The Woman in Black: Pathetic Fallacy Lesson

The Woman in Black –
Chapter 2
Lesson Objective:
To explore how the writer creates
atmosphere and tension through
Pathetic Fallacy
Key Word
• Pathetic Fallacy
• The use of the weather to mirror or
illustrate a characters’ feelings
What atmosphere does fog create?
How is the fog used for effect?
• The writer uses pathetic fallacy in chapter 2
• An example is ‘____________’
• The effect this creates is
___________________________ Clue
The fog loomed, yellow-grey, and thicker than ever…p.29
As I peered from out of the cab window into the gloom, what
figures I could make out, fumbling their way through the murk,
were like ghost figures p.27
It was menacing and sinister…p.25
The fog had scarcely allowed any daylight to penetrate the foul
gloom of the atmosphere. P.25
What are the clues
• On page 29 Mr Bentley tells Arthur about
the location of Eel Marsh House
• What clues does he leave for the reader
about the danger that Arthur might face?
Predict what will happen when
Arthur gets to Eel Marsh House