H2-P1 Habit 2 Begin with the end in mind Part 1 The Mental Creation 心智创作 Seven Habits HR / BISC H2-P1 You are the guardian, the protector of your identity, of your future. 你是自己的身份和未来的守护者。 Seven Habits HR / BISC H2-P1 Habit 1 Awareness that you are the programmer 了解自己是程序设计师 Awareness that the best way to predict your future is to create it. 只有靠双手创造才能预见未来。 Seven Habits HR / BISC H2-P1 Habit 2 Decide what you life is about 确立生命的座标 Write the program 撰写程序 Seven Habits HR / BISC H2-P1 The first creation is an intellectual creation. 第一次创作是心智上的创作。 The second creation is a physical creation. 第二次创作是实体创作。 Seven Habits HR / BISC H2-P1 To begin with the end in mind applies to every field of human endeavor. 以终为始应用于人类生活各个范畴。 If you don’t take care of the first creation, it will be done for you. 你若不去控制第一次创作,社会便 会为你代劳。 Seven Habits HR / BISC H2-P1 Habit 2 Begin with the end in mind Part 2 Choosing a Life Center 选择生命的重心 Seven Habits HR / BISC H2-P1 Stimulus What is it I’m about? Response 我倒底是个 怎样的人? 我想依照什么 原则来生活? Seven Habits HR / BISC H2-P1 Changeless 以不变应万变 家庭 钱财 配偶 资产 自己 Principles 宗教组织 Influence for good 发挥导人向善 的作用 Constant frame of reference 提供一个稳固根 基做抉择。 敌人 工作 娱乐 朋友 Unleashed power 凝聚心智、情绪和 社交力量 Seven Habits HR / BISC H2-P1 Habit 2 Begin with the end in mind Part 3 Personal Mission Statement 个人使用宣言 Seven Habits HR / BISC H2-P1 Personal Mission Statement 发展个人使用宣言 What is it I am about? 我是怎样的人? What are the principles upon which I operate? 我根据什么原则来生活? Seven Habits HR / BISC H2-P1 We lead 3 Lives 我们要过三种生活 Public Life 公众生活 Private Life 私人生活 Deep inner life 内在生活 Seven Habits HR / BISC H2-P1 “A person cannot do right in one department of life whilst attempting to do wrong in another department. Life is one indivisible whole.” -- Gandhi 人生不能只在某个方面做好而在其他方面做错, 生命是一个整体,不能任意分割。 Seven Habits HR / BISC H2-P1 Work on two things: 用几周或几个月时间做两件事: Vision 愿景 Principles 原则 Seven Habits HR / BISC H2-P1 Habit 2 Begin with the end in mind Part 4 Four Prescriptions 四种处方 Seven Habits HR / BISC H2-P1 Deep Inner Life Reorganizing 重新组织 Reorienting 辨清方向 Replanting new motives and desires; Congruent with ligher principles. 栽种新的动机和愿望,以高尚原则为依归。 Seven Habits HR / BISC H2-P1 When you live out of your memory, you focus upon the past. 当你活在回忆之中,便只会埋首过去。 When you live out of your imagination, you focus on the future. 但如果依靠想像来生活,你便能放眼未来。 Seven Habits HR / BISC H2-P1 What lies behind us is nothing compared to what lies within us and ahead of us. 过去的一切远不及内在和未来重要。 Seven Habits HR / BISC H2-P1 Personal Mission Statement What are your unique gifts? Listen to those who see the potential in you. Study the lives of people who has inspired you. 你有什么独特的天赋和才能? 聆听那些明白你潜质的人说话。 研究那些曾启发你的人之生平/你所仰慕的英雄。 (--找出你希望依随的原则) Seven Habits HR / BISC H2-P1 Write your mission statement as if it will never change. 执笔撰写使命宣言时当它是永恒不变的。 Seven Habits HR / BISC