Surrey Stroke Network Care Home Project

Surrey Stroke Network
Care Home Project
Frank Foreman RN
Stroke Coordinator
Surrey Community Health
Surrey's Heart and Stroke
Network is
committed to enhancing patient care and services through
integrating the quality standards set by the National Framework for
Coronary Heart Disease and the National Stroke Strategy.
The network's core values are to provide services that are:
patient and carer centred
reducing inequalities in health
responsive to changes in practice and the needs of the community
co-ordinated and managed through partnership
geographically consistent
value for money
Why a care home project?
Up to 50% of people in nursing homes
thought to have had a stroke
A large client group for whom a “blind
spot” has been created
Not receiving the same level of support
as people at home
Hopefully the beginning of doing
something about it!
Network Care Homes Project (Nursing Homes and
Care Homes)
to improve the level of care which stroke patients
receive in care homes
improve care home staff skills in caring for people
affected by a stroke
MDT in NHS how much information gets passed on
Massive training and improvement programme in
Project Deliverables
A realistic, cost effective and sustainable plan which will
facilitate basic level training for care home staff on caring for
patients who have had a stroke
TIA recognition and action
Web pages which provide care home staff with easily
accessible and relevant information
Possible model of advice line provision - ? pilot option
Identification of key links into care homes across Surrey into
the Surrey Heart & Stroke Network to support ongoing
interaction and ways of promoting primary prevention initiatives
Specific recommendations of how the requirements of QM14
and the Long term review project in SW Surrey can by
informed by this project
Initial thoughts…
1. Poor level of information sent to care homes when
pt transferred from NHS.
Propose to link with joint health / social care discharge
care plan project
2. Access to care home residents to 6 week, 6 month
and yearly reviews
Propose to work with review project to ensure care home
residents do not miss out on review (does it need to be
provided in care setting?)
3. Lack of access to equipment
For example a social care funded resident is not entitled
to wheel chair services so even if plan to do so equipment
may not be available
4. Access to information
Currently awaiting replies from questionnaire sent to care
homes asking if they would access web based
information or a potential email /phone information
5. Training
Could care home staff access existing 3 level stroke
education programmes? 5 homes currently trialling
STARS training, questionnaire has options about whether
level 2 training would be appropriate to care home staff
and how this could be provided (cost )
Survey (17 replies)
Wide range of stroke pts as % of clients
57% happy with info received from NHS
40% happy with ongoing support and
Training ; 60% would like on site training / 53
% workshops
Training priorities identified
Interest in website (88%) and contact line
(94%) high
What now?
Target appropriate care homes
Need to discuss with NHS / care homes where
they see their responsibilities lying
Look at needs of care home clients in bigger
stroke picture – discharge care plans / 6 month
review etc
Discuss with care homes how best to make
staff available for education /access to web etc
Make recommendations
Any questions?
Contact me.
01932 414189