Fast Webpage classification using URL features


Fast Webpage classification using URL features

Authors: Min-Yen Kan Hoang and Oanh Nguyen Thi

Conference: ICIKM 2005

Reporter: Yi-Ren Yeh


• Introduction

• URL Feature Extraction

– Recursive segmentation

– Using URL feature classes

• Experimental results

• Conclusion


• A web page's uniform resource locator (URL) is the least expensive to obtain

• One of the more informative sources with respect to classification

• The authors approach webpage classification only by using the URLs

– Feature extraction from URL

– Apply machine learning algorithms

URL Baseline Segmentation

• Segment URL at non-alphanumeric characters and at URI-escaped entities (e.g., '%20') to create smaller tokens

• Baseline segmentation is straightforward to implement and typically results in 4-7 tokens


Recursive Segmentation

• Concatenated words (e.g., activatealert) are especially prevalent in website domain names

• Segmenting these tokens into its component words is likely to increase performance

• This paper performs the segmentation by information content (entropy) reduction additionally

• A token T can be split into n partitions if where ti denotes the ith partition of T

Recursive Segmentation

• A partitioning that has lower entropy than others would be a more probable parse of the token

• Such entropies can be estimated by collecting the frequencies of tokens in a large corpus

• Applying a tree partition strategy (O(n log n)) to replace all the 2^(T-1) partitions


URI Components and Length features

• First spilt the URL via URI protocol scheme :// host / path / document . extension ? query # fragment

• A token that occurs in different parts of URLs may contribute differently to classification

• The authors feature set by qualifying them with their components

• The absence of certain components can influence classification as well

• The absence of certain components also can influence classification as well


Orthographic Features

• Using the surface form of a token also presents challenges for generalization

– e.g. 2002 vs. 2003

• Add features for tokens with capitalized letters and/or numbers that differentiate these tokens by their length

• These features are added both in a general,

URL-wide feature as well as ones that are URI component-specific

Sequential Features

• N-grams token might also help in classification

– The authors use 2, 3, and 4-grams

• Sequential order among tokens also matters

– “web spider” and “spider web”

– consider model left-to-right precedence between tokens


Evaluate on Multi-class Classification

• Employ a subset of the WebKB, containing

4,167 pages

• Four classes ( student, faculty, course and project )

• Use SVM and Maximum entropy classification method

• Marco F measure is used

Results on WebKB

Evaluate On Hierarchical Categorization

• Evaluate on the Open Directory Project

• The snapshot dated 3 August 2004, which encompasses over 4.4 M URLs categorized into

17 first-level and 508 second-level categories

• The authors use 100,000 randomly chosen ODP

URLs to assemble a testing (and training) corpus for the two-level, hierarchical experiments

• Only 360 second-level categories are used.

Results on ODP


• The authors have extended previous work and added features to model URL component length, content, orthography, token sequence and precedence

• Also evaluate the use of these features over a large set of tasks including relevance, categorization and

Pagerank prediction.

• These features do not perform as well with typical web site entry points ( i.e., just the domain name), as they attempt to leverage the internal path structure of the URL.

scheme :// host / path / document . extension ? query # fragment
