SPDAT Community Training Analysis of Screening Tools • Decrease in funding • Increased Volume for Services • Cut in Staffing • Inconsistent assessment by agencies to determine service eligibility • Required by federal regulation -HEARTH Act requires a coordinated assessment process to effectively assess and meet the needs of individuals & families. What is the SPDAT? SPDAT Acronym for - Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool •Evidence based assessment that links people with the housing and supports that best meet their needs. •Provides an objective manner to triage and prioritize resources for those most vulnerable •Eliminates the “first come first serve” process. •Improves the intake process so existing resources are best aligned to meet the most appropriate housing need. •Standardizes intake s0 no matter where a client enters the system, there is a common process and access to resources. 3 April 9, 2015 SPDAT HISTORY More than a decade in the making, the first version was released in 2010. Content and language was developed by service users, front-line staff, team leaders, professionals, academics, and published literature. Considerable testing has gone into each version. Tested against other tools. Feedback received by service users, frontline staff, team leaders, and communities; shadowing to see tool in practice Version 2 released in 2011 and Version 3 in 2013. F-SPDAT Version 1 released in 2012 Purpose of the SPDAT Tool SPDAT uses the best available evidence to examine the components of a person or family’s life that are most likely to result in housing instability. SPDAT helps: Understand the depth of these issues Identifies which household is most likely to benefit from which type of housing Identifies which household should be prioritized upon their acuity Identifies what the case manager should spend time working on that are most likely going to affect maintaining housing stability. What will the SPDAT do? Help prioritize who gets served next and why. Helps agencies allocate their time. Measure changes in acuity over time. Helps provide a structured framework for case management delivery. SPDAT Not homogeneous Funnel of homeless services Acuity determined through assessment PSH/ Housing First Rapid Re-Housing General Housing Help Organizing in Domains Wellness Risks Socialization & Daily Functions History of Housing Wellness Mental Health & Wellness and Cognitive Functioning Physical Health & Wellness Medication Substance Use Experience of Abuse/ Trauma Risks Involvement in High Risk/ Exploitive Situations Harm to Self or Others Legal Issues Interactions with Emergency Services Managing Tenancy Socialization & Daily Functions Social Relations and Networks Meaningful Daily Activities Personal Administration & Money Management Self-Care & Daily Living Skills History of Housing History of Housing & Homelessness idejong@orgcode.com facebook.com/orgcode Iain De Jong orgcodemobile orgcode.com @orgcode