The Role of Sport-for-Development What is Sport-for-Development Sport for Development can be defined as using the power of sport to build on the values of development, such as equity, inclusion and sustainability, promoting children’s development, furthering social inclusion and cohesion, and contributing to health, education and economic development UN Inter-Agency Task Force on Sport for Development and Peace (2003) International Recognition of the Sector Sport is recognised for the potential contribution towards MDGs. Well-designed sports programmes are also a cost-effective way to contribute significantly to health, education, development and peace as a powerful medium through which to mobilize societies as well as communicate key messages. (UN Inter-Agency Task Force, 2003, p5) NGOs combine both sport skills and life skills Sport is a viable and practical tool to support the achievement of the MDGs Sport is a powerful vehicle to complement existing UN activities. 3 Why Sport? ‘Sport is a universal language’ – Mandela It’s an effective vehicle for social mobilisation and education It has potential to connect people and communities from diverse backgrounds ©Magic Bus Case Studies Meeting MDGs Poverty and Hunger – Majority of SfD NGOs Universal Primary Education - Right To Play /Magic Bus Gender and Women – Go Sisters (EduSport) Reduce Child Mortality – Right to Play Improve Maternal Health – Go Sisters HIV/AIDS – Kicking AIDS Out Network Environmental sustainability – MYSA Global partnerships for development – Majority of SfD NGOs Role of Policy Makers Policy makers ‘still have that mentality of play in their understanding of sport and, therefore, they can’t think how a ball can help a child with HIV [with], you know, life skills.’ (Director, Larger Sport-for-Development NGO) Governments need to acknowledge the power of sport Assist in integration of Sport-for-development NGOs into Poverty Reduction Strategies. Enable access to financial resources such as distributor of Global Funds Ensure collaboration among local, national and international sport-for-development agencies 6