Classroom PBS Mapping Expectations & Rules to Routines

Tier 1 PBS
Classroom Systems
Benchmarks of Quality
Classroom Items # 42-48
Participants will be able to:
• Identify the foundation for PBS classroom behavior
management systems
• Name the top six classroom behavior management
• Identify two tools to assess behavioral needs within
the classroom
Classroom RtI for Behavior
Classroom-Level PBS:
• Tier 1 Expectations - The foundation for classroom
behavior management systems
• Critical component in a multi-tiered system of
Helps teachers embed RtIB into classroom practices
Provides tools for preventing problem behaviors
Provides tools for remediation
System for building in accommodations, as needed
Assists teachers who need behavioral support, in addition to
existing Tier 1 practices
Tiers of PBS
Tier 3 – (Intensive, Individualized) Processes and procedures reflect
Tier 1 expectations coupled with team-based strategies to address
problematic behaviors of individual students
Tier 2 – (Targeted) Processes and procedures address behavioral
issues of groups of students with similar behavior problems or
behaviors that seem to occur for the same reasons (i.e. attention,
Tier 1 & 2 – (Classroom) Processes and procedures reflect Tier 1
expectations coupled with pre-planned strategies applied
within classrooms
Tier 1 – (Core) Procedures and processes support behavior intended
for all students, staff, across all settings
Classroom PBS Basics
Tier 1 expectations are the foundation for classroom
• Classroom rules and procedures tied to Tier 1 expectations
• Rules are observable, measurable, enforceable
• Rules and procedures are identified, taught and reviewed regularly
• Classroom reward system supports Tier 1 expectations
• Includes high ratio of positives to negatives
• Increases likelihood students will engage in the desired behaviors
• Provides opportunities for at-risk students to experience success
• Responses to problem behaviors connected to Tier 1
• Teacher-managed referrals support Tier 1 system
• Used as a teaching tool for desired behavior
Classroom Behavior Management
Top 6 Behavior Management Practices:
1. Teach Tier 1 Expectations
2. Develop and teach classroom procedures & routines
3. Develop and teach effective classroom rules
4. Acknowledge appropriate behavior
5. Actively engage learners
6. Respond effectively to problem behavior
1. Teach Tier 1 Expectations
Tier 1 Expectations:
Foundation for classroom behavior systems
Posted in all classrooms
Directly taught through on-going lesson plans
Embedded into academic lessons
Differentiate lessons based on need
• Whole class
• Smaller groups
• Individual Students
Formal Lesson Plan Development
Explain why the lesson is important or relevant
Define concept/skill with examples & non-examples
Have students apply the knowledge/skill
Provide additional practice with feedback
Differentiate instruction based on student need
Specific skills students must
rehearse in the identified setting
Embedding Expectations
Social Studies:
• Discuss how different historical events unfolded due
to conflict. Have students brainstorm solutions on
different way the conflict might have been resolved
Language Arts and Reading:
• Discuss how characters in a novel did not show
respect. Have students re-write the story with the
character showing respect
2. Classroom Procedures
and Routines
Procedures and Routines:
• Provide structure and consistency for students
regarding all activities or events:
Classroom movements (transitions)
Turning in assignments or homework, getting materials
Gaining adult attention or asking for help
Working in groups, independent seatwork, whole group
• Must be taught, practiced, modeled and reinforced
• Developed for all staff
• Volunteers, substitutes, aides, paraprofessionals
Classroom Procedures by Expectation
Turn in Homework
Be Safe
Single file at cabinet
Push in chair
Be Respectful
Wait quietly
Walk quietly
Return to seat
Take pass and
return pass
Be Responsible
Begin ‘bell’ work
Teaching Classroom Procedures
and Routines
Example: Lining Up
• Proactively identify problem situations/areas
• Teach the expectations (Be safe, Be Respectful)
based on how they align with the procedure
• Model and practice the expected behaviors
• Reinforce appropriate behavior
• Review (pre-correct desired behaviors)
• Prompt
• Reinforce
3. Classroom Rules
• Developed by the classroom teacher
• Aligned with the Tier 1 expectations
• Examples:
• Always push in your chair = Be Safe
• Turn in all assignments = Be Responsible
• Positively stated
• Limited in number (maximum 5)
• PBS team member may review rules for
adherence to guidelines
Supporting Classroom
Blank Classroom PBS Plans in the Misc. Section in the Tier 1 Training Binder
4. Acknowledge Appropriate
• Acknowledging Appropriate Behavior:
• Specific verbal praise, gestures ( e.g., high-fives, thumbs up)
• Rewards: Points, social, activity, sensory, escape, tangible
• How to Acknowledge:
• Provide immediate, specific praise
• “Johnny, you were in your seat when the tardy bell rang,
thank you for being responsible.”
• “Bridget, thank you for being safe by walking down the
correct side.”
• 4:1 ratio of positives to corrective statements
• Use visual prompts in classroom as reminders to stay
focused on the positives
Levels of Acknowledgement
• ‘All for One’: Interdependent Group Contingency
• Whole group, universal approach
• Everyone engages in the desired behavior which earns the
entire group/class a reward
• Example: Marbles in a jar
• ‘One for All’: Dependent Group Contingency
• Target student or targeted group
• Individual student earns a reward for the entire group by
engaging in the targeted behavior; class encourages student
• ‘To each his/her own’: Independent Group Contingency
• Each student earns reinforcement based on his/her behavior
• Example: Behavior Report Card
Examples of Rewards
• Positive note/phone call home
• Lunch with preferred adult (teacher, principal, coach)
• Sit in special chair (teacher’s chair, beanbag chair)
• Keep the class mascot on desk
• Mystery “Grab Bag”
• Homework pass
• Extra computer, library time
• Pizza, popcorn, popsicle party
Build on the Tier 1 System
• Connect Classroom and Tier 1Reward Systems
• Every full jar of marbles the class earns, each student
earns a Tier 1 token
• Add Tier 1tokens to the classroom treasure box
• Class competitions for public praise announcement
• Example: Class of the Week for Being Respectful
• Teacher nominates student for positive office referral
and a raffle ticket
Other Classroom Systems
Stoplight or Flipping/Pulling Cards
Focus is on inappropriate behaviors
Students receive attention for not demonstrating Tier 1
Opportunities for adverse reactions by students
Possibility of increased or escalation of problem behavior
Solution: Flip The System
• All students start in the ‘Neutral’ Zone
• Students earn the opportunity to move up to the ‘Go/Green’ Zone
by demonstrating Tier 1 expectations
5. Actively Engage Learners
Active Engagement:
Vary who responds (individual, groups, pairs)
Provide numerous ‘opportunities to respond’
Use enthusiasm and humor
Observable ways to engage students
• Auditory/visual signals (bells, buzzers, yes/no cards)
• White board, clickers
• Create Ownership: our room vs. my room
• Offer choices
• Link engagement with outcome objectives
• If everyone has an answer, I’ll knock one question off your
6. Responding Effectively to
Problem Behavior
• Match severity of offense to the response
• Address the motivation (function) of the problem
• Align responses with:
• Tier 1 expectations
• Clearly defined rules
• A system for teaching & rewarding expectations & rules
• Include opportunities to learn & practice appropriate
• Monitor responses to ensure they are effective
Effective Classroom Responses
• Modify the Environment
• Change seating, reduce distractions, decrease noise
• Modify the Presentation
• Increase/decrease pace of instruction, shorten lecture
time, increase student participation, use work groups,
allow use of computer, short work breaks, study
• Modify Curriculum and/or Instruction
• High-interest topic for reading/writing assignments,
shortened assignments, visual aids, extended time,
frequent feedback
Positive Peer Modeling
• Focus on students engaging in the appropriate behaviors
• Identify students following the expectations
• Name the expectation
• Provide reinforcement (praise, token/ticket)
• Engage the class in discussion to identify problems in
the classroom (e.g., talking out during instruction, out of
• Discuss rationale for focusing on a behavior
• Identify a classroom goal that is achievable
• Determine classroom reward for achieving the goal
Addressing Inappropriate Behavior
• Speak to student privately
• Remain calm, positive and objective
• Refrain from arguing with the student
• Acknowledge concerns/feelings, then re-direct to next
opportunity for success
• End conversation immediately
• Avoiding Escalating Behavior and Power Struggles
• PBS Classroom Consultation Guide, Page 128
Teacher-Managed Referral Forms
• Problem-solving and progress monitoring tool
• Used for ongoing/repetitive issues with a student
• Individual problem solving, bring to problem solving team
• Student doesn’t need to know you’re filling it out
• Identifies Tier 1 issues (when aggregated)
• Skills to be taught/rewarded
• Support classroom management
• Form should be easy to complete
• Process for completing form should be simple
• Staff should be taught how and when to use the form
Referral Review
Steps for reviewing a classroom ‘referral’ with a student:
Name the problem behavior
State the Tier 1 expectation
Model expected behavior
Ask student to demonstrate behavior
Provide acknowledgement to student
Follow discipline referral process
Use a neutral, calm tone
• Provide feedback on a behavioral error
• Acknowledge feelings, but don’t argue
• Deliver in private
Additional Classroom Support
• If a teacher is effectively using the top 6 classroom
Teaching Tier 1 expectations
Teaching classroom rules, procedures, and routines
Acknowledging Appropriate Behavior
Actively engaging learners
Responding effectively to problem behavior
• And has not successfully modified the behavior, s/he
may seek assistance from the ‘Behavior’ team
• Classroom Consultation Guide
Classroom Consultation Guide
Who should use the Guide?
• Individuals supporting classroom teachers
• Classroom teachers
• School-based PBS team members
Purpose of the Guide:
• Identify, assess, & evaluate classrooms in need of additional
• Environment, Behavior System, Curriculum & Instruction
• Problem-solve to determine appropriate interventions
• Evaluate effectiveness of intervention strategies
Guide has links
within the document.
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of Contents press alt
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Classroom Assistance Tool
Classroom Behavior Management
Identify areas of concern within the classroom:
• Be Proactive
• Alter the environment to prevent behaviors from occurring
• Teach appropriate behavior
• Tier 1 expectation lesson plans
• Utilize classroom rules, procedure and routines to support
the expectations
• Embed in academics
• Reinforce desired behavior
• Develop effective responses to problem behaviors
• Acknowledge students engaging in Tier 1 expectations
• Use peer modeling and support
PBS Project Contact
Heather P. George, Ph.D.
Co-PI and Co-Director, Florida’s Positive
Behavior Support Project
Phone: (813) 974-6440
Fax: (813) 974-6115