Standard 29 CFR Part 1910.95

Hearing Conservation
Standard 29 CFR Part 1910.95
Today you’ll be learning about:
Hearing and Noise exposure
Audiometric testing (hearing tests)
Hearing protection (ear plugs, muffs, etc.)
Hearing conservation training
Hearing Conservation: What is it?
Hearing Conservation is a
company program that:
Establishes the noise
levels present in
various areas of our
Outlines the steps
required to protect
employee hearing in
those areas.
How we hear
Noise is a series of vibrations that travel through the air as
waves. The sound waves strike our ear drum and cause it to
vibrate, which in turn causes the liquid within our inner ear to
Inside of our inner ear are hair-like projections called cilia.
Nerves are attached to the cilia, and as they move with the
liquid, nerve impulses are transmitted to the brain.
Prolonged exposure to excessive noise causes the cilia to fail
and become unable to transmit sound impulses.
Once the cilia fail from overexposure to noise, we have lost our
hearing. This is called: NOISE-INDUCED HEARING LOSS
Usually, surgery, hearing aids, etc. are of limited use to correct
noise-induced hearing loss.
• Noise is unwanted sound
• Noise at or above 85 decibels (dB) for a long duration can
cause permanent loss to our hearing
• Loss can also come from an impact noise of 140dB or greater
• Some noise comparisons are:
Normal conversation/office: 60 decibels
Busy traffic: 75 decibels
Woodshop noise: 100 decibels
Chainsaw: 110 decibels
• We monitor noise in our facility: Areas with exposure at or
above 85dBA are addressed in the Hearing Conservation
Audiograms are hearing tests. Sounds are presented to you at the following
frequencies, measured in Hertz (cycles per second):
The larger the number, the higher the pitch of the sound
• Sounds are presented through ear
phones while you sit in a very quiet
room or booth
• You will be asked to respond by
pushing a button or by raising your
Audiogram results
The results of your audiogram are recorded and compared to
your “baseline” audiogram
The baseline audiogram is the record of either your first
audiogram or of an audiogram where a significant change in
your hearing was noted
If your audiogram shows that your hearing has worsened by an
average of 10 dB or more in the 2000, 3000 or 4000 Hertz
frequencies, you will be told that you have a standard threshold
shift, or STS, and special procedures will be followed to ensure
that your hearing loss is stabilized.
Standard Threshold Shift (STS)
If you have an STS, you may have suffered a noiseinduced hearing loss
Noise-induced hearing loss is usually a slow
developing process that is “insidious,” which means
that you do not recognize the loss because it is so
gradual: it “sneaks up on you.”
The insidious nature of noise-induced hearing loss is
often the reason that employees fail to follow the
rules to prevent it: They don’t realize that the noise
exposure is hurting them
Signs of hearing loss
Early signs of hearing loss:
-Conversations seem muffled
-You increase TV and radio volume
-You keep asking others to “speak up”
Long-term effects of hearing loss:
-You can’t engage in conversations with others
-You are unable to enjoy TV, movies and other entertainment
-You can become socially isolated
Think of someone that you know who has
significant hearing loss
Preventing hearing loss
The only way to prevent noise-induced hearing loss
is to wear hearing protection in areas with noise
exposure at or greater than 85dB
Areas in our facility where hearing protection is required include
areas we will discuss now
You must also wear hearing protection when you are at home and
engaging in activities with high noise exposure such as:
-Working with power tools
-Working with small engine powered tools
Noise exposure at home will have the same effect as noise
exposure at work: both can cause hearing loss
Hearing protectors
Hearing protectors are available at work and must be worn
when and where required
All hearing protectors are evaluated and approved for use in our
facility: they work!
General rules for hearing protectors:
-Read and follow the package instructions
-Be sure your hands are clean when handling ear plugs
-Keep re-usable hearing protection clean and store the
equipment properly when not in use
Let’s look at hearing protection that you will be using
Training and information
You will receive annual Hearing Conservation training that
includes rules for our facility, available hearing protection
and how to use it, and other important information
You will receive an annual audiogram - if any significant
change is noted you will be notified in writing
You have access to a copy of the OSHA standard
“Occupational Noise Exposure.” You can ask the program
administrator to see a copy. There is also a copy posted in
our facility
Hearing loss can occur from excessive exposure to loud
noise at work and at home
Once noise-induced hearing loss has occurred,
medication, surgery and hearing aids are of limited use for
Noise-induced hearing loss can make it almost impossible
to communicate with others
Hearing loss can only be prevented by wearing hearing
protection at work and at home
For more information
For more information regarding Hearing Conservation, or
other safety issues, please contact:
Gregory & Appel Insurance
Mike Salazar, Vice President
Direct: 317-686-6407