Rapidflows Presentation Slides

Zukami is based in Singapore
Zukami Coverage
We are the creator/owners of the Rapidflows product. We leverage on a
network of partners throughout 7 countries
What is Zukami Rapidflows
What is Zukami Rapidflows?
Web Application Building Platform
Build webapps in days
not months
Drag & Drop
What does a Modern App constitute?
Example : Helpdesk App
(Fill up forms)
Route to appropriate
View charts (eg: no. of requests by type)
Calendars, reports
Data Views
Forms Engine
The Rapidflows Forms Engine
Create complex form behavior
The Rapidflows Forms Engine
•Create complex validation rules
(using regular expressions, wizards,
•Create business logic, complex
calculation formulas via drag and
•Enforce access rights on different
parts of the form
(eg: Bank managers can see account-related
information, while office clerks cannot)
•Enforce audit trail & logging
Every change in the system, even those made
by an Administrator, is automatically logged
and audited by default.
Workflows Engine
The Rapidflows Workflows Engine
•Create complex workflows visually via drag
and drop
•Create complex routing rules via wizards
•Promoted clear and transparent internal
Workflows Engine Productivity
The Rapidflows Workflows Engine
4 layers of features to enforce productivity
• Task auto-delegation (Out of office settings)
When staff goes on leave, task is auto-routed to preassigned
secondary person
• Task reminders
Autogenerated e-mail reminders when deadline approaches
• Ad-hoc delegation (Case by case reassignment)
Cases can be manually reassigned on a case to case basis to another staff
• Escalation (Safety Net)
If a task is not handled after a certain amount of time, it is automatically
escalated to a person of higher authority
Views Engine
The Rapidflows Views Engine
•Create customized views of data
in many different formats – as
calendars, charts, etc
•Monitor productivity of staff (KPI)
Views Engine (II)
The Rapidflows Views Engine
•Create composite views (reports)
•Export data to CSV,XML,PDF
•Build any type of report and use
filters to control the amount of
information shown
Benefits to the IT Dept
Platform lets IT Department respond much faster to end users.
A request that takes 1 month => shorten to 1 week
Save effort and man hours for the IT department
Allows you to respond to your end users at whatever speed you like
Less vendors to manage , since more apps can be placed on the same
Full automated failover - When problems are detected, failover happens
immediately, and the platform can auto-send e-mail alerts to Poregon &
Zukami's tech support team. This reduces downtime to a minimum
This helps IT dept save huge cost over long term, allowing you the budget
to spend on other things like improving hardware infrastructure, etc
An ROI Comparison
A comparison between Rapidflows and traditional application development
Current Manual Process
• Project Lifecycle ~ 1 month max.
• Stable and proven platform in 6 countries
• Easy for IT support to maintain themselves,
Low learning curve
• Project Lifecycle ~ 6 months or more
• Freshly written software usually buggy
and takes a few revisions to stabilize
• Costly process – have to reapproach vendor
• Provides a secure, high-performance platform
already well-suited to banking environment
• Planning ahead : Long term platform
allows you to host many
vertical applications / modules
• With every application, the wheel has to
be reinvented from scratch
• Unflexible and limited in scope
• Workflow can ensure microenforcement of
process deadlines (escalation,delegation,etc)
• No enforcement of process deadlines
• Because all apps share a common platform,
data sharing is readily facilitated
• Islands of isolated applications that cannot
share data with each other
• Real-time monitoring of staff KPI via
rich dashboards for the management
• No immediate data visibility
Thank you for your time
Thank you for your time!
We are now open to Q&A
from the floor