Unit Lesson September (assessment ongoing) Intro. Lesson What is a Scientist? • Page 26-27 • What is a Scientist? • Camera •Observe and ask questions about the natural environment. •Take pictures of the students being scientists. •Display pictures. September (assessment ongoing) Growing and Changing Height and Weight Landmarks • Page 32 & 34 • Timelines • Parent Letter (Page 32) • Star of the week? (optional) • Record sheet of Height and Weight Sept/May •Living things are different from nonliving things (living things grow and produce) • Timelines/Star of week Pictures – Kids present to class • Completed Weight/Height sheet September Weather Seasonal Change •Define sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy, windy •Observe and record weather daily •Identify and describe the new season • Weather calendar and graphs •Books about Fall •Smart Board Presentation •Weather changes are long term and short term. •Weather graphs •Discussions (Not in Science Companion Book) Materials Content Statement Time Frame KINDER_WEATHER Kindergarten Pacing Guide 2011-2012 Assessment Materials Content Statement Time Frame Unit Lesson October My Body What’s Inside? • Page 166-167 •Butcher paper •Living things have physical traits and behaviors, which influence their survival •Observation October My Body My Five Senses • Page 168-174 • Smelly Candle (smell) •Living things have physical traits and behaviors, which influence their survival •Objects and materials can be sorted and described by their properties (people use their senses to find out about their surroundings and themselves). • Observation • Discussion • Recording Sheets •Living things have physical traits and behaviors, which influence their survival •Observation •Discussion •Body model on chart paper • Feather in a bag (touch) • Picture of somewhere familiar –school,classroom,etc (see) • Salt, Sugar (taste) • Stuff in a container to shake & guess (hearing) •Clipboard & Recording sheets •197-198 Brain cut outs October My Body How Blood Moves: The Circulatory System *Basic: function of heart is to pump blood* •Page 175-176 •Balloon, tape, stethoscope (optional) •My First Body book •Heart template to cut/glue onto body cut out page 201 Kindergarten Pacing Guide 2011-2012 Assessment Materials Content Statement Time Frame Unit Lesson October My Body Breathing In and Out: The Respiratory System *Basic: function of lungs is to breath air* •Page 177-178 •Straw, plastic bag, tape •Lung templates to cut/glue onto body cut out page 205-207 •Living things have physical traits and behaviors, which influence their survival •Observation •Discussion •Body model on chart paper October My Body Follow Your Food: The Digestive System *Basic: function of digestive system to process food* •Page 179-180 •Crackers •My First Body book •Digestive templates to cut/glue onto body cut out page 209-213 •Living things have physical traits and behaviors, which influence their survival •Observation •Discussion •Body model on chart paper October My Body Built of Bones: The Skeletal System *Basic: function of bones is to hold up the body and give it shape* •Page 181-183 •My First Body book •Bones template to cut/glue onto body cut out page 215-217 •Living things have physical traits and behaviors, which influence their survival •Observation •Discussion •Body model on chart paper Kindergarten Pacing Guide 2011-2012 Assessment Time Frame Unit Lesson Materials October My Body Muscles Move Bones: The Muscular System *Basic: function of muscles is to move our body* •Page 184-185 •Cardboard or tag board, tape, wide rubber band, •My First Body book Kindergarten Pacing Guide 2011-2012 Content Statement •Living things have physical traits and behaviors, which influence their survival Assessment •Observation •Discussion •Body model on chart paper Time Frame Unit November Collections from Nature November Collections from Nature Lesson •Seek, Find & Share (71) • Think & Wonder (72) • Explore Form & Texture (73) • Sort & Classify (77) • Weigh & Measure (78) Materials Content Statement •Large bin to hold nature items from home • Going on a Leaf Hunt (optional – extra) –Kids do nature walk at home or school – collect items • Parent Letter – Collect Leaves • (see material options on pg 73-74) • Camera • Magnifying glasses •Objects and materials can be sorted and described by their properties • Balance, connecting cubes • Record sheet •Magnifying glasses •Objects and materials can be sorted and described by their properties (color, shape, size, texture, weight, length, etc) (color, shape, size, texture, weight, length, etc) Kindergarten Pacing Guide 2011-2012 Assessment • Center Exploration with Nature Collection (sort and classify) • Display picture of students explorations with nature • Record Sheet •Center Exploration with Nature Collection Time Frame Unit December Weather Seasonal Change (Not in Science Companion Book) Lesson •Observe and record weather daily •Measure precipitation and temperature Materials • Weather calendar and graphs •Smart Board Presentation KINDER_WEATHER Indicators Assessment •Weather changes are long term and short term. •Weather graphs •Discussions •Weather changes are long term and short term. •Journal the new weather changes coming this season •Outside thermometer •Dowel Rod/Yard stick (to measure snow) •www.weather.com to view temp. changes December Weather Seasonal Change (Not in Science Companion Book) •Identify and describe the new season • Books about Winter Kindergarten Pacing Guide 2011-2012 Content Statement Assessment Time Frame Unit Lesson Materials January Sound •What is Sound? How do you think sound is made? Introduce vocab: vibration, tap, blow, touch, sound, etc •Explore sound website • Explore making sounds by blowing into the tops of bottles •Empty plastic water bottles – one per student •Look for books on the topic of Sound Vibrations •http://www.bbc.co.uk/schoo ls/scienceclips/ages/5_6/sou nd_hearing.shtml •Some objects and materials produce sound •Observe •Discussion •Science Journal – record observations •Explore making sounds by tapping a cymbal or triangle in the water and tapping it •Cymbal •Triangle See music room •Tub of water •Some objects and materials produce sound •Observe •Discussion •Science Journal – record observations •Explore making sounds by placing rice on top of a drum and observing what happens to the rice •Rice •Drum See music room •Some objects and materials produce sound •Observe •Discussion •Science Journal – record observations (Not in Science Companion Book) January Sound (Not in Science Companion Book) January Sound (Not in Science Companion Book) Kindergarten Pacing Guide 2011-2012 Lesson Materials Content Statement Assessment Time Frame Unit February Dirt, Sand & Water • Water: A Closer Look • Page 137 • Container of water • Chart paper - KWL • Water table/large containers for tables • KWL Signs (optional) •Plan and conduct simple investigations (Inquiry) • Chart Paper- KWL •Science Journals February Dirt, Sand & Water • Water: How It Changes • Page 139 • Ice Cubes, snow (optional) • Containers • Water • Thermometer • Chart Paper •Plan and conduct simple investigations (Inquiry) •Weather changes are long term and short term (measure precipitation) • Chart Paper- KWL •Science Journals February Dirt, Sand & Water • Mixing and Unmixing •Make KoolAid to demonstrate dissolve and mixing • Page 143 •Chart Paper •Pitcher, spoon •Kool-Aid •Sugar •Food Coloring •Plan and conduct simple investigations (Inquiry) •Observation •Discussion •Science Journal Kindergarten Pacing Guide 2011-2012 Time Frame Unit February Dirt, Sand & Water Lesson • Sinking and Floating • (Extra Prep Time needed) Materials Content Statement • Page 145 • See Materials on Page 145 • For Center Exploration: marbles, sponge, coins, bar of soap, paper clips, small paper cup • Sand/water table or Big tubs • Chart Paper • Record Sheet –Copy double sided • Plan and conduct simple investigations (Inquiry) Kindergarten Pacing Guide 2011-2012 Assessment •Chart Paper – KWL • Center Exploration •Sink/Float Prediction Record Sheet Time Frame Unit March Weather Seasonal Change (Not in Science Companion Book) March Weather Seasonal Change Materials Content Statement •Observe and record weather daily •Measure temperature •Measure wind • Weather calendar and graphs •Smart Board Presentation •Weather changes are long term and short term. •Weather graphs •Discussions •Identify and describe the new season • Books about Spring •Weather changes are long term and short term. •Journal the new weather changes coming this season • Observing the Sky during the day. Record the different positions of the sun in the sky throughout the school day. •Discuss how the sun is only visible during the day. •Virtually watch the position of the rising sun change over the seasons •Journals •Google “sunrise to sunset time lapse videos” and show a few to demonstrate the sun’s change in position •http://www.schooltube.com /video/90ee5f8207ce59324 072/Position-of-the-Sunrise •The moon, sun and stars can be observed at different times of the day or night •Journals •Discussion Lesson KINDER_WEATHER •Outside thermometer •www.weather.com to view temp. changes •Windsock (Not in Science Companion Book) March Sun, Moon, Stars (Not in Science Companion Book) Kindergarten Pacing Guide 2011-2012 Assessment Time Frame Unit Lesson Materials Content Statement March Sun, Moon, Stars • Observe the phases of the moon virtually with video (do not need to know the names of the moon phases) •Observe the moon at night (home) •Discuss how the moon is visible during the day and night at times. •http://www.schooltube.c om/video/bf0e5ada3fb0e a880ecb/Phases-of-theMoon-a-kids-funkyversion •At home observation sheet •Books about the moon •The moon, sun and stars can be observed at different times of the day or night •Journals •Discussion •Observation sheet • Observe the position of the stars virtually with video (do not need to know the names of the constellations) •Observe the stars at night (home) •Discuss how the stars are visible during the day and night at times. •http://www.schooltube.c om/video/c3eecb8290a7 e518ba17/Elapsed-TimeStars •The moon, sun and stars can be observed at different times of the day or night •Journals •Discussion •Observation sheet •Participate in Starlab, if possible. •Observe the sun, moon and stars changing position in the sky •Starlab •The moon, sun and stars can be observed at different times of the day or night •Journals •Discussion (Not in Science Companion Book) March Sun, Moon, Stars (Not in Science Companion Book) March *Or whenever Starlab is offered Sun, Moon, Stars (Not in Science Companion Book) Kindergarten Pacing Guide 2011-2012 Assessment Time Frame Unit April & May Plants April & May April & May (Not in Science Companion Book) Plants (Not in Science Companion Book) Plants (Not in Science Companion Book) Materials Content Statement • Grow a plant (perhaps for Mother’s Day) •Discuss what a plant need to live and grow. •Seeds/seedlings •Dirt •Mini greenhouse (plant pods) available at Wal*Mart • Living things are different from nonliving things •Living things have physical traits and behaviors, which influence their survival •Journals •Discussions • Conduct experiments to observe how the plant responds to various stimuli (too much water, no water, sun, no sun, etc) •Plants •Journals or Growth Observation Log • Living things are different from nonliving things •Living things have physical traits and behaviors, which influence their survival • Journals •Discussion •Observe the plants grow and change. •Plants •Journals or Growth Observation Log • Living things are different from nonliving things •Living things have physical traits and behaviors, which influence their survival •Journals •Discussion Lesson Kindergarten Pacing Guide 2011-2012 Assessment Time Frame Unit Lesson Materials Content Statements April & May Class Pet •Initial Encounter • Observational Drawing •(optional class research project about the pet – kids do at home and present to the class) • Page 46 & 49 • THE PET- Let your SEEDS Building Rep know a few weeks ahead of time when you need it! • Observation Log – copy cover – staple like a book onto blank pages • KWL Chart Paper about Class Pet •Living things are different from nonliving things •Living things have physical traits and behaviors, which influence their survival • Class Pet Observation Log • KWL Chart Paper • Optional – Research Project April & May Class Pet •Daily Pet Care • Page 47 • Pet material – food, etc •See above • Observation April & May Class Pet •Weigh and Measure the Class Pet • Growth and Change • Page 50 • Non-Standard Units of Measurement • Balance • Growth Chart Record Sheet – make own on chart paper • A House for a Hermit Crab (if pet is Hermit Crab) - optional •See above •Growth Chart Record Sheet (chart paper w/ header) Kindergarten Pacing Guide 2011-2012 Assessment Content Statement Assessment • Page 58 • Chart Paper for Venn Diagram – compare/contrast animal & human characteristics • Non-fiction books about class pet • Living things are different from nonliving things •Living things have physical traits and behaviors, which influence their survival • Venn Diagram • Related Animals • Page 56 • Chart Paper for Venn Diagram – compare/contrast animal characteristics • Non-fiction books about class pet • Living things are different from nonliving things •Living things have physical traits and behaviors, which influence their survival • Venn Diagram •Pets in the Wild • Page 57 • Books, magazines, maps •Field Trip Information • Living things are different from nonliving things •Living things have physical traits and behaviors, which influence their survival •Journals Time Frame Unit Lesson Materials April & May Class Pet • Body Form and Function April & May Class Pet April & May Class Pet Kindergarten Pacing Guide 2011-2012