Welcome on Board CSCE 106 CSCE106 – Fundamentals of Computer Science Course Information (Lecture 0) Eman Nasr MSc, MPhil, PhD {enasr@aucegypt.edu} Outline Why this course Course topics Course administration Student Code of conduct Skills to be developed/learnt How to achieve an A How to study Advice for exams Two last words CSCE106 3 Why This Course Does anyone of you: does not know what a computer is? did not see a computer before? did not use a computer? does not have a computer? does not have an email? did not surf the internet? Can anyone of you think of a discipline that doesn’t make use of computers? Computers now are ubiquitous, even hidden in other machines. CSCE106 4 Course Topics A preview of computers and programming (1week) Basic math concepts (1.5 weeks) Problem solving concepts (1 week) Introduction to C++ programming (8.5 weeks) CSCE106 5 Course Administration Web sites: Blackboard Learning System, and www.cse.aucegypt.edu/~csci106e. Office: 2156 SSE. Office hours: MTR 12:50 - 13:50, and 15:50 16:50. Your section will have one graduate teaching assistant, who will also guide you to using Visual C++. You can use all General Labs in the CSCE department for the this course (SSE 2173, 2175, 2176, …). You will find password provided on the board in lab. CSCE106 6 Course Administration (cont’d) Course Materials Frank L. Friedman and Elliot B. Koffman. Problem Solving, Abstraction, and Design Using C++. Fifth Edition. Addison Wesley, 2007. Additional handouts. CSCE106 7 I hear, I forget I see, I remember I do, I understand CSCE106 8 Course Administration (cont’d) Assignments You will be responsible for submitting a weekly assignment. A bonus will be given for early submissions (2% for every day early). Late assignments will be penalised by deducting 25% for each day late. Late assignments will not be accepted after 3 days. You should have the following clearly written on top of each of your assignments: Name Instructor's Name Assignment Number ID Section Number Assignments should be neatly submitted. Identical, plagiarised, assignments will be given a 0 mark. Programming assignments are practical; i.e. they should be done using Visual C++ software. Handwritten or MS Word programs will not be accepted. For programming assignments you should submit both of the following: 1. Soft copies of the programs (using Blackboard assignments tool); each program should have the above mentioned information, name, id, … etc., written within comments at the beginning. 2. Hard copies of the programs (i.e. printouts). CSCE106 9 Course Administration (cont’d) You need to do your own work in assignments. Among the purposes of assignments are to further your learning process, develop your skills, and measure your progress. Plagiarism is unethical, and if discovered will be severely punished. In solving assignments you can ask for help and collaborate but do not copy. If someone cheats/copies from you, s/he is taking unfair advantage, and you are actually harming her/him. CSCE106 10 Course Administration (cont’d) Grading System Assignments Attendance & Participation Mid Term Exams (2) Quizzes (2) Final Exam Total CSCE106 15% 40% 15% 30% 100% 11 Course Administration (cont’d) Letter Grade Ranges A A B+ B B C+ C CSCE106 94% 90% 86% 82% 78% 74% 70% C D+ D F 65% 60% 50% 12 Course Administration (cont’d) Attendance Policy Attending the class is crucial for understanding the course. Attendance will be taken each class. Writing names of students who did not attend is considered cheating. The first unexcused absence will not receive a penalty. The 2nd through 6th unexcused absences might receive penalties of deducting a fixed percentage from the total course grade. If you miss more than 6 classes, you might automatically receive an “F” grade for the course. CSCE106 13 Student Code of Conduct Arrive to class on time. Late comers might be penalised. You are expected to pay attention in class. You are expected to talk in English in class (we get International std.). No side talks of any kind will be allowed. In class, only talk to me and not to your colleagues. You are expected to raise your hand to ask for permission when you want to ask, or answer, a question. Your mobiles should be on the silent mode during class. If you are busy with your mobile device (phone or computer), it will be confiscated. Eating or drinking is not allowed during class. You are expected to come to class with a pen and a paper notebook. I give a lot of classwork. You are expected to remove your rubbish from where you sit as you leave class. If you wear eye glasses, you are expected to bring them with you to class, so that you can see the board or screen. CSCE106 14 Skills to Be Developed/Learnt Thinking … thinking … thinking. Counting. Calculators are not allowed in this course. Describing algorithms in details. Problem solving techniques. Programming. Planning. Patience. Objectivity. CSCE106 15 Other Things I Hope Will Improve Punctuality. English language. Discipline. Honesty. CSCE106 16 How to Achieve an A in the Course Listen carefully, follow advice, and work hard. Don’t miss classes. Pay attention in class. Participate in class. Ask for elaboration when you don’t understand. Make use of my office hours, and come to ask about what you miss or don’t understand. Make use of the TAs’ office hours. Solve and submit all assignments on time. CSCE106 17 How to Study You need to reinforce the information you learnt in class as soon as possible. This will help you save time. The longer you leave the information the more effort you will need. Review continuously. CSCE106 18 Advice For Exams Sleep well the night before. This helps you remember better. Arrive on time. Be calm. Bring your own stationary with you. Listen carefully to the advice announced, if any. Have a quick look through the exam questions. Start solving the easiest question(s) first. Manage your time efficiently so that you solve all questions. A good way to manage your time in exams is according to the weight given to each question. CSCE106 20 Two Last Words 1. Your course grade is your choice. will reflect your effort. 2. Your job is a student; it is your duty to study. CSCE106 21 Once again, WELCOME on board CSCE 106 Now it’s time to start Lecture 1 CSCE106 22