Conditionals Year 8 Sentence Starters Icons key: For more detailed instructions, see the Getting Started presentation Flash activity. These activities are not editable. Extension activities of 19 19 11 of Web addresses Teacher’s notes included in the Notes Page Accompanying worksheet © Boardworks Ltd 2006 Contents Introducing the conditional tense Conditional sentences Discussing possibility and probability Modals of 19 19 22 of © Boardworks Ltd 2006 Conditionals – Introducing the conditional tense Introducing the conditional tense of 19 19 33 of © Boardworks Ltd 2006 Introducing the conditional tense I had a dream last night, Lei, that I won millions of pounds on the lottery. It was great – I bought my own football stadium! That’s silly, Tom. If I won the lottery, I would buy loads of designer clothes, makeup and shoes. It would be heaven… 4 of 19 © Boardworks Ltd 2006 Using the conditional tense Think about what you would do if you won £14 million on the National Lottery? Write five sentences. Use this structure: If I won the National Lottery, I would… …buy a large mansion. 5 of 19 © Boardworks Ltd 2006 Conditionals You have just written five sentences using the conditional! Conditional sentences deal with situations which might happen or which might have happened. If I had iceskates, I could skate on the frozen lake. If I had had more time, I would have read all of these books! 6 of 19 © Boardworks Ltd 2006 Conditionals – Conditional sentences Conditional sentences of 19 19 77 of © Boardworks Ltd 2006 Conditional sentences Here are three sentences. They are all conditional. They all mean the same. If Lei went to Oxford Street, she would catch a number 3 bus. OR If Lei goes to Oxford Street, she will catch a number 3 bus. OR If Lei were to go to Oxford Street, she would catch a number 3 bus. 8 of 19 © Boardworks Ltd 2006 The conditional tense 9 of 19 © Boardworks Ltd 2006 Conditionals – Discussing probability and possibility Discussing probability and possibility 10 10 of of 19 19 © Boardworks Ltd 2006 What would probably happen Now finish these sentences with what will probably happen, using the photo to give you ideas. Then share your endings. 1. If the ball hits the window… 2. If a teacher caught them playing football… 3. If the bell were to ring… Note: these conditionals are about what would/will probably happen. 11 of 19 © Boardworks Ltd 2006 What might have happened Conditionals can also be used to talk about things that might have happened, but didn’t. Look at this example: If the taxi had not stopped at the red light, there might have been an accident. (But it did, so there was no accident.) 12 of 19 © Boardworks Ltd 2006 Conditionals Here are some other examples of what might have happened: If they had not fallen in love, they would not have got married. If they hadn’t fallen in love, they wouldn’t have got married. NB: NOT wouldn’t of Write what might have happened in these photos: 13 of 19 © Boardworks Ltd 2006 Using the two types of conditionals Now write a sentence about each of these photos using both the probably and might conditionals. © HMSO Try to make your answers as inventive as possible! 14 of 19 © Boardworks Ltd 2006 Conditions - Modals Modals 15 15 of of 19 19 © Boardworks Ltd 2006 Modals Modals are the words we use when giving advice and instructions to people. Lei uses them a lot to boss Tom around! How many modals can you think of? You mustn’t play football near me! Did you think of any of these? could should must have to can may ought need not Choose four modals and use them in sentences. 16 of 19 © Boardworks Ltd 2006 Modals 17 of 19 © Boardworks Ltd 2006 Modals Can and may are commonly confused modals. Can is about whether something is possible. May is asking for permission to do something. For example: Can I have another sweet? You can and you may. May I play outside? You can’t because it’s raining. 18 of 19 © Boardworks Ltd 2006 Writing with modals Dear Sarah, I don’t know what to do! I really like this girl in my class but I don’t know if she likes me too. I’m worried that if I were to ask her out she and her friends would laugh at me. I would be very grateful if you could give me some advice. Thanks, Tom. Dear Tom, If I were you, I’d tell this girl how you feel. You should try and talk to her on her own. If she has any sense, she will be flattered. If she laughs at you, she isn’t worth the bother. Good luck! Write a letter to an agony aunt asking for advice about a problem. Use conditionals if appropriate! Swap letters with a partner and reply to their letter giving them advice. Try to use some modals in your answer. 19 of 19 © Boardworks Ltd 2006