Pass the GED® How to Use the Books With Your Class* About the Series Contents Page and Introduction Five Steps to Test Success Answer Key Bonus Features *Lessons from the books can also be assigned for self-study since they are organized by: 1. skill modeling 2. guided practice 3. independent practice Students can also use the answer key to check their own work and to read explanations. These workbooks can be used in conjunction with any GED core instructional textbooks, videos, or online materials. About the Series Pass the GED® About the Series The Essential GED Test Prep Resource Use in the Month or Weeks Before Taking the Tests Level: 10+ 48-Page Books; 2-page lessons Pass the GED: Mathematics Test Pass the GED: Writing Test Pass the GED: Reading Test Pass the GED: Social Studies Test Pass the GED: Science Test Each book sold in 10-packs for $37.95- only $3.79 per book. About the Series Pass the GED® About the Series (cont’d) For Students Ready to Take (or Retake) the GED Tests These books will help students who are ready to take or retake the GED Tests and need to master question formats and time management. Test-ready students can use these books to build self-confidence and test-taking strategies. Five Steps to Test Success Step 1: Get answers to frequently asked questions about each test Step 2: Apply GED test skills Step 3: Practice with different types of GED questions Step 4: Take a full-length practice test Step 5: Make a plan for success with the GED Personal Coach™ Overview Pass the GED® Assessment and Instruction Overview Preview the book, which is organized by “5 Steps to Test Success.” • Find out important information about each test – time limits, etc. (Step 1) • Practice with different types of test questions and formats (Steps 2 & 3) • Take a full-length GED practice test (Step 4) • Use the results of the test with the GED Personal Coach™ to plan where to focus before taking the actual GED Test (Step 5) TIP Explain to students, “This book will occasionally ask you to explain why you chose an answer or to think about how you are doing and what you can improve. Make the most of these opportunities, and yow will improve your test performance …” Sample pages from Pass the GED Mathematics Test. Other books in series use similar formats. FAQ Pass the GED® Step 1: Answer Frequently Asked Questions FIND OUT INFORMATION ABOUT TESTS •1 Teacher or students read questions and answers about question types, time limits, passing scores, etc. FILL IN “YOUR TURN” •2 Students can write their questions about the specific test or the tests as a whole. The answers to questions not addressed in this book may be available at the GED Testing Service website at Apply Test Skills Pass the GED® Step 2: Apply Test Skills LEFT PAGE Instruction and Guided Practice PRESENT SKILL 1• Summarize the skill at the top of the page, and explain its importance on GED Test. 2 MODEL SKILL WITH EXAMPLE 2• Students cover the box on the top right of the page, read the question, and answer it. Students uncover the box. Class discusses the answer and thought process. TRY IT YOURSELF 3• Students answer on their own. Students fill in the Think it Through box to explain their thought process. Review the answers and explanations to understand correct and incorrect answer choices. TIP If students only want to answer the GED questions and resist filling in the shaded boxes, explain that practicing having a good reason for an answer makes for successful. test-taking. Say: Don’t take my word for it; try it a few times and see if it works for you. Apply Test Skills Pass the GED® Step 2: Apply Test Skills (cont’d) RIGHT PAGE GED Practice ANSWER GED QUESTIONS/SUPPORT Students apply the lesson skill to GED-format questions. • At the beginning, they fill in the shaded boxes to support their answer choices (This gets them to stop and think logically about their answers.) ANSWER GED QUESTIONS • Students answer GEDformat questions, without supplying support. ANSWERS Students check answers and explanations. TIP Practice elimination techniques with students. Model going through each answer choice, eliminating answer choices that are not based on answering the question or on the information that is provided, and narrowing to 2 or even 1 possible answer choices. Class discusses difficult questions and shares successful strategies. Question Formats Pass the GED® Step 3: Practice GED Question Formats LEFT PAGE Instruction and Guided Practice PRESENT SKILL • Summarize the test feature and explain importance on GED test. MODEL SKILL WITH EXAMPLE • Students cover the Answer and Explanations, read the question, and answer it. Students uncover the answers and class discusses why the right answer is correct and the other choices are wrong. TRY IT YOURSELF • Students fill in the Think it Through box. (Giving a reason to support choices and eliminate others is an important part of the thinking process.) Review answers and explanations to understand correct and incorrect answer choices. TIP Explain that these lessons have been developed by people who know the GED Tests very well. The lessons point out test features for students to practice with before test day to become better test takers. Question Formats Pass the GED® Step 3: Practice Test Formats (cont’d) RIGHT PAGE GED Practice ANSWER GED QUESTIONS/SUPPORT • Students apply the lesson skill to GED-format questions. At the beginning, they fill in the shaded boxes to support their answer choices (This gets them to stop and think logically about their answers.) ANSWER GED QUESTIONS • Students answer GED-format questions, without supplying support, to simulate testtaking. ANSWERS Students check answers and explanations. Class discusses difficult questions and shares successful strategies. TIP Discuss how students used the topic of the lesson to answer questions. Test Warm-Up Pass the GED® Step 4: Practice Taking the GED Test Warm-Up Questions WARM-UP TO TAKE THE PRACTICE TEST • Students answer sample GED questions that represent the range of thinking skills on the test. REVIEW CORRECT AND INCORRECT ANSWER CHOICES ON FACING PAGE • Class discusses why the right answers are right and the wrong answers are wrong. REFLECT ON PERFORMANCE • Students review their performance and identify one lesson they have learned from the discussion. Test Warm-Up Pass the GED® Step 4: Practice Taking the GED Test (cont’d) Test-Taking Strategies GO OVER CUSTOMIZED TEST-TAKING STRATEGIES • Class goes over specific strategies for each test; for example – using purpose questions on the Reading Test or carefully filling in grids on the Mathematics Test Practice Test Pass the GED® Step 4: Practice Taking the GED Test (cont’d) Full-Length Practice Test PHOTOCOPY THE ANSWER SHEET • You have permission to photocopy the answer sheet so students can practice filling in the grids. Discuss strategies for keeping track of skipped questions (light mark next to them, etc.) READ THE DIRECTIONS • Read directions as written. Encourage students to check their work if they finish before time is up (for example, have them make sure they have answered every question) ADMINISTER AS A TIMED TEST Time the test. If you have a clock in the room, tell students what time the test will be over. Tell students when there is 10 minutes left, 5 minutes, and 1 minute. When the time is up, say “pencils down.” GED Personal Coach Pass the GED® Step 5: Make a Plan for Test Success LEFT PAGE GED Personal Coach™ FILL IN THE GRID (#1-3) • Students follow directions to determine their total correct answers and next steps. USE THE SCORE TO DETERMINE NEXT STEPS (#4) • The first bullet gives a level for readiness to take the GED in that subject. The second bullet indicates a need for remediation with GED Scoreboost before test day. The last bullet indicates the need for more substantial remediation. GED Personal Coach Pass the GED® Step 5: Make a Plan for Test Success (cont’d) RIGHT PAGE Personal Study Planner ANSWER THE Q AND A • Students reflect on their test-taking performance PERSONAL STUDY PLANNERS • Work with students to fill in assignments from the GED Scoreboost books based on the correlations. Answers Pass the GED® Check Answers and Learn From Them Answers and Explanations CHECK ANSWERS AND READ EXPLANATIONS • Encourage students to check answers and to read the explanations to understand why the answer is correct. Start Over