Group 6 Elena, Andrea, Barbora, Martina Kushtrim, Rolf &Balazs Management Training Products and Services 36 different management workbooks 5 different topics (marketing, human resources, production & operations, finance, accounting & productivity skills) Target Group: SMEs Tested in Vietnam; now rolled out in the Middle East, sold over 36,000 training seats Question: is there a future for Business Edge programs? Theory of Change SMEs increased efficiency and proffitability Increased staff skills # of certified trainers Trainnings Certified process # of trained SMEs New innovative training programme Workshops Umbrella promotion Business Edge Assumptions Trainers perform well Customization is fully achieved Training materials are suitable Unique training programs Quality standards are upheld SME´s take up the training Training can be used in practice Program reaches sufficient number of SME´s Context Macro economic environment Program visibility Other competitors (training programs) Administrative procedures/constraints Questions and sub-questions 1. What services did the program provide to whom? 1.1. In what business and management skills were participants trained and were there changes over time? 1.2. What support services were offered by the program? 3. To what extent gender aspects have been considered by including women in the programme? 2. Was the program effective? 2.1. To what extent there was an annual increase in profits of SMEs? 2.2. To what extent the number of employees did increase. 4. To what extent were SME dropouts a concern? 4.1. What were the numbers of SME dropouts? 4.2. What were the common reasons for dropping out? 5. To what extent did the trainings contribute to the increase in business activity of the SME´s participating in the program compared to the SME´s not participating in the program? 5.1. To what extent did the trainings contribute to the increase in profits of the SME´s participating in the programme compared to the SME´s not participating in the programme? 5.2. To what extent did the trainings contribute to the increase in efficiency of the SME´s participating in the programme compared to the SME´s not participating in the programme? Desing Matrix Sub-question 1.1 1.2 Type of question Measures or indicators In what business and management skills were participants Descriptive trained and were there changes over time? Business and manage ment skill areas program offered to SMEs for certificati on What support services were Descriptive offered by the program? Support services (umbrella promotion , standards, etc.) offered by the program Target or standard Baseline data Design Data sources Project N/A N/A N/A One shot N/A One shot records Interview with project manager Interviewes with program me director and manager of the SME´s Sample Data collection instrument Data analysis randomly selecte d sample of 385 particip ating SME´s structured and semistructured surveys and interviews Content analysis interviews and random surveys structured and semistructured surveys Content analysis Sub-question Type of question Measures or indicators 2.1 To what extent there was an annual increase in profits of SMEs 2.2 To what extent the number of Annual Normative employees report did increase. Normative Financial reports Data collection instrument Data analysis Increase by at least 10 N/A percent per year Randomly selected sample One Financial of 385 shot reports participa ting SME´s structured and semistructur ed surveys and intervie ws Financial analysis Increase by 5 % N/A in the first year Randomly Structured selected and sample One semiHR reports of 385 shot structur participa ed ting surveys SME´s Trend analysis Target or standard Baseline data Design Data sources Sample Sub-question Type of question Measures or indicators 3.1 To what extent gender aspects have been considered by including women in the program Normative Number and proportion males/femal es participating 4.1 What were the numbers of Descriptive SME dropouts Drop-outs rate per a year 4.2 What were the common Reason for dropreasons for Descriptive outs dropping out Target or standard Baseline data Design Data collection instrument Data sources Sample Data analysis Randomly selecte d sample of 385 particip ating SME´s Structured and semistructured surveys Content analysis N/A N/A One shot HR reports, project records N/A N/A One shot Project records N/A Structured surveys Trend analysis Survey Random sample of SME´s having droppe d out Structured and semistructured surveys and interviews Content analysis N/A N/A One shot Sub-question 5.1 To what extent did the trainings contribute to the increase in profits of the SME´s participating in the program compared to the SME´s not participating in the program 5.2 To what extent did the trainings contribute to the increase in efficiency of the SME´s participating in the program compared to the SME´s not participating in the program Type of question Cause and effect Cause and effect Measures or indicators Financial reports (profit) of the treatment and compariso n group Output per employee Target or standard N/A N/A Baseline data N/A N/A Design One shot One shot Sample Data collection instrument Survey based on experim ental design Random sample of participati ng SME´s and from control group of non participati ng SME´s Structured surveys Financial analysis Survey based on experim ental design random sample of participati ng SME´s and from control group of non participati ng SME´s Structured surveys Financial analysis Data sources Data analysis Thank You Very Much for Your Attention Group 6, EPDET 2011