Class #3 Lecture

This section covers using the query window in design view
to create a query and sorting & filtering data while in a
datasheet view.
Microsoft Access 2000 Class #4
The Major Steps of a MicroSoft
Access Database
 Tables
 Queries
 Forms
 Macros
 Reports
 Modules
On our road map, we are here!
A query is a question
you ask about data
stored in a database.
For example, you
might create a query
to find records in the
Customer table for
only those customers
in a specific state.
When you create a query, you tell
Access which fields you need and
what criteria Access should use to
select the records.
Customer ID
All Customers in Ohio
City State Zip
Access provides powerful query
capabilities that allow you to:
Display selected fields and records from a table.
Sort records
Perform calculations
Generate data for forms, reports and other queries
Update, (modify) data in tables in a database
Find and display data from two or more tables
Most questions about data are
generalized queries in which you
specify the fields and records you
want Access to select.
These common requests for
information, such as “Which
customers have unpaid bills?”
or “Which type of coffee
sells best in Ohio?”
are called
select queries.
The answer to a select query is returned in
the form of a datasheet.
More specialized, technical queries, such as
finding duplicate records in a table, are best
formulated through a Query Wizard.
A Query Wizard prompts
you for information through
a set of questions and then
creates the appropriate
query based on your
For common,
informational queries, it
is easier for you to design
your own query rather
than use a Query Wizard.
The Query Window
You use the Query window in Design
view to create a query. In Design view
you specify the data you want to view
by constructing a query by example.
Using query by example (QBE), you
give Access an example of the
information you are requesting. Access
then retrieves the information that
precisely matches your example.
In Design view, the Select Query window
contains the standard title bar, toolbar,
and status bar.
On the tool bar, the Query Type button shows a
select query; the icon on this button changes
according to the type of query you are creating.
The title bar on the Select Query window displays
the query type, Select Query, and the default
query name, Query1.
Field List
Tool Bar
Design Grid
View Button for Datasheet View
This button will toggle views
between the datasheet view
and the design view
The pull down arrow to
the right of the button
will show the options.
An alternative method of
toggling between the design
view and data sheet view is to
use View on the Menu Bar.
Query Type Button
This button will toggle or change the type of
query that we want.
The pull down arrow to the right of the button
will show the options.
We will be using the Select
Query Type for this class.
In the design grid , you include the fields
and record selection criteria for the
information you want to see. Each column
in the design grid contains specifications
about a field you will use in the query. You
can choose a single field for your query by
dragging its name from the field list to the
design grid in the lower portion of the
window. Alternatively, you can double
click a field name to place it in the next
available column in the design grid.
Field List
Design Grid
Field Name Row in Design Grid
If the query you are creating
includes all the fields from the
specified table, you could use
one of the following three
methods to transfer all the
fields from the filed list to the
design grid.
Field List
Design Grid
Click and drag each field
individually from the field list to
the design grid. Use this method
if you want the fields in your
query to appear in an order that
is different from the order in the
field list.
Field List
Design Grid
Double-click the asterisk in the
field list. Access places the table
name followed by a period and an
asterisk (as in “Costomer.*”) in
the design grid.
Field List
Design Grid
This signifies that the order of the
fields will be the same in the
query as it is in the field list. Use
this method if the query does not
need to be sorted or to have
conditions for the records you
want to select.
Field List
Design Grid
The advantage of this method is
that you do not need to change
the query if you add or delete
fields from the underlying table
structure. They will appear
automatically in the query.
Field List
Design Grid
With the third method, Doubleclick the field list title bar to
highlight all the fields, and then
click, hold and drag one of the
highlighted fields to the design
Field List
Design Grid
Access places each field in a
separate column and arranges
the fields in the order in which
they appear in the field list. Use
this method rather than the
previous one if your query needs
to be sorted or to include record
selection criteria.
Sorting Data in a Table Query or Form
The Sort Ascending and
Sort Descending buttons
on the toolbar allow you
to sort records immediately, based on the
selected field. First you select the column
on which you want to base the sort, and
then click the appropriate sort button on
the toolbar to rearrange the records in
either ascending or descending order.
We will see other sorting methods later.
Filtering Data in a Table Query or Form
A filter is a set of
restrictions you place on
the records in an open
datasheet or
form to
isolate a
subset of the
Filtering Data in a Table Query or Form
A filter lets you view
different subsets of
displayed records so
you can focus
on only the
data you need.
Filtering Data
Unless you save a query or
form with a filter applied,
an applied filter
is not available
the next time you
run the query or
open the form.
Filtering Data
The simplest technique for filtering records is
filter by selection.
Filter By Selection lets you select all or part of a
field value in a datasheet or form, and then
display only those records that contain the
selected value in the field.
Filtering Data
Another technique for filtering records is to use
Filter By Form.
Filter by Form changes your datasheet to display empty
fields. Then you can select a value from the list arrow
that appears when you click any blank field to apply a
filter that selects only those records containing that value.
You can also right click in a field to activate a
pop-up menu that will give you filtering and
sorting options.
With this method, you also have the Filter
Excluding Selection, which is the opposite of
Filter by Selection.
You also have the Filter For option, which
allows you to type in the criteria that you are
looking for.
Quick Check Review
Page AC 3.19
Quick Check
Let’s take a few
moments to break up
into discussion groups.
Each group will discuss
the quick check questions on page
AC 3.19 in your books. We will then
review the answers at the end of the
Quick Check Review
Session 3.1
1) What is a select query?
Quick Check Review
Session 3.1
2) Describe the field list and the
design grid in the Query window in
Design view.
Quick Check Review
Session 3.1
3) How are a table datasheet and a
query datasheet similar? How are
they different?
Quick Check Review
Session 3.1
4) The ______ is the “one” table in
a one-to-many relationship, and the
_______ is the “Many” table in the
Quick Check Review
Session 3.1
5) _______ is a set of rules that
Access enforces to maintain
consistency between related tables
when you update data in a
Quick Check Review
Session 3.1
6) For a date / time field, what is
ascending sort order?
Quick Check Review
Session 3.1
7) When must you define multiple sort
keys in Design view instead of in the query
Quick Check Review
Session 3.1
8) A(n) ________ is a set of
restrictions you place on the
records in an open datasheet or
form to isolate a subset of records
You have been requested to help
the people at Valle Coffee with
creating queries that will
answer their questions.
Your assignment today is to do the class
exercises starting on
Page AC 3.01 through page AC 3.19
Disk to use for this Class:
Class # 3
Tutorial 3
Level 1 Disk 1
Restaurant .mdb
Tutorial 3 beginning on Page AC 3.01 and
working through Page AC 3.19