NUTRITION AND DIGESTION LIFE PROCESSES Nutrition Lesson 1 Do Now Food Labels Worksheet Why do you need to eat? How can a food label show what you are eating and how much? Nutrition? Process of taking in nutrients (eating) Used in: Cell respiration (ATP) Metabolism Growth Repair 2 Types of Nutrition Autotrophic: organisms that make their own food through photosynthesis Ex: ________________________ Heterotrophic: organisms that take in food Ex: ________________________ Digestion Breaking nutrients into smaller molecules that can enter cells through the semi-permeable membrane Starch breaks down into ________________ Protein breaks down into ________________ Lipids break down into__________________ Unicellular Organisms Take in food through phagocytosis by englufing and surrounding a substance Ex: ______________________________ Human Digestion Purpose: to get nutrients from food into cells 1 way passage: in the mouth and out the anus Food enters through the mouth and moves slowly through the system by muscular contractions called peristalsis Food never enters tissue Basics 1. 2. 3. Food is broken down by mechanical digestion (chewing) and chemical digestion (enzymes) Molecules are absorbed Undigested food is eliminated as solid waste In class assignment Mini-lab demonstration: mechanical digestion vs. chemical digestion Homework Nutrition Sources and Facts Worksheet Human Digestion Lesson 2 Do Now Are Viruses Alive worksheet Using what you already know about your body and the digestion system label the diagram as best you can. Pathway of Digestion Food enters through the mouth (ingestion) Teeth break down food into smaller pieces by mechanical digestion to increase surface area Saliva is secreted to chemically break down food (enzymes: amylase and lysozyme) Food is swallowed and pushed into the esophagus by peristalisis Food is pushed into the stomach Large muscular organ Contains HCl (pH 2) One way valves In class assignment Mini-lab demonstration: how peristaltic action works “I Feel Squeezy” Food is pushed into the small intestine (7 meters) by peristalsis Site of most chemical digestion by enzymes Villi increase surface area to absorb nutrients into the bloodstream Blood brings the nutrients to cells Waste is pushed into the large intestine (shorter and wider than the small intestine) Main site of water absorption Too much water absorbed = constipation (doesn’t get rid of enough water) Too little water absorbed = diarrhea (gets rid of too much water) Stores solid waste until it is eliminated through the anus Accessory Organs Liver: emulsifies (breaks down) fats by producing bile Gallbladder: stores bile Pancreas: releases insulin to decrease blood sugar Food Where digestion begins Where digestion ends End product Starches/ Carbs Mouth Small intestine Simple sugars Proteins Stomach Small intestine Amino acids Fats Small intestine Small intestine Fatty acids and glycerol Disorders Appendicitis Gallstones Ulcer Colon cancer Cirrhosis Homework Digestion Worksheet Out to Lunch Lesson 3 Do Now Nutrient Uptake worksheet In class assignment Watch the video: Magic School Bus “Out to Lunch” Homework Chapter 22 Study Guide worksheet Digestion Construction Lesson 4 Do Now Label and Describe the Digestive System Worksheet In class assignment Work with a lab partner to construct the entire digestion system using the materials provided Models should be 3-D and accurate Homework Practice Regents Digestion questions Digestive System Lab Lesson 5 In class assignment/homework Digestive System lab Virtual Body Lesson 6 (optional) In class assignment Watch a computer simulation of the digestive system and complete the worksheet