OBM Training Presentation 090408 1300

Outcome-Based Management Program
Training Presentation
September 8-12, 2008
Introductions and Icebreaker
Please say the following about yourself:
 Name
 Club
 Position
 One positive thing you’ve seen with a member or the club while working at BGCC
10 min
Part 1: Outcome-Based Management Program Overview
15 min
Part 2: Data Collection Requirements
20 min
Part 3: Immediate Action Items and Resources
10 min
10 min
Part 4: KidTrax Training and Refresher
30 min
10 min
Part 1: Outcome-Based Management Program
What Are Outcomes?
Outcomes are the desired results, both short term and long term, that our members will experience
by attending our clubs and programs
Intermediate Outcomes
Long Term Outcomes
Short term program results that are small
contributions towards long term outcomes
Program end results, often difficult to measure, that
target core assumptions and behavior, and are built
from short term outcomes
 Academics: Increased likelihood of being
promoted grade levels
 Academics: Academic achievement and
attitudes that lasts a lifetime
 Character: Greater knowledge of positive vs.
negative behaviors and attitudes
 Character: Avoidance of detrimental and
dangerous behavior
 Health: Higher participation in sports activities
outside of the club
 Health: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle through
smart nutrition and behavior
These outcomes, while somewhat abstract, all contribute to the core mission of the
Boys & Girls Clubs of Chicago
How Are Outcomes Achieved?
Outcomes are achieved by using various inputs and processes, and can be visualized by using an
outcome logic model
Outcome Logic Model
Resources required to
create the outcome
Two Program
Two volunteers
One Program
Three volunteers
Four baseball bats
Four baseballs
Intermediate Term
Long Term
How the inputs are
What the club produces Short term program
used to deliver the
by running the program, results that are small
programs and activities
expressed using
contributions towards
measurable figures
long term outcomes
Daily Power Hour
homework help
Weekly softball team
60 unduplicated youth
participate weekly
15 youth participate
20 unduplicated youth
participate weekly
50% of Juniors attend
each week
Increased likelihood to
assignments on time
Increased likelihood to
understand the value
of homework
Increased awareness
of healthy exercise
Program end results,
often difficult to
measure, that target
core assumptions and
behavior, and are built
from short term
Increased likelihood
for higher academic
performance and
school promotion
Improved ability to
identify and utilize
available resources
Increased likelihood of
maintaining balanced
diet, weight, and
overall health
What Is The Outcome-Based Management Program?
The Outcome-Based Management (OBM) program will allow us to collect information to see how
club attendance impacts member outcomes in terms of academics, health, and character
…to We
use data
can be communicated to
match it with
and help
data improve
by CPS…
 CPS grades by club ADA / length of
 CPS attendance by club ADA / length of
 Character development by club ADA /
program attendance
 Leadership development by club ADA /
program attendance
 Health attitudes by club ADA / program
Outcome-Based Management Reports
KidTrax Database
What Are The Benefits Of Creating The Outcome-Based Management Program?
OBM program will have wide ranging benefits at both the club level and the executive level
Improve Programs and
Earn More Money
Improve Our Members
Outcome reports lead
Outcome reports lead
Member-level data and
tracking lead to…
…program assessments
and benchmarks…
…quicker, easier prep
for grant proposals…
…more information to
work individually with
…and allow us to share
best practices and
improve programs!
…and allow us to get
more money!
…and improve their
academics, character,
and health!
Remember, this is a long term initiative and benefits won’t be recognized overnight
How Can We Ensure This Will Be Successful?
Directors and staff members need to understand the following factors that are key to making this
program a success
Understand the benefits of OBM
Ensure accurate and timely data
Directors and staff first
need to understand why
we’re developing this
program to make sure it’s
done right!
The outcomes are only as
good as the data that’s
Understand KidTrax and its
Regularly use the metrics and
To take full advantage of
the OBM program,
directors and staff need
to know how to input the
KidTrax data and run new
Reviewing data on a
regular basis will help
you understand the
power of OBM!
This program is NOT intended to make your job more difficult. Instead, it will be
designed to be simple, and result in more accurate data and better results
Test Your Knowledge – OBM Program
1. Which of the following is NOT an example of an outcome?
A. Members improve academic performance
B. Members attend Power Hour twice per week
C. Members have greater self esteem and self confidence
D. Members have a more active lifestyle
Answer: B
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Test Your Knowledge – OBM Program
2. The Outcome-Based Management (OMB) program
A. Utilizes data from a number of sources, including KidTrax and CPS
B. Will generate reports that will help improve our programs
C. Is the responsibility of everyone to be successful
D. All of the above
Answer: D
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Test Your Knowledge – OBM Program
3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of the OBM program?
A. Improve programs and operations
B. Earn more money
C. Increase staff support
D. Improve our members
Answer: C
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Test Your Knowledge – OBM Program
4. For the OBM program to be successful, everyone will be responsible for
A. Making sure the members are attending all programs
B. Relying on their Club Directors to perform the majority of activities
C. Understanding the benefits and ensuring good use of KidTrax
D. Holding more programming than in previous years
Answer: C
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Part 2: Data Collection Requirements
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Data Collection Processes
The data collection requirements will cover four processes related to attendance tracking and
survey / test administration
Club Attendance
Surveys / Tests
Selected Survey
and Test
Tracking member
attendance at
clubs, including
entry and exit times
Tracking member
attendance at
selected programs
survey tool
developed by
BGCA on a regular
surveys / tests
developed by
BGCA / clubs on a
regular basis
Used with other
metrics to see how
club attendance
impacts members
Used with other
metrics to see how
attendance impacts
Used with club and
attendance to
analyze changes in
attitudes and
Used with program
attendance to
analyze changes in
behaviors, and
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Club Attendance Tracking Requirements and Details
Club Attendance
Selected Survey
and Test
Key Requirements
1. Every member must check
in and out at front desk to
participate in club activities
Club staff must scan
members into KidTrax on a
daily basis
Club staff must ensure that
member entry and exit
times are properly inputted
into KidTrax
Other Details
 Responsibility: Front Door Volunteer / Assigned Club Member / Staff Member
– Please identify a person who is trained / familiar w/ KidTrax and able to assist others entering data
 Frequency: Daily
 Batch Scanning: Only permitted for school-based clubs by using sign-in sheet, unless there are emergency
or special circumstances
– Members who enter 30 minutes after the club opens or leave 30 minutes before the club closes must
have their times recorded on the sign-in sheet and be entered into the system separately
– Front door resource at stand-alone clubs should use ID scanning or manual scanning in Trax Attendance
 Best Practices: Many clubs have created binders containing backup IDs, printed out member bar codes, or
created new sign-in sheets with Time In / Out to use as backups
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Choose Your Own Adventure – Club Attendance Tracking
Club Attendance
Selected Survey
and Test
Front Desk, Stand-Alone Club
You’re sitting at the front desk,
texting w/ your friends, when a
member walks in. You ask for his
ID card, but the member forgot it!
You panic and start breathing
heavily. Do you…
Uh oh, guess we won’t be able
to track that member!
Shoo him into the club
without checking in?
Stop, breathe, then perform
a manual KidTrax scan?
Good choice! Back to texting,
Front Desk, School-Based Club
We’re one team – you should
be helping out!
Decide to wait a couple
days to enter this data –
this isn’t my club, right?
You’re acting quick, but you
need to include exit times too!
Take the initiative and
batch scan everyone in w/
the same entry / exit time?
Even though it’s not done the
same night, you’re doing the
right thing!
Wait until tomorrow
morning to batch everyone
except the member that left
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…you’re mysteriously transported
to a school-based club a couple
hours later. All the members have
left and they’ve put their exit times
on the sign-in sheet. One member
had to leave 45 mins early, but
other than that, everyone left when
the club closed. Do you…
Program Attendance Tracking Requirements and Details
Club Attendance
Selected Survey
and Test
Key Requirements
Every child must check in
and out with the Program
Instructor to participate in
selected programs and
Club staff must enter
program attendance within
two days of program
Batch scanning is
acceptable for data entry
Other Details
 Responsibility: Program Instructor (work w/ Directors to get appropriate KidTrax training / assistance)
 Frequency: Up to 2 days after program session
 Attendance Sheets: Instructors should utilize attendance sheets provided in program planning kits
 Participating Programs:
On-Going Programs
Quarterly Programs
– SMART Programs
– SMART Moves
– Career Launch
– Power Hour
– SMART Girls
– Youth for Unity
– College Bound
– Street SMART
– Triple Play
– Keystone Club
– Passport to
– Skill Tech / Digital
– Torch Club
– Money Matters
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Choose Your Own Adventure – Program Attendance
As the Program Instructor, you’ve
started your lesson for the day and
have all the members pumped!
Suddenly, 10 minutes into it, one of
the participants runs out of the
room to take a phone call and
doesn’t come back. Do you…
Make note of it on the
attendance sheet and not
to give her credit for
If he knows how to enter data,
he’ll be happy to help you out
up to 2 days after the session
Shrug it off and check her
in normally– she got the
gist of the lesson, right?
Ignore it until your
Program Director catches
Ignoring it only makes it worse!
The quick, sensible answer –
good choice!
Club Attendance
Talk with your Club
Director about learning to
use KidTrax?
Batch scan it at the end of
the program with the
Membership Clerk?
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Selected Survey
and Test
She’s not here for long, so she
doesn’t get credit
If her phone call’s more
important, she shouldn’t be
included in attendance
Program’s over and you’re wiped
out. You know you have two days
to put the attendance into KidTrax,
but you never learned how to use
the system – spent too much time
playing Guitar Hero w/ the
members. Do you…
Outcome Measurement Toolkit Administration
Requirements and Details
Club Attendance
Selected Survey
and Test
Key Requirements
Toolkit must be completed by
the same members 3x per
year during time period in
October, January, and May
A set number of members
must use toolkit over this
All answers must be
inputted into KidTrax
Other Details
 Responsibility: Club Director / Program Director / Club Manager / TEEN Reach Coordinator
 Frequency / Timeline : 3 times per year (allot ~2 week; must be completed by October 24, January 18, and
May 16)
– Clubs may allot extra time to input the toolkits into KidTrax, but must be uploaded by dates above
– Suggested administration dates: October 13-24, January 7-18, and May 5-16
 Administration: Members must complete the appropriate survey toolkit for their grade level and should be
tested at least twice per year
 TEEN Reach: Participants are required to use the toolkit only once per year (suggested month: January) and
must complete the separate Responsible Youth section
 Expectations: Clubs are expected to survey 70% of their projected ADA goals for that year
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Club Attendance
Choose Your Own Adventure – OMTK Administration
As the Club Manager, it’s the first
week in January and you’ve been
busy planning for the new year.
You look at your to-do list and
*BAM* it hits you that you haven’t
done anything to plan for the
OMTK. Uh oh. Do you…
Your TEEN Reach coordinator
will appreciate it!
You don’t want to lose funding,
do you?
Schedule computer time
over 3 weeks (2 won’t be
enough) and schedule
testing by age groups?
Ignore it and feign
ignorance – it’s not like
anybody’s checking
Work with your TEEN
Reach coordinator to
ensure all participants
have taken the OMTK?
Pray that everyone takes it
and the Illinois Alliance
doesn’t notice?
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Selected Survey
and Test
The earlier you can plan to
administer the toolkit, the
easier it will be!
Ignoring it will only get you
comments on your annual
You’ve scheduled the OMTK
administration, but know there are
also TEEN Reach requirements
that you’ll need to meet. Do you…
Selected Survey and Test Administration Requirements
and Details
Club Attendance
Selected Survey
and Test
Key Requirements
Selected pre / post surveys
and tests must be
administered to all members
2x per program at the
beginning and end of program
Surveys / tests must be
administered each time the
program is run
All answers must be
inputted into KidTrax
Other Details
 Responsibility: Program Instructor (work w/ Directors to get appropriate KidTrax training / assistance)
 Frequency: 2 times per program (during first and last day of instruction)
 Administration: Staff may administer tests either electronically or by paper, but they are responsible for
putting the information into KidTrax
 Participating Programs*:
– SMART Moves
– SMART Girls
– Street SMART
*These requirements do not change any guidelines for other programs (e.g., 21st Century)
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Choose Your Own Adventure – Selected Survey and Test
As a Program Instructor, you’re
preparing materials for your first
class and you realize that you
completely forgot about the pretest. You don’t have access to
computers, so you have to do it by
paper. Do you…
Call up the service center
to have them send it to
Access the BGCC intranet
and print it out from the
OBM section?
Don’t despair – your
participants will do great! But
first get those tests into
There’s still plenty of time for
planning – entering data in
KidTrax only takes a few
Make sure that you enter
the test data in KidTrax 1-2
days after it’s given, then
work on the lesson plans
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Selected Survey
and Test
You don’t want to bother them
with that, do you?
Sulk for a day, then spend
the next two days
curriculum planning, trying
to put the test out of mind
Club Attendance
The quick, easy, sensible
You’ve collected all of the tests and
it looks like you have some work
ahead of you (average score: 4 out
of 10). Frustrated, you go home
for the night and…
Enforcement and Staff Impact
To make sure we meet these new requirements, the service center will monitor clubs’ data on a
regular basis and take appropriate actions to ensure data is entered accurately and timely
Data Collection Process
Club Attendance Tracking
Selected Program Attendance
Outcome Measurement
Toolkit Administration
Selected Survey and Test
Reviewed by service center on an
on-going basis to ensure data
entered properly
Reviewed by service center on an
on-going basis to ensure data
entered properly
Reviewed by service center after
toolkit administration period to
ensure clubs are capturing
appropriate % of members
Reviewed by service center on a
quarterly basis to ensure that
program survey being administered
to all participants
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Staff Impact
• These requirements are
expected to be met by all staff
members and will be a part of
the performance review process
• Clubs that are not in compliance
will have a letter sent to the Club
Director and Board President
• Staff disciplinary action will be
taken for non-compliance in
accordance to existing policies
and practices
Requirements Summary
Key Takeaways
1. The key to this program is data – make sure it’s captured accurately and timely!
2. Everything must be entered into KidTrax – no exceptions!
3. The Data Collection Requirement documents provide additional details, process flows,
and best practices – review them for more information!
Suggested Practices
Make data collection a priority and try to get into a routine (i.e., enter data right as you get
in or right as you leave
Club Directors / Managers, review requirements with the staff and put it on the weekly
Plan to schedule a staff meeting within the next week to review these requirements
Many of these requirements and processes should be familiar, helping to make this
a smooth transition
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Test Your Knowledge – OBM Requirements
1. Batch attendance entry is permitted under all of the following normal scenarios EXCEPT
A. Entering club attendance at a school-based club
B. Entering club attendance at a stand-alone club
C. Entering program attendance at a school-based club
D. Entering program attendance at a stand-alone club
Answer: B
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Test Your Knowledge – OBM Requirements
2. Which of the following statements about program attendance is true?
A. Program Instructors may enter attendance information up to a week after the session
B. Batch scanning of program attendance is NOT permitted
C. Program attendance must be entered into KidTrax for all club programs
D. Instructors should utilize attendance sheets that are part of the program planning kit
Answer: D
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Test Your Knowledge – OBM Requirements
3. It is required that the Outcome Measurement Toolkit be administered to
A. All members
B. 50% of projected ADA
C. 70% of projected ADA
D. As many members as possible
Answer: C
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Test Your Knowledge – OBM Requirements
4. Compliance with these requirements may result in all of the following EXCEPT
A. Increase in the number of club members
B. Exemption from disciplinary actions related to OBM
C. Annual incentives for staff members and clubs
D. Positive marks on performance reviews
Answer: A
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Part 3: Immediate Action Items and Resources
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CPS Member and Parent Consent Forms
Each member who attends CPS will be required to fill out consent forms based on their age for us
to obtain their CPS information
Age <12
Ages 12 - 17
Age >18
Parent Consent
Parent Consent
Member Consent
Member Assent
Once completed, send forms to the service center with membership applications
Please encourage members to complete and submit forms to the club within ten
(10) days of their distribution
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Student ID Number Collection Process
Clubs must use school rosters and report cards from local CPS schools to allow staff to enter
student ID numbers on the consent forms if they are not provided
Student ID Number Collection
Student ID Number Entry
 CPS student ID numbers can be found in three
– Student Rosters
– Student ID Cards
– Report Cards
Staff will
need to
members by
entering their
CPS student
ID number on
the consent
form if they
are not able
to provide it
 Club Directors should work with school
principals and administrators to collect student
– A letter will be provided by the service
center to help explain the importance of the
program and how it can assist the school in
improving its students’ performance
 If available, clubs may also utilize report cards
that were collected last year
Note that this will be a one-time process and the service center will follow-up later in
the fall to obtain ID numbers that are still missing
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Survey Best Practices
There are a number of best practices you can use for administering surveys and tests to members
 Prepare all materials prior to the scheduled survey. If using hard copies, keep in mind kids often respond better
to surveys printed on colored paper
 Leave enough time to set up and arrange the room appropriately prior to the members’ arrival
 Introduce yourself to the members as they arrive and give a brief description of your purpose for being there
and administering the survey. Sample script:
– I am here to ask you to help make our clubs better. The survey your are about to take is being used to get your ideas
about our club. It is not a test and there are no right or wrong answers — we want to know what your experiences and
opinions are. Take your time and be sure to answer each question based on what you really think. If you don’t
understand a question, please raise your hand or come find me and I can help you. The survey should take you only 8
to 10 minutes. (May differ depending on survey length).”
 Request that members attempt to answer every question so their opinions and experiences can be included
 Let members know you are here to help them if they have any questions
 While members are completing the survey, quietly walk around the room (do not hover), answer questions and
make sure things are running smoothly
 When youth finish the survey, thank them for their time and provide incentives, if appropriate
Source: The Colorado Trust, ” Toolkit for Evaluating Positive Youth Development”
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BGCC Intranet Resources
The BGCC Intranet will have many resources available, including
BGCC Intranet Pathway: Downloadable Documents > Outcome-Based Management Program
Resources Available
 Program Surveys / Tests (should be used if administering via paper copy)
 Outcome Management Toolkit
 Parental / Student Consent Forms
 Requirement Documents
 KidTrax Instruction Guides
 Presentations
 Other Forms and Guides
This will be your one-stop shop for all things OBM!
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Conference Call and Meeting Schedule
To support the training you have today, we will hold a conference call and be present at the club
manager meeting next week to answer any additional questions and concerns
Conference Call
Club Manager Meeting
Tuesday, September 16
Wednesday, September 17
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Dial In: 888-998-2663
Location TBD
Passcode: 6235253
We will also distribute a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document based on
your feedback!
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Contact Information
Please contact the following people if you have any comments or questions regarding the program
Primary Contact (Until September 19)
 Louis Levine (Deloitte), (312) 513-8166, llevine@deloitte.com
Additional Trainers / Contacts
 George Colone (McCormick): (773) 271-8400 x 4307, gcolone@bgcc.org
 Khari Humphries (Holy Angels): (773) 268-4819, khumphries@bgcc.org
 Dawn Jimenez (Park Manor): (312) 520-6731, djimenez@bgcc.org
 Sidney Johnson (King): (773) 638-5464, sjohnson@bgcc.org
 Jim Pottinger (Cotter): (773) 348-1866, jpottinger@bgcc.org
 Erin Rochford (Valentine): (773) 927-7373 x4713, erochford@bgcc.org
 Juan Saenz (Logan Square): (773) 342-8800 x4210, jsaenz@bgcc.org
 LaTrice Smith (GSC): (312) 235-8007, lsmith@bgcc.org
 Katie Huckaby (GSC): (312) 235-8008, khuckaby@bgcc.org
 Ezohn Smith (GSC): (312) 235-8006, esmith@bgcc.org
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Test Your Knowledge – Action Items
1. Members between the ages of 12 and 17 should receive which of the following forms?
A. Student Consent Only
B. Parental Consent Only
C. Student Assent Only
D. Parental Consent and Student Assent
Answer: D
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Test Your Knowledge – Action Items
2. Staff should administer surveys and tests related to the OBM program
A. Printed out from the KidTrax Survey Manager
B. Found on the BGCC intranet
C. Provided by TEEN Reach coordinators
D. Part of the Program Planning Kit
Answer: B
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Test Your Knowledge – Action Items
3. Which of the following is NOT a best practice for administering a survey?
A. While participants are completing the survey, quietly walk around the room to make sure things
are running smoothly
B. Provide incentives for members to complete the survey
C. Do not require members to complete all questions in the survey
D. Prepare all materials prior to the scheduled survey
Answer: C
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Part 4: KidTrax Training and Refresher
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Manual Scanning (Trax Attendance Manager)
 Purpose: Track club attendance as soon as member enters / exits stand-alone club
 Situation: When member forgets his or her card and there is immediate access to Trax
Attendance Manager at the front desk
 Responsibility: Front Door Volunteer / Assigned Club Member / Staff Member
Refer to Manual Scanning Instruction Guide
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Batch Attendance Tracking (KidTrax)
 Purpose: Track club attendance at school-based sites and program attendance after session
completed by Program Instructor
 Situation: After Program Instructor runs session, will need to record attendance for the
following programs:
On-Going Programs
Quarterly Programs
– SMART Moves
– SMART Girls
– Career Launch
– Power Hour
– Street SMARTS
– Youth for Unity
– College Bound
– Triple Play
– Keystone Club
– Passport to
– Torch Club
– Money Matters
– Skill Tech / Digital
 Responsibility: Program Instructor
Refer to Batch Attendance Instruction Guide
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Survey Setup (KidTrax Survey Manager)
 Purpose: Setup Outcome Measurement Toolkit, survey, or test to collect results from members
in KidTrax
 Situation: Staff needs to setup survey / test for member to either take directly on the computer
or be entered into KidTrax by a staff member
 Responsibility: Club Director / Program Director / Club Manager / TEEN Reach Coordinator /
Program Instructor
Refer to Survey Setup Instruction Guide
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Survey Administration (KidTrax Survey Kiosk)
 Purpose: Administer Outcome Measurement Toolkit, survey, or test in KidTrax to collect
results from members
 Situation: Staff needs to administer survey / test to members directly through the computer or
access surveys and enter data on behalf of the members
 Responsibility: Club Director / Program Director / Club Manager / TEEN Reach Coordinator /
Program Instructor
Refer to Survey Administration Instruction Guide
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Survey Results (KidTrax Survey Manager)
 Purpose: Track which members have completed a survey and review results of the
 Situation: Staff needs to review this information during the testing period to ensure all
members have completed the assessment and review results after testing completed
 Responsibility: Club Director / Program Director / Club Manager / TEEN Reach Coordinator /
Program Instructor
Refer to Survey Results Instruction Guide
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