INTRODUCTION TO KERYGMA RETREAT KERYSSEIN MEANS KERYGMA (GK) ie, PROCLAIM SHOUT OUT PROCLAIM the Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ : We preach 3 REDEMPTIVE ACT AND 3 TITLES JESUS GETS JESUS DIED AND HAS BECOME THE SAVIOUR JESUS ROSE AND HAS BECOME THE LORD JESUS IS GLORIFIED AND HAS BECOME CHRIST PROCLAIM > LORD JESUS CHRIST, THE AUTHER OF LIFE Salvation History is the essence of Bible. Eternal Life is only in Jesus Christ & only through Him we attain everlasting life. Christ is not one among many Saviors. But Christ is the only savior (acts 4/12). So What is KERYGMA ? EN. 22. (Pope Paul the 6th. 1975) Says “It is the Proclamation of the Person of Jesus with clarity and conviction.” To witness, with Testimony to JXt. With one’s own concrete Christian life. Subject of Proclamation Christ’s Teachings His Life, Promises, and the Kingdom. And all the Divine Mysteries If these things are not preached, the actual evangelization is not taking place. OBJECT OF KERYGMA Training of Evangelizers for a new Evangelization. Training is given in Practical steps. ONE TO ONE EVANGELIZATION TO START ANOTHER SCHOOL OF EVANGELIZATION Training of Trainers of New Evangelization. 2 Tim 2/2 “and what you have heard from me through many witnesses entrust to faithful people who will be able to teach others as well. Filled with Spirit, and by living a convinced Xtian life (1Jn 1/1-4) To bring all to Jesus Christ. NEMO DAT QUOD NON HABET AIM : To teach a Christian to become a missionary and help him to grow in Mission Attitude to train others to establish the Kingdom of God. Let us grow and help others to grow in this mission Awareness. In order to Evangelize the whole world we need to train a lot of missionaries. First of all every Person should be Evangelized. Person to Person Evang. 600 cores (60 millions world population)(2 millions in Ghana) 100 cores (10 millions catholic) If one Catholic evangelizes one person in a day, within 5 days the whole world will be evangelized. Here we teach how to conduct out- reach Program – ie. Person to person Evangelization. Door to door Evangelization Based on: Bible, EN ( Evangelii Nuntiandi (Pope Paul IV 1975 RN ( Redemptoris Mission (Pope Jn. P. II 91’ EA (Ecclesia in Asia) “ “ In all these what is resounding is the Basic command – The great commission, Mt 28/18-20, and Mk 16/15-18. Eph 4/11 : Different Ministries are there in the church, Apostles, prophets, Evangelists, who proclaim the good news, pastors Teachers who strengthen the faith of the converted. Now a days the number of Christians are decreasing proportionally. In India 2.6 to 2.4 to 2.2 etc. Where as Protestants are growing numerically at the cost of Catholics leaving the Church> IN PNG;96% ARE CHRISTIANS IN 2000 AD. ROMAN CATHOLIC -27% EVANGELICAL LUTHERN CHURCH OF PNG19.5% UNITED CH-11.5% SEVENTH DAY10% PENTACOSTALS-8.6% ANGLICANS3.2% ETC. HISTORY OF THE ORGIN OF THE KERYGMA EVANG. In 1979. Jose Prado Flores (Pepe) started a School of Evangelization in Mexico centered for the Parish ministry to give training to lay people to involve them in Evangelization work. It was in Spanish and translated into English by Adrian Commandeur in Melborne – HOW TO EVANGELIZE THE BAPTISED (ESP. THE LAPSED Christians) – THE INTRIPID EVANGELIZER. Pepe and Fr.Emilian Tardiff went around in 26 diocese of Australia. Fr. Joe Grech and Victor Farrugia spread the school of Evangelization in 1997. In 1978 the same was conducted in Bombay by Spanish Team. Ten People led by M\s. CC Alice from Kerala attended this course and translated into Malayalam and named it as ‘THE KERYGMA’ The whole course is based on the theme in EN- 22. It is a good package and a good formula for Catholic Evangelization. Rom 10/13-17, “ For every one who calls on the Name of the Lord shall be saved. But how are they to call on one in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in one of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without some one to Proclaim him? And how are they to proclaim him unless they are sent.? PROBLEMS TO TACKLE Fr. Geeno Hendriques Cssr. said, “ A great Commission has become an OMISSION. Now we do not know what to say, how to say, where to start and where to end. Here we have a METHOD ,very precise and convincing. Joke : Old catholic lady chased the catholic evangelists with a broom. 1. A friend asked “have you become a protestant did you get dipped in the water. 2. Through this course a Catholic learns how to speak about God’s love Introduces Jesus Christ as the Savior of all Human kind, the Way, the Truth and the Life. 3. Person to person Evangelization Method is used 4. Act 8/1-10. Philip, Eunuch the Ethiopian John 4. The Samaritan woman Lk 19/1-10. Zachaus Jn. 3./1-10 Nicoodemus Blind man at the Bethsaida. DANGERS TO FACE IN THE MODERN WORLD 1. Decreasing no. of Catholic 2. Systematic and Energetic sheep stealing of protestants. 3. Looking for a God exp. (esp. Europeans) Thus there is a crying need for the Catholic Church for RE EVANGELIZATION OF THE BAPTISED. Evangelization from within in order to be converted Through good news for the benefit of the world. NEW EVANGELIZATION (SVD Charism) Thus to create a Kingdom of Love what was in the plan of Jesus Christ. WITH NEW EXPRESSION (fruitful) AND WITH NEW FERVOUR HERE IS A NEW METHOD (simple in style, but effective) To make alive and to have an active participation, we have Workshops Animation and creativity, Audio visuals. Explicitate the 7 truths through Indian cultural Art forms. Word of God : Rom1/16, 1Cor9/’16, Phil4/13. Preach to all types of people. Ez 33/ 7-9 COMPASSIONATE LOVE IS THE SYMBOL OF THE KINGDOM Love is a healing medicine / Deus Caritas 1. Agape Est. It is life giving. Pope Benedikt XVI Encyclicals. Unconditional. Personal and the state you are. 2. storge Rahamin 3. Philia Love of friendship (Jesus and the Apostles love) 4. Eros : First one. Mercy (womb love. Love that shares the same womb) That is Love bet, Man and woman which is neither planned nor willed, but somehow imposes itself upon human beings was called eros by the ancient Greeks. (only twice it is mentioned in the N.T). 1 Jn 3/14-17. We know that we have passed from death to life because we love one another whoever does not love abides in death. Hates Murderer. Murders have no eternal life. Christ laid down his life. So we ought to love one another. God loves you not because you are not good . But He is good. (Phil 2/6) Allow yourselves to be loved by Him. Egs. St. Vincent De’Paul and the Slave. 2 The thief caught by brothers at Night. European girl and Mother Therese. See Christ in that person (a lepper) EG.Mother Therese”s Biographer Malcom : 1000 $ Mother said even if you give m $ 10,000I will not treat a leper. I Jn 4\7-8 Experience this love and share it with others Eg. Nicky Cruz of US. And David Wilkerson Evangelists. Life giving Love: Eg.: Armenian Earth Quake Mother and a child. Blood of the thumb of the mother. “Can a woman forget her nursing child or show no compassion for child of her womb? Your name is inscribed on my palm……. .Is. 49/15-16.”Can a woman forget her nursing child or show no compassion for child of her womb? Your name is inscribed on my palm( Is. 49/15-16) Love one another that everyone will know that you are my disciples (Jn 13/35) EG.Mother Theresea and the Leper Brahmin of Culcutta) St.Maxmillian Colbe of Poland: a Franciscan priest, In Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz Bullneck Fritsch a cruel