Career Action Planning Best Practices Module 4 Career Portfolio Preparation and Development Engage Students in School • Make students responsible for their future with a Career Development Portfolio • Continued development of a personal career portfolio brings the future to the present • Keeps students on track even when they change their minds • It gives students the ability to see the big picture and why they need to take those classes Career Student Portfolios: • Are personal individualized folders for each student • Belong to the student and should be given to the student upon graduation or transfer • Record student’s records, plans, and progress • Reviewed & up-dated at least once annually Follow-through not just Follow-up • A portfolio is the focal point allotting time to visit periodically with a counselor, advisor, or career coach • A portfolio is a developmental process with the maturity of the student through adulthood • A portfolio is a historical record as well as a planning tool Student Portfolios • All students should be given a portfolio by the end of the 8th grade • Students should have easy access to their portfolio folder at all times • Portfolios should be updated regularly – Four-year education plans must be updated annually Career Portfolios • Most experts agree that the career portfolio should be kept in a professional three-ring binder (zipper closure optional). You should include a table of contents and use some kind of system -– such as tabs or dividers -– to separate the various parts of the portfolio. Electronic Portfolios • Kuder Navigator Assessment Results Access score reports of any assessment you’ve taken online as well as ones you’ve entered. Education Plans Review your education plan. Manage My e-Portfolio Use your e-Portfolio to compile information and documents - e.g., references, contact information, résumés, certificates, work samples, and your past work experiences and long-term career goals. You can send a link to this e-Portfolio to potential employers so update it as often as needed. Plans Beyond High School Create or update your plans for after high school and send them to your parent(s) and counselor for review. Career Development Portfolio • • • • • • • • Collection of assessments Record of accomplishments Contains Resumes & Application Examples Education and Training Plan of Action Opportunity for Creative Self-expression Process for Career Development Self Discovery & Evaluation Business & industry Certifications Navigator Portfolio • • • • • • • • Sample Plans for each Career Cluster Pathway Individualized electronic 4-year plans Explore and Plan results Link to College Favorites Connect to Business Employer Research Needs assessment, Setting goals Education and Training Plans Beyond High School Student Certifications and Recognitions • Arkansas Career Readiness Certificate • Business and Industry Certifications where available (Perkins approvable) • Program of Study Certificates of Completion • Completion awards (Seals, Cords, Certificates) ACGA Student Portfolio Contest • Contest Guidelines • Portfolio Checklist • Grade Level Guide A Career Pathway is: • A coherent, articulated sequence of rigorous academic and career/technical courses, commencing in the ninth grade and leading to an associate degree, baccalaureate degree and beyond, • An industry recognized certificate, and/or licensure. • Developed, implemented, and maintained in partnership among secondary and postsecondary education, business and industry.