NORMAL EATING, POSITIVE BODY IMAGE AND SELF ESTEEM 1 OUTLINE 2 What is healthy eating? What is disordered eating? Positive body image Healthy self esteem Media Where to go for more information HEALTHY EATING Your body decides What How much, and How often of eating 3 NORMAL EATING Normal eating is the: When Where Why of eating Flexible and enjoyable Making your own choices Include your favourite foods 4 NORMAL EATING IS… Going to the table hungry and eating until you are satisfied Eating foods you like and … Not stopping because you think you should Choosing nutritious and enjoyable foods 5 NORMAL EATING IS… Sometimes it’s okay to eat ‘just because’ Eating three meals a day – four or five – or it can be choosing to munch along the way Leaving some cookies on the plate for tomorrow or eating more now because they taste so wonderful! 6 NORMAL EATING IS… Feeling overfull sometimes Under-eating Trusting sometimes your body Takes time and is enjoyable Flexible – depends on : your hunger your schedule your feelings 7 SUPPORTING NORMAL EATING We are born to eat instinctively If you change your eating habits, be gentle: Drop the guilt Eat slowly Eat with others Enjoy meal time! 8 Do You Have a Healthy Relationship with Food? 9 DISORDERED EATING Unhealthy attitudes about your body: Weight concerns Poor body image Unhealthy thoughts and behaviours: skipping meals chronic or crash dieting excessive eating (binge eating or compulsive eating) 10 DISORDERED EATING - STATISTICS Females: One in four teen girls have disordered eating 53% of teen females with a healthy BMI try to lose weight Males: 25% of teen males are dieting 20% want to loose weight 11 EATING DISORDERS Most eating disorders start with a diet 12 BULIMIA NERVOSA Binge eating = eating a large amount of food in a short amount of time Then, getting rid of the calories by: Purging (vomiting) and/or Laxatives, diuretics Excessive exercise 13 ANOREXIA NERVOSA Obsessive Refusal Often 5-8% fear of gaining weight to eat enough to maintain weight with a distorted self image mortality rate 14 OTHER EATING DISORDERS Examples: A woman restricts her eating and is very underweight but still gets her menstrual period She has an eating disorder, but it isn’t anorexia Binge-eating disorder Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre 15 WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT DISORDERED EATING? 16 Practice normal eating… BOOKS, WEBSITES, RESOURCES & LINKS My Food Guide BC Dairy Foundation Michelle May, Founder of Am I Hungry? 17 MORE RESOURCES HealthLinkBC Factsheet: Supporting Someone with a Eating Disorder Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre Looking Glass - Provincial Online Support Anorexics and Bulimics Anonymous 12 Step Program 18 Overeaters Anonymous 12 Step Program EATING DISORDERS PROGRAM EATING DISORDER PROGRAM oTalk with Dietitians and Counselors oAnyone oGroup oPhone: 19 can call education and support 250-387-0000 FOSTERING HEALTHY BODY IMAGE 20 What does body image mean to you? BODY IMAGE Healthy body image: Feeling "at home" in your body Knowing how to take care of yourself Feeling energetic Able to do the things you want Not trying to have the "perfect" body Feeling good about yourself Peel Region Public Health …the mental picture you have of your body and the feelings you have about that picture 21 BODY DYSMORPHIC DISORDER People who are obsessed with what they believe are defects in the way they look They spend hours every day fixing, checking, hiding appearance ‘flaws’ Interferes with happiness Needs professional help 22 FOSTERING HEALTHY BODY IMAGE Be aware of what you are saying to yourself and to others Hurtful Focus comments can last a lifetime on health - not weight, not size 23 FOSTERING HEALTHY BODY IMAGE Respect yourself Everyone grows and develops at a different rate Healthy bodies come in all shapes and sizes Puberty is a time of rapid growth and development Your body is just one part of you Recognize your strengths and celebrate your talents 24 WHAT DO YOU SAY? A friend asks you how to lose weight and get a flat tummy again. What do you do? 25 ENJOYING THE OCCASIONAL TREAT You brought cookies for the class and one student says to the another, “you shouldn’t eat that… it will make you fat.” What do you do? What do you say? 26 FOSTERING HEALTHY SELF ESTEEM 27 What does self esteem mean to you? WHAT IS SELF ESTEEM? A person’s overall evaluation of his/her own worth Includes beliefs “I am competent”, “I am worthy” Includes emotions, including: Triumph Despair Pride Shame 28 WHAT INFLUENCES SELF ESTEEM? For many people, body image can be closely linked to self-esteem. As kids develop into teens, they care more about how others see them Early experiences Outside influences Puberty 29 ACTIVITY What is needed for a person to build a healthy self esteem and positive body image. Consider: Individual and peer factors Family and cultural factors Community and societal factors What role do we play as: Friends Parents Teachers Community members 30 RESILIENCY People who believe in themselves : are better able to recognize mistakes, learn from them and bounce back from disappointment Skills can be fostered through: Caring relationships 31 MEDIA LITERACY 32 What does media literacy mean to you? MEDIA LITERACY IS… Being able to analyze, evaluate, and create messages in different forms of media modes Ask: What do you watch? What do you hear? What do you read? 33 WE ARE BOMBARDED… WITH MESSAGES 34 35 MEDIA LITERACY - EDUCATION Education addresses the negatives of mass media and popular : Media violence Gender and racial stereotypes Sexualization of youth Loss of privacy Cyber bullying Internet predators 36 MEDIA LITERACY - EDUCATION Goal: To help you make good choices in your use of media 37 MEDIA LITERACY: TOOLS AND RESOURCES Fat Talk (3 min. 19 sec.) Dove Dove Evolution (1 min. 15 sec.) Beauty Pressure (1 min. 15 sec.) ture=related 38 FINAL THOUGHTS… I have more time and energy when I’m not consumed by food, eating, and weight. Where will I invest my energy today? Michelle May, Am I Hungry? The purpose of eating is to fuel living. 39