Sports Marketing

Chapter 1
What Is Sports and
Entertainment Marketing?
1.1 Marketing Basics
1.2 Sports Marketing
1.3 Entertainment Marketing
Sports and Entertainment Marketing
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Sports Marketing
Learning Targets:
 I can describe the basic concepts of
 I am able to explain the Marketing Mix.
 I can define the Six Core Standards of
Sports and Entertainment Marketing
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Key Terms:
marketing mix
discretionary income
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 Marketing
 Process through which goods and services move from
concept to the customer. It includes the coordination of
four elements called the “4 P's of marketing”:
Place or (Distribution)
Simply stated Marketing is the creation and maintaining of a satisfying
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 Creation – product/service development.
 Maintenance – it must be continuous.
 Satisfaction – meets the needs/wants of
businesses and customers.
 Exchange – businesses and customers both give
and receive something of value.
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Satisfying Customer Needs
 Identify your customer
 Identify needs/wants of your customer
 Develop superior products
 Operate your business profitably
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Sports and Entertainment Marketing
Marketers of sports and entertainment
marketing must assess;
 consumer demand
 the competition
 the financial valuation of the goods and
services they offer
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 Marketing Mix
 Describes how a business blends the
following four elements:
 Product
 Distribution (Place)
 Price
 Promotion
aka – the Four P’s of Marketing
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 Product
 what a business offers to satisfy needs/wants.
 goods and services
Can be either tangible or intangible or both.
 Distribution (Place)
 the locations and methods used to make products
available to customers.
Ex: Online, mail order, Bricks-N-Mortar
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 Price
 amount customers pay for products.
Amount that is listed on the price tag, ticket, bill, etc.
 Promotion
 ways to make customers aware of products.
 encourages customers to buy.
Ex: advertising, publicity, personal selling, and
public relations.
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Marketing Mix Considerations
 Satisfying Customers
 Must satisfy customers needs/wants by
1. Offer what they want
2. Offer when they want it
3. Offer where they want it
4. Offer it at a price (affordable) they are willing to pay
 Discretionary / Disposable Income
 the amount of money individuals have available to
spend after paying for necessities
Striking the right balance between price, distribution and
promotion is important.
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A Marketing Mix Example in the
Sports Industry – Super Bowl
 Product a championship game offered by the NFL between
the best in the AFC vs the best team in the NFC.
 Distribution includes the location of the host city and ticket
 Price – consumer costs extend beyond ticket prices and
include travel and lodging expenses.
 Promotion involves media outlets and related-product
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In class Assignment / Bell Ringer / Exit Slip:
Opening Act pg. 4
Work with a partner or work solo.
Read – answer what it is asking. Email your answers to:
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Chapter 1
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Sports and Entertainment Marketing
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Michael Jordan - NIKE
Michael Jordan - NIKE
Bo Jackson - NIKE
Tiger Woods – NIKE
LeBron James – Beats by Dre
Wade and Barkley – T Mobile
Jeter, Woods and Federer - Gillette
Johnny Football – Snickers
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Barkley and Harden - Footlocker
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Page 9 & 10
Be ready to discuss tomorrow.
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 Distribution
 Distribution involves determining the best
way to get a company’s products and
services to customers.
Examples: In stores, online, via mail order
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 Marketing-Information Management
 gathering and using information about
customers to improve business decision
Example: Telemarketers calling you and
asking you various questions.
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 Pricing
 the process of establishing and
communicating to customers the value or
costs of goods and services.
Price is typically linked to consumer demand.
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 Product/Service Management
 designing, developing, maintaining, improving and
acquiring products or services to meet customer
Sony comes out with
bought out
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 Promotion
 using a variety of communication forms, including
advertising, to distribute information about
products, services, images and ideas to achieve a
desired outcome.
Examples: Sales ads, Commercials on TV.
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 Selling
 any direct and personal communication with
customers to assess and satisfy their needs now
and in the future.
Examples: Sales and customer service representatives.
Progressive Insurance
Best Buy
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 Financing
 A company must budget for its own marketing
activities and provide customers with assistance
in paying for the company’s products and
Note – customers are more likely to make a purchase
when they have more than one payment option.
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In class Assignment / Bell Ringer / Exit Slip:
ENCORE! pg.11
Read and Answer #3
Due (start of class) – 9/5/14
Email to –
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Purchased Four Reds Tickets
Financing – used credit card (had to pay in full), half-off deal
Pricing – $24 per ticket (half-off face value)
Promotion – REDS email alert, newspaper
PSM – updated customers on ½ half tickets
Distribution – received by mail (could have picked them up at Will Call)
Selling – email from REDS ticket office
MIM – had to give personal information (name, address, phone #)
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Basic rules for creating a successful Flyer • Be Readable
– Utilize clear Fonts and Scripts
– Utilize a short, Catch Phrase
• Informative
– Answer: Who, What, When, Where or Date, Time, Location, Cost
• Eye Catching Design
– utilize pictures and bright colors
• Call to Action
– Go online, Call #, Text, Make Purchase, Sign Up
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Lesson 1.2
Sports Marketing
Learning Targets
 I can identify sports marketing
 I understand the importance of target
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 Sports Marketing
 Target Market
 Demographics
 Gross Impression
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 Sports Marketing
using sports to market products/services
 Target Market
 Specific group of people you want to reach (your “Target”)
How do we identify (know) our market?
 By researching their Demographics
 Demographics
 Quantifiable statistics (data) of a given population….common
characteristics of a specific group
 age, gender, location, income level, education level, ethnicity,
home ownership, marital status
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Gross Impression
 Marketing strategy used by businesses
 the number of times per advertisement, game, or
show that a product or service is associated with
an athlete, team or entertainer is shown.
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 Businesses musk act when
 Fans want products and services
 Teams Wins
 Addition of Popular Players
 Trends/Styles change
 Marketing efforts will change
 Winning/Losing
 Positive/Negative Press
 Trends/Styles change
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Emotional Value
 connections to teams, players based on
Where you live
What you know (like/watch)
Emotions - major factor in what consumers BUY, why
they BUY and when they BUY.
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 it is a multi-billion-dollar global industry
 Businesses know there is money to be made.
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New Sports Creates Opportunities
 for businesses to make money.
Frisbee Golf
Extreme Sports (X-Games)
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So Many Channels
 High profile sporting events generate strong
promotional revenues for broadcasters.
Bowl Games
Rivalry Games
Preseason Tournaments
Championship Games
How many sports channels do you have?
Fioptics (Cincinnati Bell)
Dish Network
Time Warner Cable
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In class Assignment – 30pts:
Read pages 17 - 22
Page. 24-25
 Answer questions 1-12, 14,16 and 17
Type your answers in Microsoft Word – Printout and turn in (place in your
paper in your Class Bells Bend) before leaving class.
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Lesson 1.3
Entertainment Marketing
Learning Targets
 I can define entertainment.
 I can explain the impact ratings has on
marketing and sports teams.
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 entertainment marketing
 entertainment
 ratings
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What Exactly is Entertainment?
 entertainment
 whatever people are willing to spend their
money and spare time viewing rather than
participating in.
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Watching NFL Sunday Ticket.
Attending a concert at Riverbend.
Attending a Camels Athletic event.
Going to the movies.
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 entertainment marketing
 influencing how people choose to spend
their time and money on entertainment.
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The Big Eye in Every Room
 Television changed the marketing of
entertainment in a profound way.
 Ratings
 Number of viewers the program attracted.
 Commercials
 Advertising spots purchased by businesses to
promote their products/services during TV and Radio
Note: Ratings is the main factor in pricing commercials.
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Change Accelerated
 Technology advancements/improvements have
facilitated the distribution of sports and
entertainment to the masses.
Smart Phones (iPhone, Galaxy, etc.)
Note: technology has increased the success rate of reaching
Target Markets.
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Technology and Customer Feedback
 Marketers, Teams and Fans utilize
technologies to communicate.
Web Sites
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