TEACHING LISTENING AND SPEAKING Team Members: Mia Lin, Wenlien Hu, Victoria Jian, Eva Sheu May , 2013 www.musicforstarters.com 感謝督導教授: 陳純音 教授 WARM- UP ACTIVITY REASONS WHY LEARNERS MAY FIND LISTENING DIFFICULT 1. Learners do not have idea of the listening context. 2. Learners assume failure. 3. Learners try to listen and understand word by word. 4. Learners are not conscious of features of connected speech, word stress, or speed of speech. 5. Learners are not aware of the listening strategies. INTRODUCTION Theory Guidelines What Evaluation Why How Practices Procedures WHY 1– LITERATURE REVIEW Setting conversational routines Bottom- up processing Top- down processing Combining bottom-up and top-down Listening for comprehension WHY 2– THE GOALS Grade 1 – 9 Curriculum Guidelines Grade 1 and Grade 2 Listening 能 力 指 標 ◎A1-1-1能聽辨26個字母。 Speaking 能力指標 ◎A2-1-1 能說出26個字母。 ◎A1-1-2能聽辨英語的語音。 A1-1-3 能聽辨低年段所習得的詞彙。 ◎A2-1-3 能說出低年段所習得的詞彙 A1-1-7能聽懂常用的教室用語。 A2-1-5 能使用常用的教室用語。 Grade 3 and Grade 4 Listening 能 力 指 標 Speaking 能力指標 ◎B2-1-2 能唸出英語的語音。 ◎B1-1-3能聽懂中年段所習得的詞彙。 B1-1-4 能聽辨句子的語調。 ◎B2-1-3 能說出中年段所習得的詞彙。 B2-1-4 能以正確的語調說出英語的句子。 B1-1-6 能聽辨句子的節奏。 ◎B1-1-7能聽懂中年段的教室用語與日常 生活用語。 ◎B2-1-5 能使用中年段的教室用語與日常 生活用語。 ◎B1-1-8能聽懂中年段所習得的句子。 ◎B2-1-9 能以中年段簡易句型作簡單的 提 問、 回答。 ◎B1-1-9 能聽懂簡易的日常生活對話。 B1-1-10 能聽懂簡易歌謠和韻文的主要內容 B2-1-10 能朗讀和吟唱歌謠 、韻文 Grade 5 and Grade 6 Listening 能 力 指 標 ◎C1-1-3能聽懂高年段所習得的詞彙。 C1-1-5 能聽辨基本的字詞及片語的重音。 Speaking 能力指標 ◎C2-1-3 能說出高年段所習得的詞彙。 C2-1-4 能有節奏地說出簡易句型的句子。 ◎C2-1-6 能以簡易英語介紹自己。 ◎C2-1-7 能以簡易英語介紹家人和朋友。 ◎C1-1-7能聽懂教室用語與日常生活用語。 ◎C2-1-8 能使用高年段的教室用語與日常生 活用語。 ◎C1-1-8能聽懂高年段所習得的句子。 ◎C2-1-9 能以高年段簡易句型作適當的 提問、 回答。 C2-1-11能以所習得的英語看圖說話 C1-1-11能聽懂簡易的兒童短劇 ◎C2-1-12能進行簡易的角色扮演。 WHAT 1– THE MATERIALS (RESOURCES) Textbooks Chants and Rhymes Videos Supplementary RT Script Picture Books While - Listening Pre - Listening ACTIVATING PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE STEPS FOR DEVELOPING LISTENING LESSONS PROCESSING INFORMATION Post - Listening USE OF INFORMATION HOW – TEACHING PROCEDURE -Contextualization -Guiding questions -Pre-teach v________ -Prediction -Discussion -Comparing -Filling in gaps -Informatin transfer -Answering to show -Jigsaw listening -Obeying I______ -Ticking of items -Sequencing -Matching -C__________ check -Speaking as follow up 低年級聽說教學 SPECIFIC INFORMATION Identify sounds, intonation patterns and combinations at the word and sentence level. For example, 1. Listen and _______________________________. 2. Listen and _______________________________. 3. Listen and _______________________________. 4. Listen and _______________________________. CONTENT IN TEXTBOOKS (LOW GRADERS) Sit Down! ( I Love ABC 1) TPR & Chant Teaching Procedure: 1. Modeling 2. Repeat and Practice 3. Review Daily practicing Suggestions: 1. Model each action as you give the command until most students participate without hesitation. 2. Repeat and review commands after you add new ones. SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMPLE1(LOWER GRADERS) Phonemic awareness Research Material Bottom- up processing Modern Curriculum Press Phonics: Level K Curriculum Language Guideline Focus Activity Comprehension Comprehension Check Check Meet the sound /b/ Circle the picture correctly Meet the sound /b/ Teaching Procedure: 1. Phonemic awareness Letter Factory Saseme Havingfunteaching 2. Do you hear /b/ sound? pic 1 3. Color / Write the picture begins with /b/ Suggestions: Using chants , songs , tongue twister Chant •Don’t teach two familiar sounds in one week. • LETTER B CHANT Let’s bounce the ball high. Let’s bounce the ball low. Let’s bounce the ball fast. Let’s bounce the ball slow. Adopted from Modern Curriculum Press Phonics Level K 中年級聽說教學 Comprehension Task For beginners, we usually need their nonverbal responses or a short written response to make sure they have understood the message. For example, 1.Listen and _________________________________________. 2.Listen and __________________________________________. 3.Listen and __________________________________________. 4. Listen and __________________________________________. CONTENT IN TEXTBOOKS (MID GRADERS) My Family (Dino on the Go 2) True or False Teaching Procedure: 1.Teacher prepares a family picture and introduces his or her own family members. 2. Then teacher repeats some information and makes some deliberate mistakes. 3. If the information is right, students show a smile face on paper, if not, then show a sad face and correct the sentence. Suggestions: This activity can be shorter or longer and more or less challenging. SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMPLE1(MID GRADERS) Words / Phrases Research Material Top down processing Primary Communication Box Curriculum Language Guideline Focus Activity Comprehension Comprehension Check Check Give me a clue Guess the right word GIVE ME A CLUE Teaching Procedure: 1. Give your students clues to describe the vocabulary word you have in mind and ask them to guess the word. (e.g. It’s a fruit. It’s long and yellow. What is it?) 2. Then ask a volunteer to give clues and have everybody guess. Suggestions: banana fruit long yellow clues Encourage students to use questions to identify the word before they make their guess, e.g. Can you eat it? / Is it in the classroom? green fruit _____ red round green small ___ jump long back legs CONTENT IN TEXTBOOKS (MID GRADERS) Color / Body Parts (Hess) Listen and find the correct picture Teaching Procedure: 1. Show students monster pictures with different colors on PPT. 2. Have Ss guess the monster you have in mind by asking questions. (e.g. “What color is the nose?”, “What color are the legs?”) Suggestions: After Ss find the correct picture, have them describe the monster. SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMPLE2 (MID GRADERS) Sentences Research Material Setting conversational routines Let’s Chant Let’s Sing Curriculum Guideline Activity Comprehension Check Find sentence stress Read the chant with rhythm and stress FIND SENTENCE STRESS Teaching Procedure: 1. Introduce the chant “Pencils and a Pen” on PPT. Have students listen to the CD and mark the stressed syllables with a dash or a dot. 2. Students compare their markings with their partners. 3. Have students practice the chant, and emphasize the stressed syllables. 4. Give students more examples from textbooks to practice. Suggestions: Show students examples of how stress changes the meaning of a sentence. 高年級聽說教學 Interaction and Expression Students have abilities to ask and answer questions and handle exchanges with others. For example, 1.Listen and __________________________. 2.Listen and __________________________. 3.Listen and __________________________. 4.Listen and __________________________. CONTENT IN TEXTBOOKS (HIGH GRADERS) Where are you from ?(Hello Darbie7) • • Find a partner Teaching Procedure: • 1.Give one card to each kid. 2.Ask: What’s your name?/ How old are you?/ Where are you from? 3.Find a partner who has the same identilty. • Suggestions: • This activity can be shorter or longer and more or less challenging SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMPLE1(HIGHER GRADERS) Sentences Research Material Listening for comprehension Picture books Curriculum Guideline Activity Comprehension Check Whispering a sentence Pass on the message correctly WHISPERING A SENTENCE • Teaching Procedure: 1 Teacher passes on a message by whispering it in someone’s ear. 2. The first kid who hears the message will whisper it to the next until the last kid hears it. 3. The last one is to say it loud to the whole class. • Suggestions: •It doesn’t matter if they cannot totally understand the message. •They must just imitate and whisper it to the next. SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMPLE2 (HIGH GRADERS) Sentences Research Material Combining bottom-up and top-down Picture books Curriculum Guideline Activity Comprehension Check Listen, Draw and Talk Ss can draw correctly LISTEN, DRAW AND TALK: Teaching Procedure: Giving directions draw1 draw2 Q &A Show time Suggestions: Carefully organize all the words Ss can use. LISTENING TEST IN EFL CLASSROOM Dictation Three Choice /True-false Text with Questions Responding to Satements SPEAKING TEST IN EFL CLASSROOM Interviews and Scales Group Oral Exam Describe and Draw Imitation Role Play DEVELOPING FLUENCY IN LISTENING &SPEAKING The wellordered system approach • The richness approach • The wellbeaten path approach • ~Jonathan Newton , Teaching ESL/EFL Listening and Speaking, 2009 USEFUL WEBSITES 新北市立圖書館—電子資源—語言學習 國立公共資訊圖書館—電子資料庫指南 123listening.com http://123listening.com/ SoundScape http://www.medel.com/resources-for-successsoundscape/ Dream English .com http://www.dreamenglish.com/ BOOKS FOR FURTHER READING 500 Activities for the Primary Classroom Carol Read The Primary English Teacher’s Guide Brewster Ellis/ Girard Teaching ESL/EFL Listening and Speaking Nation‧ Newton Learning Teaching Jim Scrivener Modern Curriculum Press Phonics Level K Elwell Murray Kucia CONCLUSION • “Man is a creature who lives not upon bread alone, but primarily by catchwords. ” ~ Robert Louis Stevenson