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Learn about finding jobs for the disabled Project
Leonardo Da Vinci Partnership
4th Project Meeting in Italy
EU-RO-IN Association Iasi
November-December, 2014
Learn about finding jobs for the
disabled - L@JOST Project
A C T I V I T I E S:
TRAINING COURSES: 7.08.2014-24.08.2014
Learn about finding jobs for the
disabled - L@JOST Project
From: "Asociatia Eu-ro-in [euproject]" <>
To: "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2014 4:29 PM
Subject: [euproject] A new step for European Project Partnership L@JOST
A new step for European Project Partnership
„Learn about find Jobs for the Disabled” – L@JOST
The third meeting within the European Project Partnership „Learn about find Jobs for the Disabled” developed in Talin,
Estonia, during 1-4 August 2014.
Think Eesti, Estonia - hosted teams from : EU-RO-IN Association in Iasi, Romania Engelli Dernekleri Federasyonu, Turkey, ,
Special Needs Children and Parents Association (SNCPA),UK, Città dei Giovani Onlus, Italia, Nevşehir Üniversitesi İncekara Sağlık
Hizmetleri Meslek Yüksekokulu, Turkey.
Activities during the meeting of the project took into account the achievement of the objectives of the partnership, for example: to
identify the needs and to analyse the situation at the level of the call centres, and the possibility of employment of persons with
disabilities in this sector, in the form of "home working"; development of a training curriculum and vocational guidance for people
with disabilities (communication, problem solving, decision making) in call-centre sector and establish the specific needs within the
regions where partners in the project are coming from; evaluate each national workshop and identify examples of good practice,
courses as obstacles, barriers and lacks in VET towards people with disabilities; synthesizing and dissemination of their results at
the level of national VET; raising awareness of the issues addressed by this project, in particular the IT possible instruments in
assisting vulnerable groups to enter and participate in/on the labour market.
The main issues addressed in the meeting schedule of the project were :
- A workshop about situation and social integration of persons with disabilities in Estonia;
- Presentation of the activities carried out by the participating institutions for project; discussing future steps for carrying out the project;
assessing achievement of the tasks of the project;
- Exchange of experience with local community institutions and on working with people with disabilities;
- Visits to cultural objectives in the city of Talin.
Learn about finding jobs for the
disabled - L@JOST Project
During the workshop, were made following exposures:
-Meelis Joost , Foreign Relations & European Policy Officer in the Estonian Chamber of Disabled People:„Disabled people and employment
in Estonia“
- Kaido Kikkas, Associate Professor. Estonian IT College,Tallinn University and Tallinn University of Technology:"People with disabilities and
education in Estonia"
- Meelis Luks (Mella), managing director, THINK Estonia NGO : „My full life with a special needs“
- Leo Võhandu, Tallinn University of Technology, member of the board- THINK Estonia NGO :„Disabled persons,
communication and new health technology for practical every body.“
On behalf of the Association EU-RO-IN Romania the materials were presented by PhD Doina Balan – member of the EU-RO-IN
Association team, and other interventions have been made by PhD Elena Anghel and Sandu Angelica , members of team project.
Each participating country had a good participation and contribution to the achievement of workshop and held eloquence during the
meeting on the basis of large exposures set out.
The exposures and documents presented constituted a good opportunity for all participants – members of the project team or invitees
– to discover this domain of call-centre, to find it very useful, and also, for the majority, a new possibility for disabled people to find a
job or to have a greater chance to be involved on the labour market by an easier way.
Following this meeting, the partners have realized what we have to do next to accomplish what was initially proposed in the project, to
improve the project, as well as the importance of systematic concrete actions realization in order to increase employment and
employment of persons with disabilities.
A very interesting part of the project meeting was the visit to Rapla county, at 45 km from Tallinn for an open-air meeting .The
participants visited the school from Rapla and the home of Meelis Luks ,managing director of THINK Estonia NGO . After that , they
participated to sportive activities and at wonderful Estonian-style barbecue dinner .
President of the EU-RO-IN Association
Learn about finding jobs for the
disabled - L@JOST Project
What call center is and what means to work in a call center
Work Legislation in EU. Rights and tasks of employees in European Union
Comunication and social interactioning. Communication in a workplace and by call center
Elements of work legislation in Romania
Rights of disabled people. Situation of disabled in Europe
Interculturality and European citizenship
Health and social services in EU
HOW to USE the IT EQUIPMENT and call center - for looking for a job
Selfprotection and first aid elements (individual health and hygiene)
English language
Use of English in order to find a job
Learn about finding jobs for the
disabled - L@JOST Project
Initial evaluation - 2 hours
What call center is and what means to work in a call center -2 hours
Work legislation in EU. Rights and tasks of employees in EU - 4 hours
Comunication and social interactioning. Communication in a workplace and by call center - 2 hours
Interculturality and European citizenship - 4 hours
Elements of work legislation in Romania - 4 hours
Rights of disabled people. Situation of disabled in Europe -3 hours
Health and social servicies in EU - 4 hours
 Selfprotection and elements of first aid (hygiene and individual health) - 4 hours
How to use IT equipments and call center for looking for find a job - 8 hours
English language. Using English language in order to find a job - 4 hours
Final evaluation - 2 hours
Learn about finding jobs for the disabled
- L@JOST Project
 Initial evaluation: 8 August 2014
 Final evaluation: 24 August 2014
 Certificate of attendance for trainees
 Total hours: 43
 Total trainees: 12
 Trainers: 5
We adapted our form courses, and we tried to
make them very clear and using modern methods
for attract the trainees, and also to make courses
useful and pleasant, too.
Learn about finding jobs for the disabled
- L@JOST Project
Learn about finding jobs for the disabled L@JOST LdV Project
Learn about finding jobs for the disabled –
L@JOST Project
 Use English to find a
Learn about finding jobs for the disabled
- L@JOST Project
Learn about finding jobs for the disabled L@JOST Project
 What call center is and what means to work in a call center
 Generalities
 What means VoIP technology ?
 Call Center based on IP protocols
 Gains in and by call center system
Learn about finding jobs for the disabled L@JOST Project
Learn about finding jobs for the disabled
- L@JOST Project
1. It’s a real need the use of “call center” system in “How to find a
2. Target-group interested to learn, to do, to find, to work, to search!
3. “Call center” system - an opportunity of disabled people. Not only!
4. The necessity and the utility of such a partnership project:
everybody has to learn a lot.
5. Training courses - for find better ways of approaching a theme for
achieving proposed goals and objectives.
6. Very, very important: to apply questionnaires of evaluation for
assure a best fead-back!!!
Learn about finding jobs for the disabled
- L@JOST Project
7. It is important to know as more as possible about these people, and
about their needs – discover point from the beginning of L@jost.
8. Easier contact of trainees for develop trainings and courses.
9. Following courses during the period established in accordance with
beneficiaries needs, and project tasks and dates. The period
established proved that we have correctly proceeded – trainees have
been participated with enthusiasm and involvement.
Learn about find job for the disabled L@JOST Project
Learn about finding jobs for the disabled L@JOST Project