Christmas in Poland by Marek Gargas • Christmas is probably the biggest holiday in Poland. Polish loves it, because we meet our family, we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and we always have a great time. Christmas in our country divided into: -Wigilia (Christmas Eve) – 24 December -Boże Narodzenie (Christmas Day)– 25 December -drugi dzień świąt (Boxing day) – 26 December Adwent (Advent) Time when we wait for Christmas names ”adwent” in church . Usually it lasts three weeks and during it we go to church with lantern. Mass of that time is called „roraty”. Preparations for Christmas In Poland everyone starts preparations for Christmas in November. We tidy our houses, we go shopping and invite visitors. Wigilia Wigilia starts when on the sky we are able to see first star. At first we pray and read a part of gospel about the birth of Jesus Christ. Then we wish one another Christmas greetings during breaking wafer. On that day we eat Christmas Eve supper and according to Polish tradition we prepare twelve meals. After that we sing Christmas carols and give presents. Famous Polish carols Ach, ubogi żłobie Anioł pasterzom mówił Bóg się rodzi, moc truchleje Do szopy, hej pasterze Dzisiaj w Betlejem Gdy się Chrystus rodzi Gdy śliczna Panna Jezus malusieńki Lulajże, Jezuniu Wśród nocnej ciszy Mędrcy świata, Monarchowie Mizerna cicha Nie było miejsca dla Ciebie Pójdźmy wszyscy do stajenki Przybieżeli do Betlejem Tryumfy Króla Niebieskiego W żłobie leży Wesołą nowinę bracia Pasterka (shepherdess) At midnight in the Roman Catholic Church begins the solemn mass called ”pasterka”. Christmas day On that day we go to church and celebrate the birth of baby Jesus Christ. Carolers On Christmas Day children dress up as sheperds, Joseph, Mary, king and angel and sing carols in another houses. Boxing day On that day we meet our family and have a great time, because Christmas are fantastic.