking include:
unintentional death and injury
homicide and violence
suicide attempts
sexual assault
risky sexual behavior
vandalism and property damage.
Drinking and Driving...
According to Grunbaum (2002):
38.3 percent of Latinos,
30.3 percent of whites,
27.6 percent of African Americans…
in the 9th to 12th grades reported riding with a driver who
had been drinking alcohol.
14.7 percent of whites, 13.1 percent of Latinos, and 7.7
percent of African Americans admitted to drinking and
Homicide, Suicide and Crime…
Alcohol has been reported to be involved in:
36% of homicides
12% of male suicides
8% of female suicides involving people under 21.
Homicide is the second leading cause of death
for 15-24 year-olds.
 On college campuses 95% of all violent crime
and 90% of college rapes involve the use of
alcohol by the assailant, victim, or both.
Sexual Activity…
29% of 15-17 year-olds and 37% of 18-24 yearolds said that alcohol or drugs influenced their
decision to do something sexual.
People who [were first drunk] before the age of
13 are twice as likely to have unplanned sex and
more than twice as likely to have unprotected
What messages should we be
sending society about Alcohol..?
Create an Anti-Alcohol Label for a bottle.
Each label should have an Anti-Alcohol Slogan, and
“Surgeon Generals Warning.”
Surgeon General’s Warning may be creatively modified.
Please complete and submit your assignment on the
“Warning Label” document
Example of Slogan: “Think…don’t Drink!”
The Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth
The Greater Dallas Council on Alcohol & Drug Abuse
American Cancer Society