`The Bible as Good News`.

The Bible as Good News
Foundation Stage
PowerPoint Introduction
This PowerPoint sample lesson is intended as a resource for schools to be used
‘how and when’ they choose. This Foundation Stage lesson is planned to be set in
the context of developing the theme of ‘The Bible as Good News’. It can be used
selectively as part of ongoing work in Religious Education based on the theme of
‘The Bible’ or as part of another area in the curriculum eg Special
Stories/Books. .....’Understanding the World’ ELG
There are notes on each slide for teachers’ reference. Schools may prefer to edit
the slides and use photographs of their own. The following slide gives the context
of the lesson in the bigger picture. Schools may like to explore other questions in
different year groups within the theme ‘The Bible as Good News.’
A PowerPoint Key Stage 2 Year 6 sample lesson also based on the theme of
‘The Bible as Good News’ can be found on the Chester Diocesan website.
Teachers may find it helpful to stimulate further teaching ideas to refer to the
Chester Diocesan document: 'How do I teach Christianity In my church school?’
(pages 15-17). This can also be found on the Chester Diocesan website.
Context Overview
Area of Content from Chester Diocesan Guidelines to be studied: ‘The Bible’
Theme: The Bible as Good News
Underpinning Christian Concept: Good News
Definition: Good news (gospel) The message of Jesus concerning the salvation/rescue of those who choose to follow him.
Note: the gospels are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and can be found in the New Testament.
Key Questions
FS/Key Stage 1: Theme: The Bible as Good News
Year 1:
Level 1:
Year 2:
Level 2:
What is good news? What good news stories do we find in the Bible?
What good news stories did Jesus tell in the Bible?
Why are these stories Jesus told important to Christians?
How does the Bible show Jesus living his life as good news to people?
What do some stories in the New Testament teach about Jesus being good news?
Key Stage 2: Theme: The Bible as Good News
Year 3:
Year 4:
Year 5:
Year 6:
Level 3:
How do the stories of Jesus in the Bible encourage his disciples to live as good news to people?
How do Christians try to live as good news to people?
Level 3/4: How do the gospels encourage Christians to live as good news in the world today?
How does believing they have good news to share with people make a difference to a Christian’s
Level 4/5: How do Christians believe that God speaks good news to people through the life of Jesus?
Level 5
Why is Jesus being the ‘light of the world’ good news for Christians?
How do the signs in John’s gospel in the Bible help us explain Jesus as good news?
Teachers Notes
FS Lesson : Reception
Theme: The Bible as Good News
Concept underpinning work: Good News
Key Questions: What is good news? What good news stories do we find in the bible?
Lesson Objective: To understand a good news story Jesus told.
Lesson Outcomes:
Teachers Notes
NB Teachers notes explaining how to use each
(all pupils)
slide within the context of the lesson can be
I can talk about a story from the
found on the bottom of each slide in the notes
section. These should be read before using the
(Most pupils)
I can describe how Christians might
think of a gospel story as being ‘Good
(Some pupils)
I can explain why some gospel stories
might be important to Christians.
PowerPoint. Preview all Internet links before
Resources Needed
NB Teachers may find it helpful to refer to the
Diocesan Document to refer to: 'How do I teach
Christianity in my church school?’Pages 15-19. It
should be noted though that the medium term
plan there is intended for Year 1/2 and focuses
on a different concept, (sacred).
Next Steps: Why are some Bible stories very
important to Christians?
Tell your partner about a
time when you have
helped someone? Tell
them about a time you
have been helped.
Have you helped someone at school?
One Bible Story
• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53Pqw20x
K10 (no words)
• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeyYYmFI
Nm4 (animated version with story) max7
If everyone in this room helped
each other all the time – what
would it be like?
Why is the Good
Samaritan a good
news story?
Notes for using images
Internet Images
• The illustrations are made available for free download under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license. You can create a link from your website to
http://www.freebibleimages.org to make these files available to others.
• The original illustrations are the copyright of Sweet Publishing and the downloadable
compilations of them the copyright of FreeBibleimages.