S5 S6 Product Design Course Information

S5/6 Course Information:
Course Structure
Course Content
Product Design (Int2 & H)
Product Design in S5&6 is available at Higher and
Intermediate 2 level. Both courses are structured in the same
way and have the same content- the Higher course involving
greater depth.
The course contains 3 units of 40 hours duration which must
be passed and an additional 40 hours for assessment, further
teaching, consolidation and revision.
Higher Final Assessment is in the form of:
 A 2 hr Question Paper:
70 marks
 A Design Assignment:
70 marks
Total: 140
Int 2 Final Assessment is in the form of:
 A 1.5 hr Question Paper: 50 marks
 A Design Assignment:
50 marks
Total: 100
This Course develops the ability to apply skills and
knowledge to solve design problems in different
situations – attributes which are becoming more and more
valuable to individuals and organisations. The Course offers
students opportunities to explore the impact of design and
technological activities in everyday life. Candidates will
consider the complete life of a product, from its initial
conception, through manufacture and marketing, to its impact
on society.
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Design Analysis
Evaluate the design of a commercial product
Establish a design specification from a brief
Developing Design Proposals
Produce a design proposal
Use graphic techniques during the production of a
design proposal
Use modelling techniques during the production of a
design proposal
Manufacturing Products
Explain why particular materials are used for the
manufacture of commercial products.
Explain why particular processes and systems are
used for the manufacture of commercial products.
Produce a manual orthographic drawing suitable for
use in the manufacture of a given product.
All course notes are provided for the students in addition to
notes placed on the schools internal server and downloadable
materials currently being prepared for the website.
An individual copy of the Higher Product Design Textbook
from Leckie and Leckie will be loaned to each student during
the course.
A Grade Booster book is also available for purchase.
Exam Content
The final exam consists of 2 main sections:
Section A (30 marks) This section will consist of a single
question requiring extended and reasoned responses. The
question will follow a similar structure every year and will test
the candidate’s knowledge and understanding of areas from
across the Course content. The question will also require
candidates to integrate knowledge and understanding from
across the Course content.
Section B (40 marks) This section will consist of 4 to 7
questions. The questions will sample content from across the
Course and may require a degree of integration of knowledge
and understanding. Candidates will be expected to answer all
Key Dates
Supported Study
The Design Assignment consists of 8 A3 sheets where a
design proposal must be developed to a brief that is sent
out by the SQA. This is done in class in March in a set
timescale. Pace and quality are essential.
Students will be provided with Past Papers and revision
materials. They will also be available on the school server.
The previous 3 years Papers are available on the SQA
website. They will also have access to good exemplar
material to make standards evident.
Unit 1 Folio submission end Nov (date TBC)
Unit 2 Folio submission Feb (date TBC)
Initial Prelim/Test during February Prelim diet.
Design assignment mid-March.
Unit 3 NAB end March (date TBC)
Full prelim (with more course coverage) end of March.
Final SQA Exam in May. (Revision 2 weeks in April prior
to study leave.)
Supported study is offered on a Wednesday after school
from 3.40 to 4.40 (or later- see PT)
Sessions will be offered during Easter Revision School
Teacher is usually available most lunchtimes and after
school Tue-Thur for additional assistance. (Students to
arrange with PT)
Useful revision
guides and links
Course Level
Leckie and Leckie Higher Product Design Course Notes
(Textbook) which will be provided.
SQA website containing arrangement documents, past
papers & answers and other materials.
Product Design Grade Booster which students have the
option to purchase through the school at a discounted
price- recommended.
Students are expected to work on course work at home for
the first 2 units prior to folio submission for internal
Regular homework covering Design Principles, Practices
and Processes, normally on a weekly basis.