Understanding how pictorial destination imagery conveys

BY Georgina Condell
what does it mean?
Examining destination imagery that is
produced by government bodies such as
tourism Ireland to market Ireland abroad to
international prospective tourists in order to
assess how atmosphere and emotion is
perceived by those prospective tourists at
which it is aimed.
Imagery can have a profound effect on a visitor's initial
evaluation of a destinaton (Pritchard & Morgan, 2001,
Echtner & Ritchie, 2003, Garrod, 2008, Garlick, 2002, Sirgy &
Su, 2000)
- Researchers such as O'Leary and Deegan (2005), Quinn
(1993), and Browne (1994) suggest that Ireland's pictorial
destination images of small towns, interesting people,
availability of outdoor activities and pleasant climate are
contributing to an emotional experience for the visitor
- Yet, there has been little investigation into how these
images are being perceived by prospective tourists as both
emotional and atmospheric.
Gartner (1996)
Components of destination imagery
- cognitive
- affective
- Conative
- Gunn (1972)
the image formation process
- organic
- Induced
Jenkins (1999), Echtner and Ritchie (2003)
The multidimensional factors of destination
imagery, structured and unstructured
Functional Characteristics
Psychological Characteristics
Uses Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs to illustrate
how prospective tourists may be ‘triggered’ or
attracted to certain destination images
Whilst the research has implied that there is a
holistic, more psychological aspect to the
interpretation of pictorial destination imagery,
the majority of research has focused on the
quantitative analysis of attributes rather than
the qualitative analysis of individual
Chen and Hsu (2000) - effects of a destination’s
attributes on a consumers’ perception of
destination imagery
quantitative more than qualitative analysis
Very little insight into consumer perception
To assess how Ireland's induced pictorial
destination imagery is evaluated by
prospective tourists
To gain a greater understanding as to how
foreign prospective tourists recognize
atmosphere and emotion in destination
To provide an open, uninhibited discussion on
atmosphere and emotion in destination
imagery through qualitative analysis.
Two qualitative semi-structured focus group interviews
aided by 3 differing promotional advertisement videos
created by Tourism Ireland and Fáilte Ireland
video 1 - Tourism Ireland Galway advertisement ('Go
where Ireland takes you' campaign)
Video 2 - Tourism Ireland Online promotional video
(used to emphasize the 'characters' of Ireland)
Video 3 - Fáilte Ireland advertisement ('The fun starts
here' campaign')
Two Groups of international students from
Metropolitan University College, London
Between the ages of 20 and 30
Between the ages of 20 and 30
From numerous continents around the world
(America, Europe, Great Britain, Asia)
20 Tourism Marketing Masters Students
and 32 Tourism Marketing undergraduates
What video would you find to be the most interesting/appealing?
Would you be able to identify a certain atmosphere within these videos?
Would you agree that when an individual purchases a holiday, they are
essentially purchasing an experience?
Would the images of differing colourful sights and scenes within these
video clips seduce you in any way?
Are the images within these promotional videos giving you a certain sense
of Ireland and what it's about?
Does looking at these video clips make you feel a certain way? Can you
give an example?
What messages are you getting from these promotional clips?
What do you like/dislike about these promotional clips?
Active' versus 'Natural' Ireland
Sentimental Value and Emotional Association
with Imagery
Ireland Lacks distinction
The 'natural' Ireland was reflected in the
Tourism Ireland video clips
Emotionally sentimental
Feelings of peace, tranquillity and relaxation
The 'active' Ireland was reflected within the
Fáilte Ireland advertisements - a land of
'possibility' and 'fun'
Emotionally exciting
Essentially, the ‘natural’ Ireland portrayed
within the Tourism Ireland advertisements (for
distribution abroad) was not favoured by all
participants as it lacked ‘activity’ and ‘fun’.
The Fáilte Ireland advertisements (for domestic
distribution only) where favoured by the
majority of those interviewed as they were
‘active’ and light hearted.
Ultimately, those interviewed have
demonstrated their interpretation of both the
'structured' and 'unstructured' elements of
Ireland's destination image
They are influenced by associations:
television programs and films
Whilst the participants perceived differing
forms of emotions and atmospheres within
each one of the advertisements, they suggested
that Ireland was still no different from any
other European destination
This research has found that atmosphere and emotion
is perceived in Ireland’s induced pictorial destination
that it is through the visual stimulus of colour, nature
and activity that individuals perceive Ireland’s
pictorial image as being both emotional and
However, the study has also suggested that Ireland
lacks that aspect of distinction
Advertisements created by Tourism Ireland failed to
appeal to the majority of those interviewed whilst
advertisements created by Fáilte Ireland for domestic
purposes only, were viewed as being highly effective