Writing Paragraphs - Student Learning Development

building paragraphs
A Life of Adventure
mary seacole was born in 1805 in kingston jamaica her mother practised as
a ‘doctress’ using medical knowledge which women had brought from africa
and developed in the tropics from her mother mary inherited her medical
skills as well as her ability to run a boarding house from her father a scottish
military man she inherited her fascination with army life mary’s own medical
reputation was established during a series of cholera and yellow fever
epidemics she made her own medicines and emphasised high standards of
hygeine as well as enforcing strict quarantine on victims by these methods
she saved many lives on the outbreak of the crimean war mary volunteered
her services to the british army although she had worked for the army
before at its own request this time she was turned down undaunted mary
made her own way to the war zone once in the crimea she not only nursed
the soldiers but also ran a hotel and sold food wine and medicines after the
war mary was treated as a celebrity she was decorated by the governments
of four countries in england a poem in her honour was published in punch
and even the royal family requested her company and medical expertise
A Life of Adventure
mary seacole was born in 1805 in kingston jamaica her mother practised as
a ‘doctress’ using medical knowledge which women had brought from africa
and developed in the tropics from her mother mary inherited her medical
skills as well as her ability to run a boarding house from her father a scottish
military man she inherited her fascination with army life mary’s own medical
reputation was established during a series of cholera and yellow fever
epidemics she made her own medicines and emphasised high standards of
hygeine as well as enforcing strict quarantine on victims by these methods
she saved many lives on the outbreak of the crimean war mary volunteered
her services to the british army although she had worked for the army
before at its own request this time she was turned down undaunted mary
made her own way to the war zone once in the crimea she not only nursed
the soldiers but also ran a hotel and sold food wine and medicines after the
war mary was treated as a celebrity she was decorated by the governments
of four countries in england a poem in her honour was published in punch
and even the royal family requested her company and medical expertise
Separate into
1. sentences
2. paragraphs.
Exercise 1 (5 mins)
What is a paragraph?
- A group of sentences
- What groups them?
- One idea
A Life of Adventure
mary seacole was born in 1805 in kingston jamaica her mother practised as
a ‘doctress’ using medical knowledge which women had brought from africa
and developed in the tropics from her mother mary inherited her medical
skills as well as her ability to run a boarding house from her father a scottish
military man she inherited her fascination with army life mary’s own medical
reputation was established during a series of cholera and yellow fever
epidemics she made her own medicines and emphasised high standards of
hygeine as well as enforcing strict quarantine on victims by these methods
she saved many lives on the outbreak of the crimean war mary volunteered
her services to the british army although she had worked for the army
before at its own request this time she was turned down undaunted mary
made her own way to the war zone once in the crimea she not only nursed
the soldiers but also ran a hotel and sold food wine and medicines after the
war mary was treated as a celebrity she was decorated by the governments
of four countries in england a poem in her honour was published in punch
and even the royal family requested her company and medical expertise
Write down the main theme for each
Exercise 1 (5 mins)
Outlines are your recipe
What do you want
to say?
your ideas
Outlining – Level 3
Nursing and models
1.1 Brief history of Nursing practice
Began formally 1790 (Nightingale)
Largely disorganised
Original mission to heal…
1.2 The purpose of a model
Because of disorganisation, model.
Argument for a model.
2. History of models
2.1 The first model
Johnson 1820
2.2 Development and timeline.
Model A
Model B
3. The Markov Model: Strengths & Weaknesses
3.1 What is the model
3.2 Strengths
3.3 Weaknesses
Level 3
– outline of essay
Main section
– Main point A
• details, evidence
– Main point B
– summary of main points
– personal conclusions
paragraph structure
Students require more recreational time in order to better
focus on lessons in class. In fact, studies have shown that
students who enjoy a recess of more than 45 minutes
consistently score better on tests immediately following the
recess period. Clinical analysis further suggests that
physical exercise greatly improves the ability to focus on
academic materials. Longer periods of recess are clearly
required to allow students the best possible chances of
success in their studies. Clearly, physical exercise is just
one of the necessary ingredients for improving student
scores on standardized tests.
topic sentence
Students require more recreational time in order to better
focus on lessons in class. In fact, studies have shown that
students who enjoy a recess of more than 45 minutes
consistently score better on tests immediately following the
recess period. Clinical analysis further suggests that
physical exercise greatly improves the ability to focus on
academic materials. Longer periods of recess are clearly
required to allow students the best possible chances of
success in their studies. Clearly, physical exercise is just
one of the necessary ingredients for improving student
scores on standardized tests.
supporting sentences
Students require more recreational time in order to better
focus on lessons in class. In fact, studies have shown that
students who enjoy a recess of more than 45 minutes
consistently score better on tests immediately following the
recess period. Clinical analysis further suggests that
physical exercise greatly improves the ability to focus on
academic materials. Longer periods of recess are clearly
required to allow students the best possible chances of
success in their studies. Clearly, physical exercise is just
one of the necessary ingredients for improving student
scores on standardized tests.
concluding sentence
Students require more recreational time in order to better
focus on lessons in class. In fact, studies have shown that
students who enjoy a recess of more than 45 minutes
consistently score better on tests immediately following the
recess period. Clinical analysis further suggests that
physical exercise greatly improves the ability to focus on
academic materials. Longer periods of recess are clearly
required to allow students the best possible chances of
success in their studies. Clearly, physical exercise is just
one of the necessary ingredients for improving student
scores on standardized tests.
transitional sentence
Students require more recreational time in order to better
focus on lessons in class. In fact, studies have shown that
students who enjoy a recess of more than 45 minutes
consistently score better on tests immediately following the
recess period. Clinical analysis further suggests that
physical exercise greatly improves the ability to focus on
academic materials. Longer periods of recess are clearly
required to allow students the best possible chances of
success in their studies. Clearly, physical exercise is just
one of the necessary ingredients for improving student
scores on standardized tests.
paragraph recipe
1. Introduce
2. Expand/justify
3. Conclude
4. Transition Sentences
Paragraph Malfunction
• Too long (no structure)
• No clear idea or too many ideas
• Poor flow (linking words)
Avoid these with outlines.
Linking words
In addition to
On the other hand
Paragraph Building
On the blank piece of paper provided, write
a topic sentence.
Pick any idea or subject you like.
If you’re stuck try some of the following:
Cats are man’s best friend
Virtual friends but lonely
You’re such a tweet
5 mins
Paragraph Building
Pass the sheet to the person beside you.
Read the topic sentence you’ve just
Now write a supporting sentence for it.
2 mins
Paragraph Building
Pass the sheet to the person beside you.
Read the topic sentence & supporting
sentence you’ve just received.
Now write another supporting sentence
for it.
2 mins
Paragraph Building
Pass the sheet to the person beside you.
Read the topic sentence & 2 supporting
sentences you’ve just received.
Now write a concluding sentence
for it.
3 mins
A Life of Adventure
mary seacole was born in 1805 in kingston jamaica her mother practised as
a ‘doctress’ using medical knowledge which women had brought from africa
and developed in the tropics from her mother mary inherited her medical
skills as well as her ability to run a boarding house from her father a scottish
military man she inherited her fascination with army life mary’s own medical
reputation was established during a series of cholera and yellow fever
epidemics she made her own medicines and emphasised high standards of
hygeine as well as enforcing strict quarantine on victims by these methods
she saved many lives on the outbreak of the crimean war mary volunteered
her services to the british army although she had worked for the army
before at its own request this time she was turned down undaunted mary
made her own way to the war zone once in the crimea she not only nursed
the soldiers but also ran a hotel and sold food wine and medicines after the
war mary was treated as a celebrity she was decorated by the governments
of four countries in england a poem in her honour was published in punch
and even the royal family requested her company and medical expertise
Listen to your writing
Vary sentence and paragraph length
Read out loud
Introduction Outline (5 mins)
Good health v. imp
Economic development
Social development
2. WHO’s goal
• Healthcare for all
• Balanced with countries able to pay for this
3. This report :
• What can be done to change health systems to achieve universal
• Builds on new research and countries experience
The world health report - Health systems financing: the path to
universal coverage
Good health is essential to human welfare and to sustained economic
and social development.
WHO's Member States have set themselves the target of developing their health
financing systems to ensure that all people can use health services, while being
protected against financial hardship associated with paying for them.
In this report, the World Health Organization maps out what countries can do to
modify their financing systems so they can move more quickly towards this goal;
it builds on new research and lessons learnt from country
Taken from Executive Summary to WHO report: http://www.who.int/whr/2010/en/index.html
paragraph recipe
1. Introduce
2. Expand/justify
3. Conclude
4. Transition Sentences