11.most important characteristic

most important characteristic
Question 11. In your opinion, what is the most important
characteristic – for example, honesty, intelligence, a sense of
humor – that a person can have to be successful in life?
• I think the most important characteristic that
a person can have is probably a sense of
optimism; a positive outlook...on life, in
general. If you get depressed or down on
yourself very easily, it’s hard to be successful.
The world has become so demanding of
people to put on a happy face and to give the
impression that everything is okay;
• that if you’re not able to do that, you’re going
to struggle, and if you can do it genuinely and
authentically, I think it provides you with a leg
up over the competition. Even when things
are going wrong; if you can see the silver
lining in the dark cloud, I think that is a very
positive characteristic that people can have.
Question 11. In your opinion, what is the most important
characteristic – for example, honesty, intelligence, a sense of
humor – that a person can have to be successful in life?
• Honesty is something that you can’t trust
anymore. I could be the most honest person
you’ve ever met, and still, deep inside, you
won’t trust me. Intelligence can be found
anywhere, anytime on the Worldwide Web.
Just because you read that article doesn’t
make you an expert, but a lot of people
believe you are an expert.
• As for sense of humor, what is a sense of
humor outside of relating? You cannot make
someone laugh, you cannot get someone to
become a part of your life unless you relate
with them first. And I honestly believe we live
in a society that is all based on me, me, me,
me. And if it’s about me, and I’m not relating
with you, then there’s not even a sense of
Question 11. In your opinion, what is the most important
characteristic – for example, honesty, intelligence, a sense of
humor – that a person can have to be successful in life?
• I think that the most important characteristic
that a person can have to be successful in life
is confidence. I think that if you walk into any
situation confidently, your head held high;
even if you’re not sure what you’re doin’, if
you walk in acting like you know what you’re
doing; if you walk in with that air of
confidence, people are gonna pay attention.
• They might not like what you have to say, but
they are gonna pay attention. And I think that
that works throughout life – if you are...if
you’re looking to ask a girl on a date; if you
walk up to her confidently; she’s more than
likely not gonna blow you off. Now, that’s not
to be confused with arrogant, because
‘confident’ and ‘arrogant’ are very close to
each other, but if you’re confident...
• if you just know, and you walk in that room...say,
you’re in an interview – I’ve done this in my own
life – you walk in to an interview to get a job, and
you walk in believing in your head that you’ve
already gotten that job, that means you walk in
with an air of confidence, and you are able to
influence that person’s decision simply by your
confidence. Believe me, it really does work. See?
That sounded pretty confident, didn’t it? I know.
Question 11. In your opinion, what is the most important
characteristic – for example, honesty, intelligence, a sense of
humor – that a person can have to be successful in life?
• Honesty is the most important characteristic
to have because you can be as intelligent as
Einstein was or have the greatest sense of
humor in the world and make people crack up,
but if you’re not honest, people...people can
sense that and you’re not gonna be successful
in life because people aren’t gonna trust you.
• There was a guy that I grew up with – boy, he
could just crack you up, make you laugh like
crazy. But he was always lyin’ and it just got to
the point where you didn’t want to be around
the guy, ‘cause you knew what was comin’ out
of his mouth wasn’t true.
Question 11. In your opinion, what is the most important
characteristic – for example, honesty, intelligence, a sense of
humor – that a person can have to be successful in life?
• In your opinion, what is the most important
characteristic that a person can have to be
successful in life? I believe the most important
characteristic a person can have to be
successful in life is intelligence, and this can be
street smarts, academic smarts, geeky
• you know, whatever smarts that that person
has, it will make them successful in life. My
intelligence lies in writing and voice acting and
piano and a couple of other various things.
Other people’s intelligence lies in Math, or
Science; whatever their intelligence is, that
will make them successful in life.
Question 11. In your opinion, what is the most important
characteristic – for example, honesty, intelligence, a sense of
humor – that a person can have to be successful in life?
• I would have to say that the most important
characteristic that I have found is probably
intelligence, or at least education level. A
sense of humor, yes, that helps you deal with
things. Honesty, definitely. But there are
successful people in this world that, we can
admit, were not honest.
• That doesn’t make them good people, but it
doesn’t take away from their success as well.
Intelligence, though, can get you very far,
especially if we’re talking about intelligence
that’s gotten through education, and what I’m
talking about here is university education
degrees; higher-level degrees...
• those degrees and that level of intelligence
seems to open doors for people. It seems to
provide more opportunities for people to take.
And the more opportunities you have out
there, the more of a possibility that you will
be successful in whatever your endeavors are.
Question 11. In your opinion, what is the most important
characteristic – for example, honesty, intelligence, a sense of
humor – that a person can have to be successful in life?
• I believe the most important characteristic
that one can possess is integrity. Integrity. It
encompasses many other things. Honesty,
intelligence, strength, interrelationships,
performance; it encompasses so many other
characteristics, and to have integrity means
that you have the strength and the courage to
both fail and succeed. It allows you to be
• Someone with integrity or great integrity is
someone who’s very trustworthy and who can
be counted upon, and that will take any
individual a long way towards being successful
in life, whether in business or personally, in
one’s health, and in many other areas...in
finances; so having integrity just enables you
to be able to do really anything.
• It’s just a matter of time before a person of
integrity reaches success. It’s not a question of
whether or not they will. Someone who has
integrity has great balance as well. Their life is
not swayed one way or the other; overly
focused in one way or another. They have
good balance and foundation in life. So
integrity is just so key and so core with going
ahead and living your life to the fullest.
Question 11. In your opinion, what is the most important
characteristic – for example, honesty, intelligence, a sense of
humor – that a person can have to be successful in life?
• The most important characteristic that a
person can have to be successful in life? Wow,
that’s a tough one. I would say, maybe
intelligence. I think you have to be savvy. I
think you have to figure out how the world
works and be able to maneuver around all
sorts of different situations.
• You have to have intelligence to get a job. You
have to build a, be smart with your money.
You have to be able to communicate well with
other people. So I think if you’re trying to be
successful in life, you need to have some
Question 11. In your opinion, what is the most important
characteristic – for example, honesty, intelligence, a sense of
humor – that a person can have to be successful in life?
• I would have to say that the most important
characteristic that I have found is probably
intelligence, or at least education level. A
sense of humor, yes, that helps you deal with
things. Honesty, definitely. But there are
successful people in this world that, we can
admit, were not honest.
• That doesn’t make them good people, but it
doesn’t take away from their success as well.
Intelligence, though, can get you very far,
especially if we’re talking about intelligence
that’s gotten through education, and what I’m
talking about here is university education
degrees; higher-level degrees...
• those degrees and that level of intelligence
seems to open doors for people. It seems to
provide more opportunities for people to take.
And the more opportunities you have out
there, the more of a possibility that you will
be successful in whatever your endeavors are.