Examples of EGTC - Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia

European Union
State of Play of EGTC in Europe:
trends, issues and perspectives
From the EGTC
to macro-regionalWelcome
strategiesto the
Regione Autonoma Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Europe in my region 2011
29 November 2011
Committee of the
Alfonso Alcolea
Committee of the Regions of the EU
Europe without borders?
Europe without borders?
Polish-German border
between Frankfurt am Oder and Słubice
Europe without borders?
Former checkpoint dismantled
between Frankfurt am Oder and Słubice
© A. Alcolea, 2008
Europe without borders?
Situation of the border
between Italy and Slovenia in Gorizia, till 2004
Europe without borders?
 GDP per head poorest
region: +/- 6.200 €
 GDP per head richest
region: +/- 68.000 €
Europe without borders?
 Disparities
European Commission
5th Cohesion Report
Europe without borders?
External borders and
Neighbourhood Policy
Europe without borders?
IPA cross-border
The European Grouping
of Territorial Cooperation
What is an EGTC?
EGTC – European Grouping
of Territorial Cooperation
Created by Regulation (EC) 1082/2006
Public entities from different Member States can get together under
an entity with European legal personality.
The EGTC has its own organisation, budget and staff.
It may implement programmes and projects of territorial
cooperation, with or without EU funding.
Entered into force on 1 August 2007, the Member States adopt
national provisions.
What for?
Missions of an EGTC
Art. 1 (2) “To facilitate and promote cross-border, transnational
and/or interregional cooperation between its members with the
aim of strengthening economic and social cohesion”.
Art 7 (3) Tasks of the EGTC:
Implement ETC programmes co-financed by ERDF, ESF
or Cohesion Fund
Implement ETC projects […]
Other specific cooperation actions with EU funding
Other cooperation actions without EU funding
Limits: Powers of the State such as police, regulation, justice or
foreign affairs.
Who can participate?
Who can be a member?
Basically, entities of Public Law (reference to the Directive
2004/18/EC on public procurement) and associations
Participation of entities from third countries:
2 EU Member States needed (minimum 2 EU + 1 non EU)
The third country adopts similar legislation or signs an agreement
with the country of seat of the EGTC
The EU Member States involved authorize it
How to set up an EGTC
The basic procedure
Location of the registered office
 The seat determines the applicable Law
Drafting of a convention and the statutes of the EGTC
Authorisation by the Member States
 The Regulation says 3 months
Publication in the national journal and in the OJEU
Notification to the CoR
Launching of the EGTC
How to set up an EGTC
Roadmap towards an EGTC
How to set up an EGTC
Sources available in www.cor.europa.eu/egtc
Go to ‘EGTC Platform’ and find them in ‘Publications’
How to set up an EGTC
Advantages of the EGTC
An EGTC may implement a whole programme
An EGTC is visible, is flexible, is permanent, is accountable and
empowers peer local and regional authorities
The EGTC facilitates the obtention of funding for projects
The EGTC is a good instrument to pool public expenditure or
public services
An EGTC may grant the future sustainability of a project, and can
be foreseen in a project proposal or in an operational programme
The EGTC can materialise bottom-up initiatives at macro level
How to set up an EGTC
How to set up an EGTC
Examples of EGTC
Examples of EGTC
23 EGTC set up,
(+1 not notified)
3 more expected
during 2011
More than 500 LRA
A reality in 14
Member States,
Impact on the life of
22 Mo Europeans
Some trends about the implementation of EGTC
National implementation varies, but also approach and perception
There is only one EGTC for programme implementation, and
structural funds are not the main object
Although ‘laboratory for multi-level governance’, most of the EGTC
group public entities of the same level
Although it is ‘territorial cooperation’, EGTC are mainly CBC
Main areas: Axis Benelux-FR-DE, around HU-SK-CZ and Med
 Precedent cooperation started in the 90s.
Need of awareness among LRA, public and EC services
Examples of EGTC
Grande Région
First EGTC to become management authority of a programme
Involves FR, DE, LU, NL, BE
Examples of EGTC
Twinning 53 cities of the Mediterranean
More than 39 non-EU cities associated
Examples of EGTC
Cooperation structure among Mediterranean islands
Joint defence of common
Examples of EGTC
Eurometropolis Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai
Conurbation between Belgium and France, 3 regions, 2
languages, 1.7 Mo inhabitants
Examples of EGTC
Rural development: 187 municipalities with an average
population of <500 inhabitants
Econometric model for investments
Introduction of goats to prevent forest fires and create
Culture, education, tourism
Examples of EGTC
West Vlaanderen / Flandre - Dunkerque - Côte d’Opale
Integration of a highly urbanised border area
Interreg IVA project 'Cross-border cooperation‘
Public transport and recreational mobility
Health cooperation
Training and employment
Cross-border GIS
Examples of EGTC
Cerdanya cross-border hospital
Service to 60,000 inhabitants in the Pyrenees
Engagement of the CoR
The role
of the Committee
of the Regions
Engagement of the CoR
Legal basis:
 Treaties (art. 306 TFEU)
 Consultative remit in cross-border cooperation
 Regulation (EC) 1082/2006, Art. 5
 The new EGTCs must notify the CoR
Political action:
 The EGTC is strategic for the CoR
 Inter-institutional cooperation
 Political proactiveness
Engagement of the CoR
Political support:
 4 opinions on EGTC in 2002, 2004, 2008 and 2011
Shared experience:
 Expert Group, EGTC Platform
Information and debate:
 Consultation in 2010
 Workshops and stands during the Open Days
 3 studies and annual report from 2011 on.
Registry of EGTC:
 Art 5 of the Regulation (EC) 1082/2006
CoR opinion on EGTC 2011
Own-initiative opinion, adoption the 27/01/2011
Rapporteur: Mr Alberto Núñez
(ES/EPP) President of Galicia.
Contituity with the opinion of Ms Bresso
(IT/PES) in 2008
New scenario: Treaty of Lisbon and new
financial perspectives
Importance of the EGTC
• For programmes and projects of ETC
• For Europe 2020
• For Multi-level governance
Defence of the EGTC as “preferential
instrument for cooperation”.
CoR opinion on EGTC
Substantial measures: Legal status; harmonisation of national
regimes; staff; participation of private entities; clarifications.
Procedural measures: Reduction of the delays, hearing the
promoters of the EGTC; common act for autorisation;
publication in section C of the OJEU.
Financial measures: Consider the EGTC automatically as
transnational partnership; suppress obsolete methodes of
management; autonomous pole of cooperation.
Participation of entities from Third countries on the basis of
Title V of the Treaty; allow 1+1 bilateral EGTCs.
The revision of the EGTC Regulation
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CoR opinion on EGTC 2012
Opinion on the legislative proposal, to be
adopted on 15 February 2012 (COTER 5 Dec)
Consultation to the EGTC Platform
Rapporteur: Mr Michel Delebarre, (FR/PES)
Mayor of Dunkerque, President of COTER and
coordinator of the EGTC Platform.
Support to the proposal, in particular
simplification, staff, larger tasks, territories of
3rd countries.
Other ideas proposed: to allow companies of
services of general economic interest,
clearer criteria to reject proposals (including
participation of 3rd countries), use of EGTC
in other sectors, procedural improvements.
The EGTC Platform
Its it integrated by all the EGTCs existing, the EGTCs in
constitution, experts and different organisations of support
(including INTERACT).
Open to other cross-border structures.
Launched the 28 January 2011 in Brussels
Online forum www.cor.europa.eu/egtc
Contact: egtc@cor.europa.eu
The EGTC Platform
Mission of the Platform
Legislative monitoring  What’s going on?
Peer exchange of experiences, advice and practices
 How do we do it?
Dissemination and visibility of the EGTC
 What can we do?
Explore the opportunities and challenges of the EGTC
 How to do it better?
Contribute to the consultative works of the CoR providing
factual input about cross-border aspects of the EU
legislation and policies
 What happens at cross-border level?
The EGTC Platform – Launching conference
27 January  Lille
28 January  Brussels
More than 200 participants
The EGTC Platform – Forum online
Europe will not be made all at once, or according to a single plan. It
will be built through concrete achievements which first create a de
facto solidarity.
Declaration of the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Robert Schuman,
9 May 1950
Thank you!
Committee of the Regions
Direction of horizontal policies
and networks
Alfonso Alcolea Martínez
Administrator EGTC & territorial cooperation
URL: www.cor.europa.eu/egtc
E-mail: egtc@cor.europa.eu
Twitter: @EGTCPlatform
FB group: EGTC