… The Parable Of The Two Sons Matthew 21:28-32 The Two Sons Matt 21:28-32 Setting In Jerusalem on Tuesday During the last week of Jesus’ earthly life It was His final day of public teaching His “triumphant entry” was 2 days prior Mt 21:1-11 Lk 19:39 The Two Sons Matt 21:28-32 Setting In Jerusalem on Tuesday On Monday, Jesus cleansed the temple Mt 21:12-13 Indignant, the Jews demanded Jesus produce the “authority” by which He was acting Mt 21:23 The Two Sons Matt 21:28-32 Setting In Jerusalem on Tuesday Jesus agrees to answer their question if they will answer His question re: the baptism of John Mt 21:24-27 The Two Sons Matt 21:28-32 Setting The demand “By what authority…” clearly revealed the Jews’ sinister plot Jesus’ actions on Monday stung them On Tuesday, they came at Him in waves It didn’t matter how He answered…they were going to kill Him The Two Sons Matt 21:28-32 Setting The demand “By what authority…” clearly revealed the Jews’ sinister plot What they wanted first was to discredit Him publicly Their intentions the previous Friday in Bethany show their plan Jn 12:9-11 The Two Sons Matt 21:28-32 The Parable A man wanted 2 sons to work vv. 28-30 He tells the 1st son “Go work” The son says “I will” but doesn’t go He tells the 2nd son the same thing The son says “I will not” but later regrets his disobedience, repents, & goes The Two Sons Matt 21:28-32 The Parable Jesus asked the Jews which son did the will of his father v. 31a To their own injury, the Jews answered correctly v. 31b One can almost image how begrudgingly they answered this question The Two Sons Matt 21:28-32 The Parable These Jews had already refused to answer Jesus’ question vv. 25-27 Even though their insincerity made them unworthy of answering, Jesus was not through with them Thus, He told this parable The Two Sons Matt 21:28-32 The Parable Jesus will now bring the Jews’ answer full circle vv. 31c-32 They have condemned themselves Those they despised (tax collectors, harlots) will get into the kingdom of God ahead of them The Two Sons Matt 21:28-32 The Parable Jesus will now bring the Jews’ answer full circle vv. 31c-32 John came…“sinners” heard his preaching, believed, and repented These Jews did not believe John…they even slandered him Mt 11:18 The Two Sons Matt 21:28-32 The Parable Jesus will now bring the Jews’ answer full circle vv. 31c-32 Even after witnessing the repentance of “sinners,” these Jews still would not show remorse at their rejection of John’s preaching The Two Sons Matt 21:28-32 The Application Identifying each son Son # 1 (He said he would go, but didn’t) The Jews (scribes, Pharisees) All they ever did was for public show Hypocrisy, pretense Mt 15:7-9 23:2-36 The Two Sons Matt 21:28-32 The Application Identifying each son Son # 2 (He said he wouldn’t go, but did) The “sinners” (tax collectors, harlots) Their lives reflected their disobedience Yet, they considered John’s & Jesus’ preaching…repented, and obeyed The Two Sons Matt 21:28-32 The Application This parable was told to expose the hypocrisy of the Jews vv. 23-27 Remember…they had “demanded” the authority by which Jesus acted They had refused to answer His question re: John’s baptism The Two Sons Matt 21:28-32 The Application This parable was told to expose the hypocrisy of the Jews vv. 23-27 When they did answer the question from this parable, Jesus applied their reply back to their rejection of John, his preaching, and his baptism v. 32 The Two Sons Matt 21:28-32 The Lesson The main idea = OBEDIENCE God is gracious to those who previously have disobeyed, but who afterwards listen to His word, consider their rejection, and repent The Two Sons Matt 21:28-32 The Lesson The main idea = OBEDIENCE God has no patience for those whose religion is nothing but empty ritualistic promises that never intend to be honored, and who do what they do religiously only to be seen by others The Two Sons Matt 21:28-32 The Lesson The main idea = OBEDIENCE Which son am I? Am I only “talking the game?” Am I remorseful of my disobedience and willing to change my sinful ways? The Two Sons Matt 21:28-32 The Lesson Some modern-day applications… What of Christians who faithfully attend, sing, pray, contribute, commune, etc. but whose personal lives do not reflect the N.T. teachings of Christ? WHICH SON? The Two Sons Matt 21:28-32 The Lesson Some modern-day applications… What of Christians who point to the Scripture re: moral & spiritual obligations, yet whose personal lives do not reflect those same teachings? WHICH SON? …