FOUNDATION OF PLANNING 1 What Is Planning? A primary functional managerial activity that involves: Defining the organization’s goals Establishing an overall strategy for achieving those goals Developing a comprehensive set of plans to integrate and coordinate organizational work. Types of planning Informal: not written down, short-term focus; specific to an organizational unit. Formal: written, specific, and long-term focus, involves shared goals for the organization. 2 Why Do Managers Plan? Provides direction Reduces uncertainty Minimizes waste and redundancy Sets the standards for controlling 3 How Do Managers Plan? Elements of Planning Goals (also Objectives) Desired outcomes for individuals, groups, or entire organizations Provide direction and evaluation performance criteria Plans Documents that outline how goals are to be accomplished Describe how resources are to be allocated and establish activity schedules 4 Characteristics of Well-Designed Goals Written in terms of outcomes, not actions Specifically defines how the outcome is to be measured and how much is expected. Clear as to time frame Challenging yet attainable Focuses on the ends, not the means. Measurable and quantifiable Written down Low goals do not motivate. High goals motivate if they can be achieved. Focuses, defines, and makes goal visible. Communicated to all Puts everybody “on the same page.” How long before measuring accomplishment. 5 Example of Company’s Goals Example 1: Company’s goals for 2015 Become internationally recognized Improve product quality Increase revenue and profit Improve customer’s satisfaction Example 2: A production team Improve quality Improve productivity Ensure high safety level 6 Procter & Gamble’s OGSM Technique What needs to be done Objectives written statement of compelling business needs Goals numerical target and scorecard to track progress toward meeting objectives 7 Procter & Gamble’s OGSM Technique (cont.) How we will achieve our objectives Strategies written statement of specific actions that must be taken to meet objectives Measures numerical measures to track progress on executing specific actions 8 Balanced Goals from Different Perspectives Financial Perspective Customer Perspective Satisfaction, market share, repeated customers Internal Perspective Profitability, Return on Investment System, operation, capability Learning Perspective New technology, management, ideas, 9 Characteristics of Good Plan Prediction of environmental trends Goals Feasible but stretching Actions SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time Resources Scenarios Specific, clear, integrated, fit with goals Changes: flexible and creative 10 Example: A Business Plan Business objectives Functional objectives: Resources Finance, marketing, HR, production, R&D, ... Finance, HR, management, IT, ... Actions 11 Case: Bookstore From Management and Planning perspective, explain: Why the Bookstore succeeded in early days? Why did it fail later? What do you learn? 12 Team Project: Your Team’s Goals and Plans 13