Bell Work • List 5 different kinds of waves you have seen in your lifetime. What are Waves? Objectives: • How do matter and energy interact when waves are generated? • What are the three main types of waves? What is a WAVE? • A disturbance that transfers energy from place to place. • Waves carry energy! • After the wave has moved, the disturbance is gone. Everything is calm again. How does a wave travel? • A wave must have something to travel through. MATTER! • The material through which a wave travels through is called a medium. What are some examples of mediums that waves can travel through? Mechanical Waves • Waves that require a medium through which to travel through are called mechanical waves. • Waves do not carry the medium as they move through it. • Waves just carry energy. • The duck does not move sideways toward to shore. • The duck moves up and down and the WAVE moves toward to shore. Electromagnetic Waves • Not all waves require a medium in order to travel. • Light from the sun can travel through empty space. Empty space is not a medium What CAUSES waves? • Waves are generated when a source of energy forces the matter in a medium to vibrate. • Vibration is a repeated back-and-forth or up-and-down motion. • Motion is the source of the wave. The transfer of energy: • A moving object has energy. • The moving object can transfer energy to a nearby medium, creating a wave. Wave Motion Waves transfer Energy include include Electromagnetic waves don’t require Mechanical waves require A medium to pass through Classification • • Waves are classified according to how they travel through a medium. Three types of waves: 1. Transverse waves 2. Longitudinal waves 3. Surface waves Transverse Wave • Waves that move the medium at right angels to the direction in which the waves are traveling. • Across • Highest part of the wave is called the crest. • The lowest part of the wave is called a trough. Transverse Wave Can you think of any transverse waves? Longitudinal Wave • Moves the particles of the medium parallel to the direction that the waves are traveling. • Coils of a spring • Compressions – parts where the coils are close together • Rarefactions – parts where the coils are spread out Longitudinal Wave Can you think of any longitudinal waves? Surface Wave • Combinations of transverse and longitudinal waves. • The waves occur at the surface between two media, such as water and air. • Up and down and back and forth Objectives Review: • How do matter and energy interact when waves are generated? • What are the three main types of waves? Assignment: