Interpretation of the Road Management Act (and others)


Roads, Public Highways and

Public Roads – Unravelling the

Legal Mystery

Michael Dowling | Special Counsel

LIV Accredited Property Law Specialist

8 December 2011


 Is it a Local Government Act Road?

 Is it is public highway?

 Does the Road Management Act apply?

Is it a Local Government Act Road?

s3(1) LGA 1989: ‘road’ includes:

 street

 right of way

 footpath/bike path

 other land/works forming part of the road

Is it a Local Government Road?


 Road/traffic powers, Sch. 10 & 11, LGA 89

 Public highway declaration – s.204(1) & 223,

LGA 89

 Road discontinuance – cl.3, Sch.10 & s.206, 207A and 223, LGA 89

 Local law regarding roads

Is it a public highway?

 S.3(1) LGA 1989: a public highway is a road open to the public for traffic as a right, irrespective of whether the road is in fact open to traffic, and includes:

 Declared public highways

 Subdivision Act roads

 Public roads under the RMA 2004

Is it a public highway? Cont…

 Express declaration – s.204(1) LGA 89

 Subdivision Act road

 Road constructed under a former LGA

 Public roads under the RMA 2004

 Public highways at common law

Is it a public highway? Cont…

 Secures public rights of way

 Vests in Council – cl. 1(5), Sch. 5 RMA


 Council has care and management responsibility – s.205(1)(a) LGA 89

 No adverse possession claims

Does the Road Management Act apply?

 S.3(1) RMA 2004: road includes:

– Any common law public highway

– Any ancillary area

– s.11 declared roads

Does the Road Management Act apply? Cont…

 Road vests in Council – Sch.5 RMA 2004

 No adverse possession claims

 Public right to pass along a road – s.8 RMA


 Right of owners/occupiers to access a road – s.9 RMA 2004

Does the Road Management Act apply? Cont…

 Public roads

 Council can register roads on its public roads register (s.17(3)) if:

– coordinating road authority (eg a municipal road)

– road is reasonably required for general public use

Does the Road Management Act apply? Cont…

 No specific registration procedure

 Different approaches to registration

 Risk of a challenge

 Onerous statutory obligations

 No adverse possession

Rights of adverse possession of a road

 Public highway – ‘once a public highway, always a public highway’

 Road under the RMA 2004

Rights of adverse possession of a road Cont…

 Road registered in Council’s name – s.7B

Limitation of Actions Act 1958

 Government road – s.7 Limitation of

Actions Act

 All other roads - claim if 30 years adverse possession

Does a road discontinuance extinguish adverse possession rights?

 Council’s power to discontinue a road – cl. 3, Sch 10 and s.223 LGA 89

 Road is not reasonably required for public use

 Road discontinuance power under RMA

2004 – s.12

Does a road discontinuance extinguish adverse possession rights? Cont…

 Vests in Council free of encumbrances other than 207C interests


– title vests free of adverse possession rights

– title no better than ordinary freehold title

Does a road discontinuance extinguish adverse possession rights? Cont…

 Our view

– If 30 years adverse possession not accrued, no rights continue to exist

– If 30 years adverse possession accrued, risk that title defeated by the adverse possession.

Does a road discontinuance extinguish adverse possession rights? Cont…

 s.7B, Limitation of Actions Act 1958

– title to council land not affected by adverse possession

– came into operation on 27 November 2004

– risk that s.7B may not have retrospective effect to extinguish rights of adverse possession


 Know the type of road you are dealing with

 Be aware of Council’s various powers

 Be proactive with your client in assessing the options and exploring these options with Council

Roads, Public Highways and

Public Roads – Unravelling the

Legal Mystery

Michael Dowling | Special Counsel

LIV Accredited Property Law Specialist

Direct 61 3 9288 0512
