SUBMISSION: THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF FAITH SUBMISSION DANIEL 3:4-25 ACTS 21:10-14 PLEASE READ ALONG IN YOUR PERSONAL BIBLE SUBMISSION In the Biblical context… SUBMISSION includes willing obedience SUBMISSION Some believers never reach a level of spiritual maturity to understand the freedom found in full surrender to God’s plan. An “accusing WHY” produces anger, self-pity and loss of joy. SUBMISSION Resisting the plan/purposes of God, which are given in His Word or by circumstantial events indicates a lack of faith. It is saying, I know better than God knows what is best for my life. SUBMISSION TRUST IS THE HIGHEST EXPRESSION OF FAITH, FOR WITH IT COMES A WILLING SUBMISSION TO THE LORDSHIP OF JESUS CHRIST. SUBMISSION DIFFICULT/UNPLEASANT CIRCUMSTANCES 1. Do not indicate a lack of faith or being outside of God’s will a. b. c. d. Natural disasters National conflict Normal struggles of life Resistance against our faith SUBMISSION DIFFICULT/UNPLEASANT CIRCUMSTANCES 2. God knows your limits 1. Physical 2. Emotional SUBMISSION SACRIFICE OF PERSONAL AMBITIONS/DESIRES 1. Life is very temporary 2. Earthly gain will perish SUBMISSION SACRIFICE OF PERSONAL AMBITIONS/DESIRES 3. Sacrifice for Christ is really no sacrifice You will never be content so long as you consider “sacrifice” for the sake of Christ as a sacrifice. SUBMISSION THE LEVEL OF OUR COMMITMENT (SUBMISSION) IS NOT MEASURED BY THE THINGS WE ARE WILLING TO SURRENDER— RATHER BY THE THINGS THAT WE ARE NOT WILLING TO SURRENDER SUBMISSION I. GOD IS IN CONTROL A. He is Omniscient, as well as Omnipotent and Omnipresent B. His foreknowledge allows God to know the beginning—end C. Time is of no essence to God SUBMISSION I. GOD IS IN CONTROL MANY CONCERNS RELATING TO FAITH COME FROM A LACK OF UNDERSTANDING/ACCEPTANCE OF THE SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD IN HUMAN AFFAIRS SUBMISSION II. GOD HAS THE PERFECT PLAN A. Some things are revealed 1. God’s love for man 2. Plan of redemption in Christ SUBMISSION II. GOD HAS THE PERFECT PLAN B. Not everything is fully revealed 1. His strategic plan for His individual children 2. His specific purpose for individual circumstances SUBMISSION II. GOD HAS THE PERFECT PLAN THE WALK OF FAITH NEVER BECOMES A WALK OF SIGHT FOR THE CHILD OF GOD! SUBMISSION III. GOD DESERVES HIS CHILDREN’S COMPELTE TRUST A. His Word has never failed B. He is concerned about both present—future SUBMISSION III. GOD DESERVES HIS CHILDREN’S COMPELTE TRUST C. His Plan is perfect D. His Plan is right/best for each person SUBMISSION CONCLUSION: YOUR LIFE IS IMPORTANT TO GOD— HE LOVES YOU AS MUCH AS HE LOVES ANY OTHER PERSON SUBMISSION CONCLUSION: IF YOU SUBMIT IN FAITH TO YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER— LIFE WILL TAKE ON A NEW MEANING! SUBMISSION CONCLUSION: RELEASE EVERYTHING TO HIS CONTROL/CARE— TRUST THE OUTCOME TO HIM! THIS IS THE HIGHEST EXPRESSION OF FAITH!